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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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I'm doubtful about AZ but democrats there have been preparing for an election like this for 20+ years. Very impressive voter registration numbers on a yearly basis+Hillary's presumably impressive GOTV machine+horribly unpopular GOP candidate with Hispanics (Donald Trump or The Cuban)=potential win. Or at least Hillary could force Trump/Cruz to waste resources there.
PoliGAF delegates

Hillary 4323
Sanders -3

Pat Buchanan 3

I'm doubtful about AZ but democrats there have been preparing for an election like this for 20+ years. Very impressive voter registration numbers on a yearly basis+Hillary's presumably impressive GOTV machine+horribly unpopular GOP candidate with Hispanics (Donald Trump or The Cuban)=potential win. Or at least Hillary could force Trump/Cruz to waste resources there.

yeah, I can see her actually winning with Trump on the other side, but I only expect it to be <5% this time
I bet she does and you know Bill is a long winded shit talker. Talks calmly for five good minutes about random shit and ends it by insulting your mama.

His supporters won't care, so it's not that sad.


Not since he got his ass whooped for reniging in 1998


But now I'm picturing Hillary and Bill playing against Barack and Michelle. Epic shit talking from Bill /and/ Barack.




Good fucking luck in the GE, Bernie!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Bernie Sanders is Pumaman.

They don't count because Hillary won them

I have an idea, let's count all the states. Bernie supporters pointing out that he's doing slightly better than Hillary in blue states (a 2-delegate lead that will almost certainly vanish on Tuesday) as if he's secretly the winner and has the nomination locked down is just laughably delusional.

"But California has more delegates than his deficit, he could still win!" Yup...

My description of this sort of thing (see also "Bernie won Arizona if you don't count early votes") as "unskewing actual election results" is going to catch on any day now.


Man, I love when Bill gets snarky, but Hillary's campaign needs to keep him sidelined until it's time to go after Republicans. That's his forte.

Bill Clinton took aim at Bernie Sanders supporters on Friday. "I think it's fine that all these young students have been so enthusiastic for her opponent, and it sounds so good, just shoot every third person on Wall Street and everything will be fine," Clinton told NBC News, according to reporter Brad Jaffy. Clinton later said that "that's a joke, it's a total joke."



remember me
Sounds like Bernie's parents could have done a better job raising him. Does this sound familiar?

Some competition isn't necessarily a bad thing. Seeing what others can achieve challenges kids to try harder. As they improve at a game or a sport, children also gain self-confidence. But a competitive streak can easily spin out of control: A child may start to do anything -- cheat, change the rules, or argue -- to avoid losing. And over time, a kid with a win-at-all-costs attitude may find he has fewer friends to hang out with. Even family members might avoid playing games with him in order to avoid the drama of it all.

that's the kind of snark i've been posting on social media lately (while bringing up the hyper-concentration of banks elsewhere), which probably isn't the kind of snark you wanna be saying out loud as a politician, but meh


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
These are the 5 house dems that voted for the No Rate Regulation of Broadband Internet Access Act

I checked into it for ya, and out of personal interest:

Votes for:

Scott Peters - This district is a mess. But it appears it's probably not a good candidate to Primary.

Collin Peterson - Might not being worth primarying. Minnesota house district, blue dog democrat. Might not win the seat otherwise.

Kyrsten Sinema - I'd like to know why she voted for it. She appears to be quite liberal but is from Arizona.

Albio Sires - Dude is a left behind Republican in New Jersey. Good candidate to consider to primary as a good Democrat might be able to take the seat. The district went for Kerry.

Jim Costa - California Rep - Appears to be a center left Democrat in a district that votes Democrat. Might be a good candidate to primary.

Any issues with my assessment?


Really. I should just start writing shitty articles about how great Bernie is and OMG GUIS HE CAN STILL WIN DIS ONE 4 REALZ I SWEARS And she's going to be indicted, and I think she also is satan, but I'm not entirely sure on that but totally might be because we've never seen her and Satan in the same place at the same time so maybe because Bernie is also Batman because he's also going to do the other thing and also FRAUD!

Actually if you just write another pro-Hillary thing you'll get way more clicks. Angry clicks that post horrible comments, sure, but clicks!
These are the 5 house dems that voted for the No Rate Regulation of Broadband Internet Access Act

Any issues with my assessment?

Peters only won his district because his gay Republican opponent had a scandal, Petersen is literally the only dude who can hold down a rural Minnesota district like that, Sinema's been oddly overly moderate for a bisexual atheist, and Costa's always been a little weird. Sires is a total oddball - maybe a cable company is HQ'd in his district? I mean, Comcast is in Philly, right?
Peters only won his district because his gay Republican opponent had a scandal, Petersen is literally the only dude who can hold down a rural Minnesota district like that, Sinema's been oddly overly moderate for a bisexual atheist, and Costa's always been a little weird. Sires is a total oddball - maybe a cable company is HQ'd in his district? I mean, Comcast is in Philly, right?
I think Sinema is trying to build up a moderate/conservative-ish voting record in order to challenge Flake in 2018. Hell I thought she was going to take on McCain this year, but it's understandable to see Flake as the easier target (even if it's a midterm).


I don't understnad releasing tax returns, I mean I understand it, but I don't see what the big deal is.

No one running for office is going to have line items that say "evil shit"


FGC Waterboy
PoliGAF delegates

Hillary 4323
Sanders -3

Hey, there's like..2 of us Sanders supporters here.

But now I'm picturing Hillary and Bill playing against Barack and Michelle. Epic shit

Michelle would ether Bill's soul if he said a damn word. I can promise you that. :D

Man, I love when Bill gets snarky, but Hillary's campaign needs to keep him sidelined until it's time to go after Republicans. That's his forte.

Even as a Sanders supporter, that was actually kind of funny.

Actually if you just write another pro-Hillary thing you'll get way more clicks. Angry clicks that post horrible comments, sure, but clicks!

You mean sort of how like Goodman writes stuff to get all of GAF and Clinton supporters riled up over and over again. Pavlov, thy name is Goodman?
I think Sinema is trying to build up a moderate/conservative-ish voting record in order to challenge Flake in 2018. Hell I thought she was going to take on McCain this year, but it's understandable to see Flake as the easier target (even if it's a midterm).

hope she wins, even if I kinda like Flake for a Republican.
I'm a better writer than H.A. Goodman, and I know a fuck-ton more about policy than he does. Honestly, I might give this Huff Post thing a go at some point. Doing unpaid work though... ugh.


I am in Albany at a democratic conference and I met gilibrand and the gov and bill are gonna be here tomororw.

Oh and there is an open bar and karaoke.

I need to stop doing politics. Too much booze

Edit. Bernie people. Teachout is here too.



But what if you excluded delegates from caucuses, where Sanders has gained a net of 150 delegates on Clinton? Without those delegates, Sanders couldn’t even maintain the pretense of a competitive race. Not only are most of those caucus states extremely white and therefore poorly representative of Democrats’ national demographics — many of them (such as Idaho and Nebraska) are also quite red. Furthermore, caucuses tend to disenfranchise voters by making it harder to vote. Our demographic modeling suggests that this has hurt Clinton and that Sanders wouldn’t have won by the same enormous margins if those caucus states had held primaries instead.



I am in Albany at a democratic conference and I met gilibrand and the gov and bill are gonna be here tomororw.

Oh and there is an open bar and karaoke.

I need to stop doing politics. Too much booze

Edit. Bernie people. Teachout is here too.


Teachout knows how to play the game, which is why she will win.

There's the Bern's taxes.

For 2014

Only, what? Ten more years to go?

It's one thing to criticize Hillary for her speeches, but come on Bernie. This is something every candidate has done for basically ever. His attack on her transcripts kind of gets watered down if his campaign is missing important documents every other candidate releases.


These are the 5 house dems that voted for the No Rate Regulation of Broadband Internet Access Act

Any issues with my assessment?

Sinema is not that liberal anymore, or at least doesn't vote that way. She was in the in AZ state legislature, but she had a heavily D district. She's planning to run for Senate probably in 2018, so she's probably just trying to keep the her scores more moderate as she heads into 2018.

It sucks, but she's sly.
He's a Senator... Surely he has an accounting firm do this...?

Maybe the accounting firm did the taxes of a big bank. They can't be trusted

Good lord, can you imagine if Hillary promised to release her tax returns and we got this two page waste of time? Maybe we give Bernie too much benefit of the doubt. His fans certainly wouldn't for Hillary.
so i'm watching that video where justin trudeau explains quantum computing to a journalist

and i'm just thinking "holy shit, we might actually have at least another two years of two huge fucking nerds being the heads of government in Canada and the US"


I think he means more like when the economy crashed and you lose your job you're stuck spending your savings and no one bails you out.

Yeah it's not "what if the bank runs out of money and won't let me withdraw?" it's "what if I run out of money?"

This has been a pretty standard bit of political rhetoric on both sides of the aisle for a while now, hasn't it? Banks are irresponsible -> they lose all their money and are in big trouble -> government gives them money that they can use to give bonuses and pay shareholders. Homeowners lose their jobs -> can't keep up with underwater mortgage payments -> they're screwed.
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