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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Am I the only one who finds this Vatican trip to be a massive misstep at one of the most pivotal moments in Bernie's presidential bid?

Why is he half way around the world, uninvited, to fill some dead air time, when he has a campaign to run and a kind of important election coming up in 4 days? Using money he got from college kids who still think he can win, even if he can't really.

He's losing demographics in NY left and right and he's off pretending to meet the pope, while Hillary is down in the city shaking hands and playing dominoes.

Earlier Four_Chamber linked to a NY reporter's twitter which suggested that Devine was opposed to the trip while Weaver was strongly for it. Sorry I can't find the specific tweets.


You consistently and insistently point to strawmen to make your actual arguments.

I'm pointing out the inconsistency in criticizing Bernie for relations with the Pope but not Hillary for relations with Israel. I am also arguing that what-if scenarios in regards to both candidates in the end isn't really worth discussing. They are precisely that, what-ifs. They don't hold much sway on anything and saying one would be held to the coals more than the other without anything resembling said events happening isn't really a what-if I'd say is laden in truth. I am merely asking why, in this what-if scenario, why one is held to a standard here but not the other. This isn't a strawman. This is me making a point. I'd appreciate it if you would consider my words and my points before just throwing around buzzwords in order to dismiss me.



D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser is working to breathe life into a longstanding, but controversial, effort to convert the nation’s capital into America’s 51st state.

The mayor ​doubled down on the fight for D.C. statehood on Friday, pledging on Twitter to introduce legislation that would put statehood on the ballot in November 2016. Bowser also called for a citywide vote on the matter at a gathering of Democratic and civil rights leaders and D.C. residents, The Washington Post reports, an event that took place at around the same time that protesters were descending on D.C. to rally for statehood.

It’s practically an official District of Columbia past time to lament the fact that residents of the nation’s capital pay taxes but lack full voting representation in Congress. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D.C.’s delegate to Congress, is barred from voting on final passage of legislation. The somewhat odd state of affairs is a sore subject. License plates in the District defiantly read “Taxation Without Representation.”

Advocates for statehood have been kicking around ideas to achieve their aim for years. Supporters have even proposed naming the 51st state, if it ever comes into existence, “New Columbia.”

Pls call it Neo Columbia.


I'm pointing out the inconsistency in criticizing Bernie for relations with the Pope but not Hillary for relations with Israel. I am also arguing that what-if scenarios in regards to both candidates in the end isn't really worth discussing. I am merely asking why one is held to a standard here but not the other. This isn't a strawman. This is me making a point. I'd appreciate it if you would consider my words before just throwing around buzzwords.

Your whole point regarding Israel and the Vatican hinges on both being held to the same standards of campaigning and the same optics of how they are perceived, and you support that point by pointing to "From the way some describe Hillary".

That is a straw man. Your point of comparing the relationship between the candidate and Israel/The Vatican requires all those straw people placing her on the same pedestal to make sense.

I'm not arguing your point because I believe the very premises of it are false.
Best bet would be to nominate someone from Indiana.

Euchre is the only card game my dad would play. I had to learn how to play it. My dad was old as fuck, so that's probably why he only knew this one.

They play Euchre in Ohio? I thought that was a Michigan thing.

Also, that means Ignatz '24 has found its first supporter!

I will OWN YOU at Euchre.

I'll be your second, we're already halfway to matching Gilmore!



Euchre is the only card game my dad would play. I had to learn how to play it. My dad was old as fuck, so that's probably why he only knew this one.

I will OWN YOU at Euchre.


Obviously. Did you think there would be a card game I didn't know how to play? :p


I wish the D.C. issue could just be solved by annexing the city into Virginia. It'd have the added bonus of turning Virginia decisively blue.

I wish so too, but you know Republicans would never got for it. They'd rather it go into Maryland even though Virginia makes more sense.
Okay, we need to start a Gaf Euchre league so that I can own all of you at it. ALL OF YOU. (It's the only card game I'm good at....)

OMG yes!

Not to gay-rail the thread anymore, but myself, the bf, mom and stepdad got trashed on a few bottles of wine and had a euchre marathon while listening to ABBA & Tina Turner when we visited them in FL recently. They beat us, but barely.
OMG yes!

Not to gay-rail the thread anymore, but myself, the bf, mom and stepdad got trashed on a few bottles of wine and had a euchre marathon while listening to ABBA & Tina Turner when we visited them in FL recently. They beat us, but barely.

That whole sentence is probably one of the gayest things I've ever read. AND I LOVE IT. We played euchre the other night, my Berniebro and I against both of our moms. We would have won if Kyle wasn't such a FREAKING LOSER OMG MESS.


That whole sentence is probably one of the gayest things I've ever read. AND I LOVE IT. We played euchre the other night, my Berniebro and I against both of our moms. We would have won if Kyle wasn't such a FREAKING LOSER OMG MESS.

You need a boyfriend with a better taste in politicians and a better sense of judgement for cards :p


Your whole point regarding Israel and the Vatican hinges on both being held to the same standards of campaigning and the same optics of how they are perceived, and you support that point by pointing to "From the way some describe Hillary".

That is a straw man. Your point of comparing the relationship between the candidate and Israel/The Vatican requires all those straw people placing her on the same pedestal to make sense.

I'm not arguing your point because I believe the very premises of it are false.

I don't believe you quite get what I'm arguing in this case. I am pointing out the eagerness to which Bernie is being held to the Vatican as a means to judge him and using excelsior's own comparison to Israel to question why Bernie is being held to a standard by them but not Hillary for supporting a country that frankly speaking isn't very friendly on similar matters. I am only engaging the point because excelsior brought it up in the first place. I do not believe in what-ifs but while it is on the table it is a double-standard that I find interesting. You are applying arguments to me that I have not at all made. I am addressing what is plainly there. It's not a strawman when it is literally right there.



Uh, maybe as accurate as their taxes calculator. To the trash it goes!

You can actually read it and see where the data came from.

Any critiques to the methodology Crimson Hexagon used?

I don't believe you quite get what I'm arguing in this case. I am pointing out the eagerness to which Bernie is being held to the Vatican as a means to judge him and using excelsior's own comparison to Israel to question why Bernie is being held to a standard by them but not Hillary for supporting a country that frankly speaking isn't very friendly on similar matters. Frankly speaking I am only engaging the point because excelsior brought it up in the first place. I do not believe in what-ifs but while it is on the table it is a double-standard that I find interesting. You are applying arguments to me that I have not at all made. I am addressing what is plainly there. It's not a strawman when it is literally right there.

I understand, and I think the standard is silly myself: We absolutely should engage in discussion with people that agree with us in, say, 3 out of 4 dimensions to make progress. I have absolutely no issues with that.

The point is whether or not the politician is applying a litimus test and largely using with-us-or-against-us tactics to determine who is "worthy". There's a disparity in how much each of these two do it.

You are absolutely right that Excelsior is holding Bernie to a different standard than Clinton with Israel. That much is clear. My point is that the different standard is self-inflicted by Sanders. In creating an incredibly strong narrative around moral red lines and purity tests, he brings these inherent contradictions on himself. The pragmatic candidate, on the other hand, does not. I apoligize if I came on too strong with my initial comment, but you two are talking past each other, because you don't even agree on the premise of the discussion!
i mean, it wouldn't be being called out as a strawman if this thread didn't consistently express discomfort at best with clinton's position on israel

like it's probably the one issue that's actually important* where we express that about her

eat a dick, transcript discussion




SAN FRANCISCO—In an effort to gather evidence in their investigation of the presidential candidate’s alleged misuse of her private email server when she served as secretary of state, members of the FBI reportedly convinced actor George Clooney to wear a hidden listening device Friday night while attending a campaign fundraising dinner with Hillary Clinton.

Sources confirmed that, following weeks of intense personal lobbying that ultimately persuaded the Hollywood A-lister to secretly record Clinton, a pair of special agents met with Clooney in a dimly lit interrogation room in their San Francisco field office, where they prepared him in the hours leading up to the party. There, sources said, agents stressed to the still-reluctant celebrity that Friday evening’s event represented the government’s best opportunity yet to record the former cabinet official possibly incriminating herself.

“Look, George, I know you’re nervous, but you’re doing your country a big service,” Special Agent Carter Wilson reportedly said to a fidgeting, shirtless Clooney while using medical tape to secure the microphone wire to the actor’s chest. “Mrs. Clinton should be comfortable, relaxed, and talking freely tonight, so this is the perfect environment to get her to slip up. This mic will be recording the entire time, but you need to speak clearly, and make sure she speaks clearly, otherwise the audio might not be admissible in court.”

“She’s going to fucking kill me,” Clooney continued.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
USUNCUT sounds like anti-circumcision propaganda.
Euchre is the only card game my dad would play. I had to learn how to play it. My dad was old as fuck, so that's probably why he only knew this one.

I will OWN YOU at Euchre.

No you wouldn't.
We'd be partners.

Seriously, I have been playing that game all my life, I can play in my sleep. I can play drunk. And I play well regardless.
No you wouldn't.
We'd be partners.

Seriously, I have been playing that game all my life, I can play in my sleep. I can play drunk. And I play well regardless.

I used to play online, but I'd get paired with shitty ass people. Like, people who would go it alone with two jacks and a 9. Queen, please.
What states did they consider "blue," though? I think the whole thing is offensive, but if we're going to do that, we should include blue and swing, I'd think.
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