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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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I've always like "I'm not a member of an organized political party, I'm a Democrat."

I'm almost disappointed no ones called me. I'm in the demographic range that's good for Sander's, and I've been registered democrat and voted in every election since I turned 18. Both candidates should be begging for my vote!

I'm a 26 year old first time voter. White male. I'm a prime time Bernie demographic, but nobody ever calls me

Oh well. It'd just go to voicemail anyway


So, it could be that Monday morning is destroying my ability to do math, but this means that he would need to average a 28-point margin of victory in every state after Tuesday? Yikes.

It's fine, he just needs to beat Clinton 80-20 in California and he's got this. A state he's never lead in and not exactly favorable demographics to his base.


I drank too much yesterday. I was at a cocktail meet and greet thing, and all the old Democrats were trying to out drink me. They don't need their livers anymore. I'm still partial to mine. I had Arbys at midnight. My body is dying.

I need Queen's light and warmth to shine over me, considering I agreed to make GOTV calls today. Ugh.

Arbys and BK back to back?

Bro are you getting enough fiber???

The best part about Hillary's hot sauce love is that she does it because it's scientifically proven to be healthy to eat a lot of spicy food.

It's scientifically proven that I have more painful shits after I eat spicy food

That doesn't feel healtier
It's fine, he just needs to beat Clinton 80-20 in California and he's got this. A state he's never lead in and not exactly favorable demographics to his base.

He just needs to go to the convention with a string of narrow defeats which are easily classifiable as victories if you use his polling numbers from two years ago when 95% of the country had never even heard his name; the superdelegates will see a string of 40-45% showings and be impressed by his natural momentum and vote for him, since according to math, that means he'd be up to 125% of the vote by November. Checkmate.
Arbys and BK back to back?

Bro are you getting enough fiber???

It's scientifically proven that I have more painful shits after I eat spicy food

That doesn't feel healtier

Send halp. I think I'm dying.

Your body shouldn't feel this way.

Burger King and Arbys are a big mess. A BIG MESS> SAD!



Unless the polls are completely off she's probably going to win by ten points.

Also no butterscotch candies in Hillary's purse? For shame.


I had no idea Hillary beat Obama by 17% in New York.

This is going to be a bloodbath.

To be fair, New York was much earlier in the process last time around and was part of the Super Tuesday events, where Clinton won all the big name states. At the time she was still seen as the front runner, and it was only after super Tuesday when everyone did the delegate math did Obama start to really rack up the wins. Also she was a sitting senator from the city at the time.

I'm positive that had the NY primary been held at this time in 2008, it would have been a lot, lot closer. Hence why I expect it to be closer this year than it was in 2008.


That's hispandering right there.

Chiles en vinagre tho.

Every meal all day every day.


Daniel B·;201259576 said:
So, as well as having a war chest bulging at the seams, thanks to the support of countless everyday Americans, he now has an abundance of free press coverage, too :).

Well, I guess that's great if you value money and media coverage over votes and delegates.
I had no idea Sanders was in Prospect Park yesterday and I was there like an hour before he was, goddamnit. I may not be feeling the Bern but that's still super annoying that I missed it.
One of the things I despise most about modern politics, which is by no means exclusive to the Sanders campaign but is certainly very prominent within it, is the hatred of complexity. You must be able to explain your position on all issues in one sentence. Any acknowledgement that major issues tend to be complicated and have complicated solutions, and that with any policy all effects must be weighed and considered, is often treated as "having no principles" or "refusing to answer."

Make no mistake, I hate it when politicians waffle or evade to avoid having to answer a question as much as anyone else. But trying to evade a question and trying to provide a reasoned, nuanced response are not the same thing.

This particularly came to mind because of the posts about fracking. I'm reminded of earlier in the campaign where I saw some Sanders supporters sharing a picture which had Hillary and Sanders' views on fracking. The Sanders column just said "no", the Hillary one was a block of text. The implication that having a stance that takes more than one word to explain is wrong is a perfect demonstration of this hatred of complexity and nuance.

Another case which springs to mind is minimum wage, where apparently even suggesting that one uniform minimum wage for the entire country is not the best solution means you're not a true liberal. Frankly, that sort of argument disgusts me. It's a very Tea Partyish attitude of "I don't care what's right, I just want something simple and easy which appeals to my views without actually considering what is best."

Ideological purity is the death of logic and sound reasoning only to be replaced by emotion and feelings that make you feel all good and warm on the inside.


remember me
I found the excuse/fraud allegation that will be made when Bernie loses California


The American Independent Party, an ultra-conservative political party in California that opposes abortion rights and same-sex marriage and wants to build a Trump-esque fence along the entire United States border, is bigger than all of California's other minor parties combined. With more than half a million members, the AIP calls itself the "fastest-growing political party in California." But a new report from the Los Angeles Times has revealed that more than half of its members registered by mistake.

They were trying to register as independent voters — the correct box on the registration form reads "no party affiliation." But, misled by the word "independent" in the AIP's name, thousands of people accidentally declared their allegiance to a party whose beliefs don't align with their own. And while independent voters (those who checked "no party affiliation") can vote in the state's closed Democratic presidential primary, those registered with the far-right party cannot.


aka andydumi
*tosses a vinyl album off of the Empire State Building*

There. Record broken.

Interestingly, I saw a mythbusters type show once where they threw records off a building and because they are flat, they sometimes caught drafts/winds and floated/glided sideways like pieces of paper, so they did not shatter but instead slid across the ground very fast. Weird.
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