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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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If Bernie Sanders' campaign does not correct this before May 11th, his campaign WILL be audited. In the letter it says that there are NO EXTENSIONS and NO EXCEPTIONS.

If anyone can spot the funny accounting going on in this document, I will give them a cookie.

All those CFR and USC citations make my heart sing, as a policy analyst. They also make my brain ache, as someone that has now consumed a few adult beverages.


As a Bernie supporter, if you want Bernie to be anything other than "Shat upon" in this thread, why don't you contribute something that's not laughable. I don't see many people in this thread shitting on Bernie Sanders for the mere fact that he's Bernie Sanders, but because we're in a primary season and it's getting increasingly more difficult (although not impossible) to make a substantiated case for why he should be still in the race.

He's tossed out his message (which a lot of people in this thread actually liked) in favor of attacking Hillary and the DNC's fund raising, which a lot of people in this thread don't have respect for because most of us are Democrats.

To cut to the point. Give us something to talk about that's not delusional.

In fairness to retro, he did make a bunch of arguments earlier today and got called sexist, which I actually thought was fairly harsh given the conversation. I don't really think that saying that people might be weirded out by electing another Clinton is intrinsically a sexist position, although I tend to agree that the institutional sexism in the way of women is part of why the first competitive female candidate for President is part of the immediate family of a previous President.

To be honest, things changed so rapidly that I tend to suspect Hillary just didn't expect to live in a country where she could realistically become president until after Bill had already run and won.

There have actually been a few discussion-oriented Bernie posters today, which is a lot better than the shitscape of the day before, so again I think dramatis is being a little harsh. I wouldn't include scoobiedoo's posts in that collection, though, those posts just sucked.
Oh dear.

Even though Bouie makes a very compelling case, the title alone is going to set people off. lol

I feel like it needs to be discussed. I'd love to hear why he is different from Dean, Jerry Brown, et al. Regardless, I guess everyone is busy on Sundays because it already fell off the first page.


If Bernie Sanders' campaign does not correct this before May 11th, his campaign WILL be audited. In the letter it says that there are NO EXTENSIONS and NO EXCEPTIONS.

If anyone can spot the funny accounting going on in this document, I will give them a cookie.

Belinda Barcock is a mess.
This isn’t fun. It’s routine. It’s boring. It requires Sanders and supporters to play a game they’ve decried for the past year. But in the American system—where everyone gets a vote, and the most votes win—you have to pick one party or the other as a vehicle for your views. For liberals, historically, that’s been the Democratic Party.

Bernie Sanders isn’t leading a new movement, and he doesn’t represent the dawning of liberal ideology. To the extent that there is a movement at all, it is simply a movement to get Sanders elected president. Nothing more and nothing less. This is a classic insurgency, updated for 2016. But that doesn’t mean it’s insignificant. This year, the insurgency is larger than it’s ever been, and that in itself is an opportunity. A chance for the insurgents to play the long game, to co-opt the institutions that have held them back and to emerge as the leaders of a new Democratic Party. Sanders may not be the Democratic nominee, or the president of the United States, but if his supporters take the opportunity, they’ll accomplish what past insurgent candidacies couldn’t, and he’ll stand as a key figure in the origin story of a new, new left.

Just got done reading. This might be one of the best articles I've read this cycle, and I hope some Bernie supporters take solace in it and don't just read the headline. The big problem I see is that this already happened in 2008 to to a large extent. If young people had actually come out to vote and helped keep a democratic mandate it would have gone a long way in starting to pull the party left. And we've seen time and time again how quick young people are to disengage from politics.


This seems intimidatingly bad but I have to admit I have no context into what FEC letters normally look like. Is there an example of a similar letter for Hillary's campaign, or a link to wherever the FEC collects the letters it sends out?

Found an older one from Feb.

It's 'only' 95 pages.


I found one for Hillary in March.

It's two pages.

This one is definitely worse than the last time this happened. They're just doing a shit job at actually running the campaign.how they allowed some of those doanations to go through, I don't understand.


So ended up dropping on my hip from about 8ft up after jumping a mini bowl. Nearly turning a hip to powder aside, great snowboard season, Tuesday will make these pains go away.


remember me
Michael Moore really feeling the bern.

Moore, Michael 5/6/15 $200.00 P2016
Moore, Michael 5/27/15 $200.00 P2016
Moore, Michael 6/30/15 $200.00 P2016
Moore, Michael 9/1/15 $200.00 P2016
Moore, Michael 9/17/15 $200.00 P2016
Moore, Michael 9/30/15 $200.00 P2016
Moore, Michael 10/7/15 $100.00 P2016
Moore, Michael 11/2/15 $200.00 P2016
Moore, Michael 11/16/15 $200.00 P2016
Moore, Michael 12/1/15 $200.00 P2016
Moore, Michael 12/14/15 $200.00 P2016
Moore, Michael 12/14/15 $200.00 P2016
Moore, Michael 12/28/15 $100.00 P2016
Moore, Michael 1/11/16 $200.00 P2016
Moore, Michael 1/17/16 $200.00 P2016


I came here for a serious discussion / sharing news

So, I mean, post some serious discussion or some news.* You've failed to do so! That's basically the point I'm trying to make. You'll notice my posts contain content as well as snark.

* I mean, I guess Seth Abramson articles qualify, so good job there, but if you wrap it in a shitpost and then just continue to shitpost and ignore the responses you get, I think you have pretty much failed to post in good faith.

Okay, that's the context I was looking for, thanks. (Obviously the page length, while a nice jump quote, is just a reflection of the fact that the FEC includes lists of donors for infractions involving illegal donations, and not for infractions involving illegal expenditures.)

It looks like Bernie's campaign is just really bad at making sure people aren't donating past the legal limit or that they're not, you know, from France or whatever. Which does seem pretty messy and straightforwardly illegal. I am not sure why they're so bad at that.
So, I mean, post some serious discussion or some news.* You've failed to do so! That's basically the point I'm trying to make. You'll notice my posts contain content as well as snark.

You are not a mod and you do not get to decide what I am and what I am not allowed to say or think. If you think I violated the TOS, feel free to report me to a mod. Thanks.


You are not a mod and you do not get to decide what I am and what I am not allowed to say or think. If you think I violated the TOS, feel free to report me to a mod. Thanks.

I don't think he's saying that. If you want to post in this thread, and the subject of your posts is politics, go right ahead!

Just...don't post something that's easily debunked, and then get upset or cry Hillary bias when...well, it gets debunked.


The amount of times the Bernie Sanders campaign has broken the rules and received only a slap on the wrist for it is getting exhausting.

I can't wait for Tuesday.

Eh, I wouldn't say this. It is fairly standard practice for something like this to occur. Not necessarily on this scale, but punitive action usually does not occur until there is clear disregard or flouting of federal rules. Even then, you are typically talking about a corrective action that can be resolved in a given time-frame.
So, I mean, post some serious discussion or some news.* You've failed to do so! That's basically the point I'm trying to make. You'll notice my posts contain content as well as snark.

* I mean, I guess Seth Abramson articles qualify, so good job there, but if you wrap it in a shitpost and then just continue to shitpost and ignore the responses you get, I think you have pretty much failed to post in good faith.

Okay, that's the context I was looking for, thanks. (Obviously the page length, while a nice jump quote, is just a reflection of the fact that the FEC includes lists of donors for infractions involving illegal donations, and not for infractions involving illegal expenditures.)

It looks like Bernie's campaign is just really bad at making sure people aren't donating past the legal limit or that they're not, you know, from France or whatever. Which does seem pretty messy and straightforwardly illegal. I am not sure why they're so bad at that.

The negative numbers indicate that they refund the donor because they learn of an infraction. And then the donor donates again? Odd...


You are not a mod and you do not get to decide what I am and what I am not allowed to say or think. If you think I violated the TOS, feel free to report me to a mod. Thanks.

I'm just trying to give you helpful feedback so that you can actually be a useful member of the community, man. Apparently it hurt your feelings when I said your posts are bad, but I responded to your interesting and substantive posts yesterday and you'll note that critique came at the end of a post about how there have been a bunch of good Bernie supporter posts. It's not my fault you chose to make only shitty posts today and I pointed that out.
The overarching point of not just PoliGAF, or Community, but the forum as a whole is discussion. So I guess, stop being babies about it? You're all meant to be 13 at least from memory.
When the very first person on your itemized list of irregularities has donations adding up to of $2700, $2669.05 and $2700, along with a last name starting in "Abd-" your campaign is probably starting on the wrong foot in terms of claiming you randomly missed some errors.
Michael Moore really feeling the bern.
This is incredibly funny because it looks like he was going out of his way to not break $2700 via using regular contributions, but in the end accidentally did by $100.
Eh, I wouldn't say this. It is fairly standard practice for something like this to occur. Not necessarily on this scale, but punitive action usually does not occur until there is clear disregard or flouting of federal rules. Even then, you are typically talking about a corrective action that can be resolved in a given time-frame.

I agree with you on this, perhaps....however, it fits the pattern that we've been seeing coming from his campaign.

They accessed Hillary's data illegally...then sued over their own rule breaking.

They pretended to be union members to access private, union only areas to campaign.

They used AARP's logo, along with the one environmental group to pretend he endorsements he didn't have.

They've lied about who advises the campaign on foreign policy.

They lied about the DREAMER who they said endorsed Bernie when she hadn't.

They had paid staffers from Australia working on the campaign in New Hampshire.

They've had serious issues with fairly basic aspects of campaign finance.

So....ya, this isn't a big thing, but if Hillary had done one of these things, we'd be hearing about it all day long. Bernie does it, and he gets the benefit of the doubt. There's a double standard there. No question about it.


Priebus says nobody cares that Colorado handed delegates to Cruz.


Priebus tried to distance himself from the controversial process, saying he doesn't write the rules for the Republican party, "the delegates at the convention write the rules." However, he also said it's "pretty much the same system the Democrats use; delegates and voters choose the nominee."

"It's pretty much the same system the Democrats use; delegates and voters choose the nominee," Priebus said on Friday's broadcast of NBC's TODAY. "That's what's happening. And, quite frankly, the complaining that goes on is something that I think probably distracts from what we need to do, which is to come together as Republicans."

"It gets distracting and it really isn't something that most people really give a darn about," Priebus added.


Incidentally now that I've done like 70% of the work for the last debate thread and then fucked up and failed everybody I would like to steal the next debate thread. THIS TIME FOR SURE, I WAS JUST NOT READY FOR THE DEBATE TO GET MOVED UP

Here is a teaser:

I like how Bernie is suddenly a New Yorker because he spent 15 years here, growing up, but then went to Vermont and never looked back.

Versus Hillary, who spent roughly the same amount of time living here, but put in work to make the state better. But she's not allowed to call herself a New Yorker or something. Even if most of the state considers her from New York and this is her home state, politically.

What a dumb article.

Thanks for posting. I think it's just possibile Bernie might be able to count on Scott's vote, and I can't fault his analysis, either ;):

The verdict: John Kasich is as New York as a discount “I [Heart] NY” T-shirt at a kiosk in Newark airport.

The verdict: Ted Cruz is as New York as a party of Citigroup analysts sitting front-row at American Psycho: The Musical.

The verdict: Donald Trump is as New York as accidentally giving inaccurate subway directions to a tourist.

The verdict: Hillary Clinton is as New York as an NYU freshman from Minneapolis taking a trip on the Sex and the City tour bus.

The verdict: Bernie Sanders is New York.

From the moment the Vermont senator opens his mouth, he is unmistakably, yuuugely New York.

A cantankerous Brooklyn-born Jewish political activist who has made disrupting the plans of a Westchester millionaire his life’s mission, Bernie Sanders is the hero in every little-guy-takes-on-City-Hall movie about New York: he’s Davis in Manhattan, he’s Vito in Do The Right Thing, he’s Tess McGill in Working Girl, he’s Jack Kelly in Newsies.

If being a New Yorker means missing what New York used to be, then Sanders is the apotheosis of what New York used to be: gritty, unrefined, without pretense or prevarication. He’s cranky, he’s overconfident, he’s a little fuzzy on the details – he’s exactly what was promised to every kid who dreamed of getting out of the suburbs or the heartland or some other city that still didn’t feel like The City. He’s New York before the M&M Store, before CBGB became a John Varvatos, before 5 Pointz was painted over and turned into condos.

If Donald Trump is what every non-New Yorker thinks of when they think of New York, Bernie Sanders is what every New Yorker thinks of when they think of real New York.

Powered by one of PS3's best features: 10 clipboard slots - suck on that Bill Gates!


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The overarching point of not just PoliGAF, or Community, but the forum as a whole is discussion. So I guess, stop being babies about it? You're all meant to be 13 at least from memory.

I've been here 12 years :p
Plus a few years at least before the forum reboot.

Incidentally now that I've done like 70% of the work for the last debate thread and then fucked up and failed everybody I would like to steal the next debate thread. THIS TIME FOR SURE, I WAS JUST NOT READY FOR THE DEBATE TO GET MOVED UP

Here is a teaser:

Oh. considering what I put for my favorite thing...


I agree with you on this, perhaps....however, it fits the pattern that we've been seeing coming from his campaign.

They accessed Hillary's data illegally...then sued over their own rule breaking.

They pretended to be union members to access private, union only areas to campaign.

They used AARP's logo, along with the one environmental group to pretend he endorsements he didn't have.

They've lied about who advises the campaign on foreign policy.

They lied about the DREAMER who they said endorsed Bernie when she hadn't.

They had paid staffers from Australia working on the campaign in New Hampshire.

They've had serious issues with fairly basic aspects of campaign finance.

So....ya, this isn't a big thing, but if Hillary had done one of these things, we'd be hearing about it all day long. Bernie does it, and he gets the benefit of the doubt. There's a double standard there. No question about it.

Let me slightly clarify. My remark was directed at some type of perceived expected action from the fed that had failed to occur (I might have misread Royal). I agree that the Bernie left would be shitting all over the place about anything like this for Hillary. The quoted letter from the FEC is standard action for any campaign, and is fairly similar to how any state or local agency deals with federal entities.

Hehehe it's cute you think Americans even know what Brazil is.

It's somewhere near Portugal, right?
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