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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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FGC Waterboy
Of course.

Also, if she confessed to murdering Vince Foster in one of the speeches.

People really need to grow up on this topic. These speeches are given to rooms full of people, probably hundreds in attendance. if something as blatant as accepting a bribe occurred during them, it would have leaked. The room was also likely half or more Republicans who'd love to see HRC crash and burn.

Further, she wasn't in office at the time of the speeches. What's she going to say? "If I become President, I will xyz?" It's not a campaign speech. She's not fundraising. She's not swaying the opinions of thousands of people in a crowd. There would be zero incentive for her to even make such a promise.

On the broader topic of paid speeches-- what did GWB get for the speaking fees he charged when he was already out of office? State secrets? Was he being paid after-the-fact for all the corrupt actions he took years previously? What did Malcom Gladwell receive for his speech to Goldman Sachs that warranted his fee? Favorable anecdote in an upcoming book?

Or, just maybe, firms like Goldman Sachs pay huge sums for prestigious speakers *for the sake of having prestigious speakers*. If you look at the fees of former high members of state they all seem to be that high, but most of them are never going to be in office again. What's the value then? Prestige.

Heck, half of the room voting against her would be really low, probably like 75%.

The speeches themselves are the same kind of speech lots of ex-presidents / heads of state / famous people give - talk about their life, rah-rah, look what hard work and amazing things your company has done, etc etc. The only reason it would be "bad" in modern times is that context-less gotcha politics is currently how everyone is rolling, and there are definitely quotes that can be pulled out of context and put on twitter and turned into a hashtag and all that other inane fucking bullshit. It might have devastated Clinton (IMO) during the primary, and it would have been complete fucking bullshit if it did. What you say as a paid rah-rah speaker is not freaking indicative of what you're going to be like as leader of the freaking free world.

/rant on

I really hate how modern politics has turned into a battle of context-less twitter bullshit, on top of a heap of identity politics. God help us all if we actually fucking listen and understand what the people we're electing to be the leaders of the damn free world are actually going to do instead of trying to figure out what we can manipulate into an intellectually dishonest hashtag to get ourselves attention

/rant off
There's pretty much zero chance the pope would ever endorse someone who is pro choice.

Francis has made a lot of progress with the Church and pushed things forward in so many ways, but that is still an topic he can't even push on.

That's why I find this so interesting. The Pope is progressive.... for a Pope... he's still anti-lgbt and pro life
Guys I want Hillary to win really badly

RNC fundraising email:

Guys I want Hillary to win really badly

RNC fundraising email:


Well that's rather... aggressive.

Bernie's inability to modify his delivery for his audience will be the end of him. Some of the stuff he mentioned is just not going to resonate with New Yorkers. That Gun Control bit was a disaster. Unfortunately for the Bern, Gun Control is an issue New Yorkers take quite seriously.


MSNBC just found a guy who is a registered Democrat. Going to vote Bernie in the primary, so that he can vote for Trump in the General...because Trump is the lesser of two evils?

I.....I don't.....

He'll vote Hillary in November, I guarantee it.
I can assure you they won't. If a Bernie primary voter says that Trump is less damaging than Clinton, then if Bernie loses and it is Trump v Clinton, they will vote for Trump.


This is what mass insanity looks like.

To be honest though, just in regards to performance, Trump makes the most convincing argument to conservative voters.

He's different. He has brought in a lot of independents and different kinds of voters into the primary. Record votes and ratings on TV for the debates. He dominated in a crowded field.

The establishment GOP that hates him so much has done nothing but fail them (in their eyes). Kasich is just another McCain/Romney. A normal moderate who will just lose like they did. Trump is their version of a hail mary.

Obviously he will get routed but I understand why they think if anyone would have a chance he would considering how much he has won, his celebrity brand and the only one who has even attempted to make a different "brand" of republican, or take the party in a different direction that might work (it won't)
Gregg may not be the most exciting candidate, but he came within 3% of Pence in 2012. I think he can make a race of it given all the people Pence has alienated.
All you need to do is look at Edwards in Louisiana and his expanding Medicaid and ban on discriminatory laws against LGBT people in the state to know that you don't need to elect a liberal fire breather to make a positive difference in state policy and governance. Most Democratic candidates for those offices are fine.
All you need to do is look at Edwards in Louisiana and his expanding Medicaid and ban on discriminatory laws against LGBT people in the state to know that you don't need to elect a liberal fire breather to make a positive difference in state policy and governance. Most Democratic candidates for those offices are fine.
I think we're going to get a poll on this. The Indy NBC affiliates has commissioned a statewide poll but it's unknown what it covers.
Anecdotal evidence, but I work for a voting rights nonprofit and there has been a large uptick in the number of people calling in over the past week from New York looking to figure out how to change their party registration or register to vote in the primary. I've had to let them all down easy.


All these Hillary stans in this thread and I have to learn Clinton knows about Dem Bones on the twitter streets?

hahah just beaten

But can Clinton play Spades?
To be honest though, just in regards to performance, Trump makes the most convincing argument to conservative voters.

He's different. He has brought in a lot of independents and different kinds of voters into the primary. Record votes and ratings on TV for the debates. He dominated in a crowded field.

I don't seem to recall the GOP ever having a hard time appealing to angry xenophobic white men. Who else has Donald brought to the table? His numbers are worse in every other demographic than a Romney or McCain type.
Anecdotal evidence, but I work for a voting rights nonprofit and there has been a large uptick in the number of people calling in over the past week from New York looking to figure out how to change their party registration or register to vote in the primary. I've had to let them all down easy.

Yeah and then the primary will happen, and then this will be forgotten about for at least another 4 years.
Anecdotal evidence, but I work for a voting rights nonprofit and there has been a large uptick in the number of people calling in over the past week from New York looking to figure out how to change their party registration or register to vote in the primary. I've had to let them all down easy.

Yeah I said this in the other thread but I really don't like how NY has handled this.

Independents should have much more time to register as a democrat. I understand having more restrictions on people who were registered republicans; that would stop more bad intention or ulterior motive voting.. but if you want the party to expand let more people under the umbrella. Don't punish them for not being engaged before.

Okay.. I've played all-night marathon sessions of dominoes (usually with older women, now that I think about it); playing with Hillary and shootin' the shit could be neat. Especially if there's alcohol.

I FREAKING LOVE THIS WOMAN. How can you not love her? She's so awkward and adorable. ANd I want her to be my mom's lesbian life partner. Screw Huma.

It'll be ok *hughug*

My Berniebro texted me when it happened and was like "I can hear you screaming from Colorado..."


This is semantics, and nothing more

Returning to this, it doesn't look like this ruling is all that significant. You can read the decision here, but all it comes down to is that the defendants used the wrong procedural vehicle to raise PLCAA--they raised the issue in a motion to dismiss when they should have used a motion to strike (which they can still do, as I understand it). In Connecticut, motions to dismiss are used to challenge a court's subject matter jurisdiction--whether, in general, the court can hear cases of the type in question (e.g., wrongful death cases); motions to strike are used to challenge the legal sufficiency of a plaintiff's claims--whether the facts they've alleged could entitle them to relief under the law (e.g., do the plaintiffs' claims fall within an exception to PLCAA?). The Connecticut court concluded that the PLCAA does not divest courts of subject matter jurisdiction, and so denied the motion to dismiss:

For these reasons, the court concludes that any immunity that PLCAA may provide does not implicate this court's subject matter jurisdiction. The court further concludes that the plaintiffs' failure, if any, to bring this action within an exception to PLCAA goes to the legal suffciency of the complaint rather than the court's jurisdiction. Accordingly, the defendants' motions to dismiss, in which they claim that the court lacks subject matter jurisdiction, cannot be granted on the basis of PLCAA.
I don't seem to recall the GOP ever having a hard time appealing to angry xenophobic white men. Who else has Donald brought to the table? His numbers are worse in every other demographic than a Romney or McCain type.

Well the vast majority of these conservative voters don't believe themselves (I think) to be racist/xenophobic. So them being committed to the party in general they don't see it that way (for the most part, even if they are). From Trump fans, it really has been constant denial that racism has played any part of the campaign or that they are attracting racists with their rhetoric.. He's just "telling it like it is". I think they believe he is bringing in anti-establishment votes, independents, anti-trade types who are sick of typical politicians. Like, all the Bernie fans who have threatened to vote for Trump, for example.

I'm not saying its true, or it will work. But the primary results, the high turn outs, the high ratings; this is the first time in about 16 years republicans have had a primary that was "exciting" for them. Its a reasonable conclusion to draw from their point of view with all things considered.
In general the Catholic Church as an institution is an unusual mix of incredibly progressive and unbelievably backwards views.

So you mean nuanced and imperfect?

Doesn't fit the Sanders purity requirements but I guess impurity is allowed when the agreement is economical and the disagreement social.
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