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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Canada's getting weird

Anecdotal evidence, but I work for a voting rights nonprofit and there has been a large uptick in the number of people calling in over the past week from New York looking to figure out how to change their party registration or register to vote in the primary. I've had to let them all down easy.

You have an awesome job and I'm jealous of you. I wish I had an important job. I just get to be bitchy for a living.


Glad that they are at the acceptance phase of their grief and realize just how fucked they are.

Yup, the amazing thing about this is that they know they have hot garbage for candidates and that Republicans are saying they will be voting for Hillary for that reason.



I didn't watch the debate but damn that sounds scathing

Furthering my suspicion that Kasich has high favorables because this stuff doesn't get covered: https://twitter.com/bgittleson/status/721003359285747713

Doesn't this man have two teenaged daughters? Isn't this the sort of thinking you're supposed to leave behind if not by the time you leave college, by the time you have kids (especially daughters). I feel like every other day I hear about a story that makes me think "does this dude hate women?".


remember me
I don't seem to recall the GOP ever having a hard time appealing to angry xenophobic white men. Who else has Donald brought to the table? His numbers are worse in every other demographic than a Romney or McCain type.

Well according to this American Life he's bringing in apolitical bikers and a gay black southern Republican
suffering from political Stockholm syndrome


FGC Waterboy
Wait, when did Trump start sounding coherent?


On Saturday, April 9, Colorado had an “election” without voters. Delegates were chosen on behalf of a presidential nominee, yet the people of Colorado were not able to cast their ballots to say which nominee they preferred.

A planned vote had been canceled. And one million Republicans in Colorado were sidelined.

In recent days, something all too predictable has happened: Politicians furiously defended the system. “These are the rules,” we were told over and over again. If the “rules” can be used to block Coloradans from voting on whether they want better trade deals, or stronger borders, or an end to special-interest vote-buying in Congress—well, that’s just the system and we should embrace it.

Let me ask America a question: How has the “system” been working out for you and your family?

I, for one, am not interested in defending a system that for decades has served the interest of political parties at the expense of the people. Members of the club—the consultants, the pollsters, the politicians, the pundits and the special interests—grow rich and powerful while the American people grow poorer and more isolated.

No one forced anyone to cancel the vote in Colorado. Political insiders made a choice to cancel it. And it was the wrong choice.

Responsible leaders should be shocked by the idea that party officials can simply cancel elections in America if they don’t like what the voters may decide.

The only antidote to decades of ruinous rule by a small handful of elites is a bold infusion of popular will. On every major issue affecting this country, the people are right and the governing elite are wrong. The elites are wrong on taxes, on the size of government, on trade, on immigration, on foreign policy.

Why should we trust the people who have made every wrong decision to substitute their will for America’s will in this presidential election?

Do we have bets on who ghostwrote this for Trump?
I had a sausage McMuffin this morning after not having one for weeks. I was in heaven.

I'm a hypocrite because McDonalds is like one of my favorite places to eat. I'm not even lying. I love Big Macs. I also love their breakfast burritos. I could eat them every day. Or their steak egg and cheese bagel.

When I used to work at Disney, they had a McDonald's fry cart? As soon as I got off work, I'd hit that bitch up for some fries and some Chicken MacNuggets.

No chill.
prefacing this post by saying i'm gonna refrain from posting about foreign policy in the future given my posts in the debate thread


Okay.. I've played all-night marathon sessions of dominoes (usually with older women, now that I think about it); playing with Hillary and shootin' the shit could be neat. Especially if there's alcohol.

anyone else hear "I'll come back and play with you guys" at the end of that?

like when, tho? tuesday night after your victory speech?

Furthering my suspicion that Kasich has high favorables because this stuff doesn't get covered: https://twitter.com/bgittleson/status/721003359285747713

yeah, GOP, please decide you have to put this guy up against the first woman to become a major-party presidential nominee
Canada's getting weird


Without the Hitler and calling it national socialist, that party would totally be popular. A party with some libertarian ideals mixed with some social ideals and nationalist populism could actually be fairly popular among many demographics in the US .

Today in "completely unrelated things" news. Aren't Libertarianism and National Socialism mutually exclusive?

There's a such thing called https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarian_socialism
I didn't know that a person who witnessed Lincoln being killed was alive long enough to be on a tv show. Samuel Seymour apparently witnessed it when he was five and went on a TV show called I've Got a Secret in 1956. Thanks Joy Reid. Video.

That cigarette advertising is terrible.
I don't think there was a clear winner or loser. When the debate ended I just thought that there was probably no moment in it to change the dynamics of the race now.

This. Didn't seem like a clear winner either way.

Bernie did come off as an ass, but it's not a personality contest.
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