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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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I'm pretty sure Bill doesn't have Anthony's sick abs.

Maybe it's just me, but I feel bad for the guy. For one, he seems like an intelligent and well-intended guy, at least from all the interviews with him I have seen, and if he was a woman then no way would people be mocking him over the leaked pictures like is often done. I really hope he stays in politics, I like a lot of his ideas.
He is never going to drop out. The guy isn't a democrat, has shown zero interest in supporting the party downticket and will literally take this to convention unless Hillary has an actual majority. There are zero political repercussions from him not going nuclear on a party hes not even a part of and he'll keep the campaign going as long as the money keeps on flowing - and it will.

All respect I had for him has gone out the window over the last month or so.

Aren't his committee positions only granted to him because Dems let him have those as an ally of the party? He'd be ruining any chance of the Dems covering for his lack of a party, and they definitely do.

I'm very curious about what happens on US v Texas without Scalia.

The brief responses to the contraception case kind of showcase the complicated situation SCOTUS is in right now. They took a bunch of important cases set up to make some law, not at all expecting they'd suddenly be in a situation where a bunch of ties looked like a plausible outcome.

On contraception this meant asking the lawyers to rebrief on how they feel about a possible compromise, something SCOTUS has never done before. But that's a case they didn't want to get rid of, because a 4-4 would leave a circuit split. US v. Texas doesn't have that problem -- but an affirmance by equally divided court is probably still not something Roberts wants to deal with.

There are a couple of options, of course -- they can toss it on standing, which lets them avoid getting to merits. This still sets some relevant precedent regarding federalism. There's also historical precedent to order the case reargued once a new justice is confirmed, although in this case that would mean an extremely long delay -- it might mean Obama's not even in office when the case is heard again!* So it'll be interesting to see what happens.

Of course the case could also just go 8-0 like the one person one vote case did and all of this theorizing would go to waste. We'll have to see.

* I still think it's likely Garland gets confirmed sometime before November.

I agree with all of this, including Garland's nomination. Enough GOP senators have jumped ship on blocking him, and McConnell (while terrified of getting Cantor'd) is still going to have to see that. After Trump locks it up or Cleveland gets put under Kasich's martial law
or maybe both!
I think he'll have to look at their chances in November and quickly confirm the guy. He's left-wing, but waiting only ruins your chances of down-ticket redemption, and it severely limits your position to argue against a possible pinko-commie-liberal-hippie nominee from Hillary. "The party that cried liberal" and all that.


HEW is that?

The great representative from New York: Anthony Weiner.... He liked showing his weiner on Twitta.



Maybe it's just me, but I feel bad for the guy. For one, he seems like an intelligent and well-intended guy, at least from all the interviews with him I have seen, and if he was a woman then no way would people be mocking him over the leaked pictures like is often done. I really hope he stays in politics, I like a lot of his ideas.

It isn't surprising that he was looking for action on the side. HumaxHillary fic definitely has a basis in reality. He likely feels neglected and was super strawberry jelly.
Maybe it's just me, but I feel bad for the guy. For one, he seems like an intelligent and well-intended guy, at least from all the interviews with him I have seen, and if he was a woman then no way would people be mocking him over the leaked pictures like is often done. I really hope he stays in politics, I like a lot of his ideas.

He was a really successful politician and I had heard of him (and was a fan!) before the incident.

Mind you I didn't even live in New York! That's how popular he was.


No Scrubs
Does it involve Israel? Can we blow it up? Is their oil? Will getting involved in a ground war help bring about the Rapture and the Return of Jesus?




I'ts not boring, and IDK how it's going to play out but I'm not smart.

Brazil is...honestly I don't know where it's going. I've spoken to some expats who have said Brazil has been a corrupt shithole for years and years, citing incredibly polluted rivers and illegal logging and a whole long list of horrible shit, and that's why they left.

Brazil is the story no one's writing about and no one cares about.

Maybe it's just me, but I feel bad for the guy. For one, he seems like an intelligent and well-intended guy, at least from all the interviews with him I have seen, and if he was a woman then no way would people be mocking him over the leaked pictures like is often done. I really hope he stays in politics, I like a lot of his ideas.

The Carlos Danger shit killed him in the state. He was incredibly popular as a member of Congress and he was in the midst of making a very real comeback. If he hadn't fucked up again he could have rehabbed his career. He's dead as a doornail, you can lie to your spouse but when you tell the voters that it's over you had better be telling the truth.


Its always gotta be like that huh. Its hard to read this thread sometimes, bernie is constantly being shit upon
It's telling that you focused on that phrase instead of the lengthy article detailing an important Supreme Court case involving immigration taking place tomorrow. Yesterday I posted a thread that barely reached 50 posts, about racial discrimination even in an abortion bill heard on the floor in the House. We had two articles posted about autism in here yesterday.

Did you bother to look at US vs Texas, or is Bernie Sanders all you are going to care about?

The Anthony Weiner documentary movie is due out next month.
Weiner is fucked. He and Edwards are the great disappointments of the last decade, really - guys who should have been superstars in the party but were instead laughingstocks. Shit, an in-tact Edwards, with his populist bent, could have probably done decently this time around.


No Scrubs
Weiner is fucked. He and Edwards are the great disappointments of the last decade, really - guys who should have been superstars in the party but were instead laughingstocks. Shit, an in-tact Edwards, with his populist bent, could have probably done decently this time around.

Weiner pisses me off way more than Edwards because he could have come back. He never actually cheated and the city was willing to forgive him for what he did. The guy was just that popular. The whole thing just makes me want to bash my head against the wall.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I really don't like either of those Twitter accounts. I don't like that they're active, and I don't particularly like us sharing information from them


That Twitter account is kind of slimy. Posting random people's information like that.

I know it's public record, but it's still dumb.

Public record doesn't mean it should or is designed to be broadcast to the world like this. This borderline doxxing as someone said. If not outright. This is not what that information was meant for.

An account like this can be reported and closed down right? Or is this an official account?


Weiner pisses me off way more than Edwards because he could have come back. He never actually cheated and the city was willing to forgive him for what he did. The guy was just that popular. The whole thing just makes me want to bash my head against the wall.

The problem Weiner had is really just that he resigned from Congress and apologized for doing the sexting and then he just kept doing more sexting. Like, there's no way around that one, if it was bad enough for you to resign from Congress but you still want to be in politics then you have to stop doing the thing. Obviously you're not good enough at hiding it to get away with it because you already got caught!

Pretty much straight up he wanted to send dick pics more than he wanted to serve the people. Everybody makes their own choices!

Also, to be frank, it really didn't help that his name was Weiner.


Your also going to need more JBE, Bill Nelson's, Donelly etc in your Democratic Coalition. Super liberal Warren's aint winning in the plains and South.

Someone like Hood could win the MS Governorship in 3 years.
To be honest I don't really have an issue with the twitter account. It's not like it is info that is supposed to well hidden from normal people. Now if people starting posting links to these people's facebook, home addresses, etc. that would be a huge issue
Honestly, while I know it's the public record and all, I still really don't like that twitter account. Naming and placing people on a venue like that has the potential to go very wrong very quickly.


Maybe it's just me, but I feel bad for the guy. For one, he seems like an intelligent and well-intended guy, at least from all the interviews with him I have seen, and if he was a woman then no way would people be mocking him over the leaked pictures like is often done. I really hope he stays in politics, I like a lot of his ideas.

Considering how the internet tends to react about women, I'd be terrified if any prominent female politician had racy pics of herself leaked online. It would be a shitshow and 100% would receive way more harassment or blowback than any male politician would receive for an equivalent offense.
Considering how the internet tends to react about women, I'd be terrified if any prominent female politician had racy pics of herself leaked online. It would be a shitshow and 100% would receive way more harassment or blowback than any male politician would receive for an equivalent offense.

Definitely more harassment, but I doubt the blowback would be as severe in a professional sense. If it was really just racy pictures, with no cheating component involved, I'd bet there would be a lot more sympathy from the not-generally-awful parts of the public.


Honestly, while I know it's the public record and all, I still really don't like that twitter account. Naming and placing people on a venue like that has the potential to go very wrong very quickly.

I'll agree with this. Spamming it without context on social media isn't really a good use of the information


Considering how the internet tends to react about women, I'd be terrified if any prominent female politician had racy pics of herself leaked online. It would be a shitshow and 100% would receive way more harassment or blowback than any male politician would receive for an equivalent offense.

I think it also depends on the nature of the pics... Nobody really cared that the previous senator from Massachusetts posed for playgirl when he was running, and he didn't really hide it. NSFW

But the Weiner pics were the talk of the town for months. You're right though, a woman would just about be exiled.


No Scrubs
The problem Weiner had is really just that he resigned from Congress and apologized for doing the sexting and then he just kept doing more sexting. Like, there's no way around that one, if it was bad enough for you to resign from Congress but you still want to be in politics then you have to stop doing the thing. Obviously you're not good enough at hiding it to get away with it because you already got caught!

Pretty much straight up he wanted to send dick pics more than he wanted to serve the people. Everybody makes their own choices!

Also, to be frank, it really didn't help that his name was Weiner.

That's what I'm getting at, had he just stopped doing it he would be the mayor of NYC right now.


Interesting, I just heard from two Hillary-supporting Facebook friends from New York that said they got called by the Sanders campaign. So it would seem their phone banking is not just a gotv effort.


I haven't bother to read the editorial, but Bernie is bigger than all three past insurgents combined and multiplied. The establishment will get SHOOK when they realize this.

I don't understand this morbid satisfaction to undermine Sanders.

Maybe you should read the editorial and find out.

Bouie's point goes beyond the size of Sanders' campaign.


No Scrubs
I haven't bother to read the editorial, but Bernie is bigger than all three past insurgents combined and multiplied. The establishment will get SHOOK when they realize this.

I don't understand this morbid satisfaction to undermine Sanders.

No, it's not. It just looks that way because it's a two person race.
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