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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Check out this bernie cosplayer at the clooney protest



I feel like I'm sort of serious about politics and follow it closely... But I'd never do anything like this.


One of the things I despise most about modern politics, which is by no means exclusive to the Sanders campaign but is certainly very prominent within it, is the hatred of complexity. You must be able to explain your position on all issues in one sentence. Any acknowledgement that major issues tend to be complicated and have complicated solutions, and that with any policy all effects must be weighed and considered, is often treated as "having no principles" or "refusing to answer."

Make no mistake, I hate it when politicians waffle or evade to avoid having to answer a question as much as anyone else. But trying to evade a question and trying to provide a reasoned, nuanced response are not the same thing.

This particularly came to mind because of the posts about fracking. I'm reminded of earlier in the campaign where I saw some Sanders supporters sharing a picture which had Hillary and Sanders' views on fracking. The Sanders column just said "no", the Hillary one was a block of text. The implication that having a stance that takes more than one word to explain is wrong is a perfect demonstration of this hatred of complexity and nuance.

Another case which springs to mind is minimum wage, where apparently even suggesting that one uniform minimum wage for the entire country is not the best solution means you're not a true liberal. Frankly, that sort of argument disgusts me. It's a very Tea Partyish attitude of "I don't care what's right, I just want something simple and easy which appeals to my views without actually considering what is best."


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The MOM campaign lived off that $2700 for the subsequent 2 months.

I read MOM And thought you were talking about the Mothers of the Movement campaign Hillary has been supporting and I was like damn she's a slavedriver.


Certain Bernie supporters are such jokes at this point (ala the gif). Self-parody at this point.

God, I already got like five texts from Bernie supporters telling me he is the first candidate in DECADES with INTEGRITY. lol. I want to tell them to fuck off, buuuut... I suspect I'll just get 30 more calls before primary day in PA. Goddamn it Bernie, why do you have to pretend you still have a chance before the PA primary arrived? I was hoping you'd jump ship so I could skip this annoying part of the process. Not like Hillary isn't going to win PA by ten at least.


Just look at this shit:

Superdelegates have destroyed the will of the people: As a political activist and hopeful millennial, I won’t support a broken system by voting for Hillary

How does this column exist when Clinton is winning by any empirical metric and the only candidate talking about using superdelegates to win the nomination is fucking Sanders.

Their camp has sent like 12 different mixed messages about the validity of using superdelegates. It's really embarrassing how amateur hour the campaign is becoming. Most campaigns act a little silly about their odds as things look dire, but most of them know to bow out before it gets too ridiculous. Sanders camp right now is just...yikes. I mean Hillary was being pretty silly at points back in 2008 about her chances, but this is a whole new level of crazy right now compared to that.


I just had a look into the FEC letters. I imagine the volume of contributions is probably hard to deal with, why doesn't Bernie's campaign hire a few more accountants? Most of the pages are apparently listings of individuals contributed too much or may be impermissible.

I'm sure people are well-meaning but I'm feeling sorry for the campaign accountants by this point.


And after.. Someone goes and picks up that money. Because I would.
Shoot that look like enough for a pizza, i would have no shame

Their camp has sent like 12 different mixed messages about the validity of using superdelegates. It's really embarrassing how amateur hour the campaign is becoming. Most campaigns act a little silly about their odds as things look dire, but most of them know to bow out before it gets too ridiculous. Sanders camp right now is just...yikes. I mean Hillary was being pretty silly at points back in 2008 about her chances, but this is a whole new level of crazy right now compared to that.

Just wait until Wednesday, I think the crazy level will go higher.
That Hillary tattoo was incredibly well done. I mean, I'm not saying I would do that....but....I'm not saying I wouldn't do that.

It's all so confusing.
Why didn't they throw monopoly money or something?

Also... I get that it's unfair to condemn the candidate and their campaign for the behavior of their supporters, but in a kind of Trumpesque way I can't help but feel that they've been egging on and enabling, or at least declining to condemn, some of the stupider things we've seen Bernie supporters latch onto. The messaging about Superdelegates is a big one, they started franticly screaming about how unfair it was, and now they're desperately trying to court them so you've got a whole bunch of people out there screaming about how superdelegates destroy the very idea of democracy and that's why they should all vote for Bernie and also caucus delegate manipulations are just the way the game's supposed to be played. There's a pretty yuge group of people being given a truly terrible education in the way politics works.
Shoot that look like enough for a pizza, i would have no shame.
You'll never have to bum money off Gordon anymore and we can go get pizza for PoliGAF. I like it. I think Little Caesar's gives us the best bang for our buck. We need to do that.

What are you doing, Belinda?

You'd think the first refund would be sufficient signal.

She's got a fever. And the Bern Ward has got the cure.

Why didn't they throw monopoly money or something?
Seriously.. Why not?


"If we hit our goal of 3,000,000 calls before 7PM next week, we will be well on a track to win California 80-20! I did the math!"

I wouldn't be surprised if there is an opposite effect of massive face banking if all of the stories are true from previous massive face banks


Who would've guessed that while the right was imploding, the far left would've been the biggest thorn in the side of a Democratic presidency in 2017. Sigh.


Who would've guessed that while the right was imploding, the far left would've been the biggest thorn in the side of a Democratic presidency in 2017. Sigh.

Remember the old adage "You can always count on the Democrats to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory".


You'll never have to bum money off Gordon anymore and we can go get pizza for PoliGAF. I like it. I think Little Caesar's gives us the best bang for our buck. We need to do that.

She's got a fever. And the Bern Ward has got the cure.

Seriously.. Why not?

Lil Casar's holds a master class in garbage pizza you let slide because it is cheap and even garbage pizza is good when you are hungry.

But I am keeping the crazy bread for myself.
Oh god, my mom wants to phonebank for Queen today.

I'm.....I'm torn. On one side, FUCK YA, I want to watch that particular train wreck. On the other side.....oh god, what will she do?

Also, the NY numbers have been really, really good. I've gotten like 90-95% confirmed Clinton people.


Question for you all: how many times would someone have to try and facebank you before it became seriously annoying?

I'm going with one :p


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Having a second candidate is a thorn in the side of a democratic presidency?
In this instance kind of. The Democrat party and people that are left-wing should be uniting and trying to rally behind one candidate and show that they are different than the carnival of the right...instead we have Bernie and the Democrat debate of last Thursday.


Question for you all: how many times would someone have to try and facebank you before it became seriously annoying?

I'm going with one :p
It's okay if you get a reasonable caller, I think.

I got phoned by a Sanders volunteer once and I just gently told him I'm voting for Hillary. He rambled into a spiel about how "at least you're voting for a Democrat" but I'm pretty sure he wanted to say something else. The call ended amiably and I wasn't called again.

They're supposed to mark you down as a "Definitely Hillary" so that the phonebanking system doesn't turn your number up again.
Lil Casar's holds a master class in garbage pizza you let slide because it is cheap and even garbage pizza is good when you are hungry.

But I am keeping the crazy bread for myself.
You can keep the crazy bread, as long as we spring for the deep dish with cheese on the inside.

My mother when we were broke as shit used to but as many of them as she could and then freeze them so we can have them later.



Momma Adam don't play that.

You got your head on straight girl.

It's okay if you get a reasonable caller, I think.

I got phoned by a Sanders volunteer once and I just gently told him I'm voting for Hillary. He rambled into a spiel about how "at least you're voting for a Democrat" but I'm pretty sure he wanted to say something else. The call ended amiably and I wasn't called again.

They're supposed to mark you down as a "Definitely Hillary" so that the phonebanking system doesn't turn your number up again.

That's fair, I was thinking more of this annoying new method of spamming you with Facebook events :p
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