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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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I'ma get you all REKT.

Speak for yourself.


Ya'll want to know about mess?

Volunteer to "teach" a creative writing class to teenagers.

That'll make you pray for the sweet release of death. This girl just wrote the sentence "The owl (who can talk BTW) wants to cut his wrists."

OWLS DON'T HAVE WRISTS. How can they hold a knife!?



Ya'll want to know about mess?

Volunteer to "teach" a creative writing class to teenagers.

That'll make you pray for the sweet release of death. This girl just wrote the sentence "The owl (who can talk BTW) wants to cut his wrists."

OWLS DON'T HAVE WRISTS. How can they hold a knife!?





Ya'll want to know about mess?

Volunteer to "teach" a creative writing class to teenagers.

That'll make you pray for the sweet release of death. This girl just wrote the sentence "The owl (who can talk BTW) wants to cut his wrists."

OWLS DON'T HAVE WRISTS. How can they hold a knife!?

Creativity is ruining our once great nation.


Having proved they can't be trusted to vote in the Democratic primaries, the youth are now proving they can't be trusted to wield a pen properly ;)


This is semantics, and nothing more
Ya'll want to know about mess?

Volunteer to "teach" a creative writing class to teenagers.

That'll make you pray for the sweet release of death. This girl just wrote the sentence "The owl (who can talk BTW) wants to cut his wrists."

OWLS DON'T HAVE WRISTS. How can they hold a knife!?


That's pretty creative, tbh.


Ya'll want to know about mess?

Volunteer to "teach" a creative writing class to teenagers.

That'll make you pray for the sweet release of death. This girl just wrote the sentence "The owl (who can talk BTW) wants to cut his wrists."

OWLS DON'T HAVE WRISTS. How can they hold a knife!?


You are like Michele Pfeiffer in Dangerous Minds.
I'm going to start drinking so that all these kid's stories are covered in alcohol stains. That way, they'll know what it's like to get rejected by a real editor.

Or something.


John Kasich - God Knows I tried https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6q3bugD10zI
Donald Trump - Ultraviolence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFWC4SiZBao
Ted Cruz - American https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RQsbGeqYfY
Hillary Clinton - Bernie Sanders - Brooklyn Baby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5xcnjAG8pE
Jeb Bush - Pretty When You Cry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbRnXaTIN2I
Carly Fiorina - The Other Woman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_EoSjvSBDA
Ben Carson - Gods & Monsters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRVHYvBYDUs

no i don't actually think hillary fucked her way to the top
That sounds about right :lol

It came from experience. :(

John Kasich - God Knows I tried https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6q3bugD10zI
Donald Trump - Ultraviolence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFWC4SiZBao
Ted Cruz - American https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RQsbGeqYfY
Hillary Clinton - Bernie Sanders - Brooklyn Baby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5xcnjAG8pE
Jeb Bush - Pretty When You Cry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbRnXaTIN2I
Carly Fiorina - The Other Woman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_EoSjvSBDA
Ben Carson - Gods & Monsters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRVHYvBYDUs

no i don't actually think hillary fucked her way to the top

Gods and Monsters is the only good Lana del Ray song, and it's only good when Jessica Lange sings it.
What, specifically, is the distinction you are drawing?


Pledged delegates are elected or chosen at the state or local level, with the understanding that they will support a particular candidate at the convention. Pledged delegates are, however, not actually bound to vote for that candidate, thus the candidates are allowed to periodically review the list of delegates and eliminate any of those they feel would not be supportive. Currently there are 4,051 pledged delegates.

Of the 4,765 total Democratic delegates, 714 are superdelegates, which are usually Democratic members of Congress, Governors, former Presidents, and other party leaders and elected officials. They are not required to indicate preference for a candidate.

The Democratic Party uses a proportional representation to determine how many delegates each candidate is awarded in each state. For example, a candidate who wins 40% of a state's vote in the primary election will win 40% of that state's delegates. However, a candidate must win at least 15% of the primary vote in order to receive any delegates. There is no process to win superdelegates, since they can vote for whomever they please. A candidate needs to win a simple majority of total delegates to earn the Democratic nomination.

The distinction I draw is that pledged delegates are chosen at the state or local level through caucuses and primaries. Like the caucuses or not, they are still a Democratic process that allows voters to assign delegates.

Superdelegates are not chosen by the voter. They are an insurance policy for the Democratic Party by assigning them to people with power to ensure that a candidate like Bernie Sanders, who rejects their system and structure of power, is never elected to be president. They stack the deck against him by publicly supporting Hillary, giving her 15% of the delegates needed to win, two months before the races even started, which is then picked up by the media who make it look like she's already won because of the giant difference in delegates (she has 469 supers now). This skews the race enormously, a big reason why many people aren't voting for him is because they think he has no chance.

Rightfully complaining about the caucuses not being fair (and lets be honest, from both sides here, this entire primary process has been a disgrace to American Democracy) is not the same issue that I have with the Superdelegates. I hope that is clear now. Again, if it was up to me, everyone 18 and up can automatically vote, voting day is a national holiday and we have open primaries with same day registration in all 50 states. But these are two completely different issues.
Ya'll want to know about mess?

Volunteer to "teach" a creative writing class to teenagers.

That'll make you pray for the sweet release of death. This girl just wrote the sentence "The owl (who can talk BTW) wants to cut his wrists."

OWLS DON'T HAVE WRISTS. How can they hold a knife!?


I've had some great experiences doing this in Chicago. Lots of kids enjoy focusing on drug lord tales of betrayal, bitches, money etc etc but you always get kids with amazing knacks for creative stories or even prose. And even some of the drug lord stuff is interesting. I remember reading one kid's story about a former corner boy who became a paraplegic, and had to watch drug activity from his apartment window; the story was basically about him realizing the hurt he had done to his community now that he had a different perspective. Eleven year old kid.

The distinction I draw is that pledged delegates are chosen at the state or local level through caucuses and primaries. Like the caucuses or not, they are still a Democratic process that allows voters to assign delegates.

Superdelegates are not chosen by the voter. They are an insurance policy for the Democratic Party by assigning them to people with power to ensure that a candidate like Bernie Sanders, who rejects their system and structure of power, is never elected to be president. They stack the deck against him by publicly supporting Hillary, giving her 15% of the delegates needed to win, two months before the races even started, which is then picked up by the media who make it look like she's already won because of the giant difference in delegates (she has 469 supers now). This skews the race enormously, a big reason why many people aren't voting for him is because they think he has no chance.

If it was up to me we'd move away from direct democracy to choose candidates because this idea that unbridled democracy in all facets of life is the ideal has gotten out of hand.

Bernie and I have about the same chance of winning the democratic nomination. He's gotten millions fewer votes than Hillary. I really don't understand the complaining.


No Scrubs
I've had some great experiences doing this in Chicago. Lots of kids enjoy focusing on drug lord tales of betrayal, bitches, money etc etc but you always get kids with amazing knacks for creative stories or even prose. And even some of the drug lord stuff is interesting. I remember reading one kid's story about a former corner boy who became a paraplegic, and had to watch drug activity from his apartment window; the story was basically about him realizing the hurt he had done to his community now that he had a different perspective. Eleven year old kid.

There's this odd thing where we all seem to lose our creativity when we hit puberty and spend the rest of our lives trying to get it back. Basically I'm saying I agree with you as well as with Adam.
I've had some great experiences doing this in Chicago. Lots of kids enjoy focusing on drug lord tales of betrayal, bitches, money etc etc but you always get kids with amazing knacks for creative stories or even prose. And even some of the drug lord stuff is interesting. I remember reading one kid's story about a former corner boy who became a paraplegic, and had to watch drug activity from his apartment window; the story was basically about him realizing the hurt he had done to his community now that he had a different perspective. Eleven year old kid.

Damn. That's heavy. I'm on the fifth story. They're not terrible. Mostly teen romance stuff. The one that involved pot and Bernie Sanders was....interesting, though. There's one kid that I can tell is freaking talented as hell. Like, insanely talented.


Absolutely agree. I sometimes think that the USA elects things that really shouldn't be elected - judges and sheriffs come to mind, as well as distract attorneys and the like.

In terms of primaries, of course their should be super delegates. Hell, they have less power than practically any other western nation equivalent. They are the elected arm of the party, whoever is the nominee *has* to have their backing and support else the whole thing doesn't work. Primaries are not elections and they shouldn't treated as one.

In the UK we've moved to a more American style of choosing the leader for the main two parties, and already it's trowing up issues. Be it Corbyn on the left or Ian Dunca-smith on the right, the fact of the matter is your leader shouldn't be chosen by the most dedicated and fringe elements because they will always vote for you. I honestly think elected officials have their finger on the pulse of the country more than a primary process does.
To be honest I still don't see why primaries have to be completely democratic.

While it might prevent completely new People who aren't a part of the system from winning its also protection against some insane person who has no shot in the general


No Scrubs
Damn. That's heavy. I'm on the fifth story. They're not terrible. Mostly teen romance stuff. The one that involved pot and Bernie Sanders was....interesting, though. There's one kid that I can tell is freaking talented as hell. Like, insanely talented.

Well, details.
I will admit it, I did not see it coming that people would argue against Democracy. I knew America was tuning into an oligarchy, but I did not know that people would actually support it.
Also, there are benefits to having superdelegates that has nothing whatsoever to do with "protecting" the Party.

A President is not a dictator. At the very least, they need the support of elected officials within the party. By forcing them to woe superdelegates, it makes sure that they are not entirely out of step with the elected members of the party. A President who doesn't have the support of Senators and Congresspeople is not going to be able to do diddly squat. It forces them to build bridges of support with the people who can help them enact an agenda, It's also a good way to learn about issues that are important to different constituencies. There's a reason Hillary tailors her message to different cities, states and districts.
I will admit it, I did not see it coming that people would argue against Democracy. I knew America was tuning into an oligarchy, but I did not know that people would actually support it.

America isn't a democracy. It's a representative based Federal Republic. You are going to sit here any argue that democracy is the proper avenue for deciding all things in life? Get rid of the Supreme Court then and let those southern states go back to Jim Crow, lynching, banning and making LGBT illegal. It's mind boggling to me that you think democracy is some infallible perfection of the political process and label any other solution as oligarchy.

I'm a pragmatic technocrat and apparently you take issue with that.
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