Oh yeah Emerson did another NY poll
Clinton 55
Sanders 40
Trump 55
Kasich 21
Cruz 18
It's crazy just how stable this race has been.
Oh yeah Emerson did another NY poll
Clinton 55
Sanders 40
Trump 55
Kasich 21
Cruz 18
Remember the old adage "You can always count on the Democrats to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory".
Mark Harris ‏@MarkHarrisNYC 11h11 hours ago Manhattan, NY
Transcript of Vatican meeting:
Sanders: Did you know most of my contributions come from people without much money?
Pope: Same. Ok bye.
It's crazy just how stable this race has been.
Sanders courting those superdelegates like
Sanders after those superdelegates like
lolAre you sure that's not Adam protecting Clinton from assassins?
Good morning PoliGAF. Enjoying a nice glass of wine rn what's new
Wine? In the morning? Is it at least in orange juice?
I need to get me some of that....I just had breakfast burritos from Burger King because I hate myself and wanted to remind myself why.
Are you sure that's not Adam protecting Clinton from assassins?
What are you doing, Belinda?
You'd think the first refund would be sufficient signal.
No, no orange juice.
I hate myself too...I made myself a pancake last night at like midnight. I'm the worst.
And so it shall be.PoliGAF OT5 | ☆.。.:*・° Pope-senpai Noticed Me ☆.。.:*・°
I drank too much yesterday. I was at a cocktail meet and greet thing, and all the old Democrats were trying to out drink me. They don't need their livers anymore. I'm still partial to mine. I had Arbys at midnight. My body is dying.
I need Queen's light and warmth to shine over me, considering I agreed to make GOTV calls today. Ugh.
Honestly, the hot sauce thing makes me less likely to vote for Queen. Hot sauce is gross. A big mess.
Just like my abuela....and Beyoncé.I did not know this but Hillary apparently really is addicted to hot sauce: http://thesource.com/2016/04/18/hil...s-hot-sauce-in-her-bag-on-the-breakfast-club/
I drank too much yesterday. I was at a cocktail meet and greet thing, and all the old Democrats were trying to out drink me. They don't need their livers anymore. I'm still partial to mine. I had Arbys at midnight. My body is dying.
I need Queen's light and warmth to shine over me, considering I agreed to make GOTV calls today. Ugh.
Ohhhhh people think she's pandering with the hot sauce thing
I'm too white for this shit
Honestly, the hot sauce thing makes me less likely to vote for Queen. Hot sauce is gross. A big mess.
Wrong on hot sauce, wrong on pizza.Honestly, the hot sauce thing makes me less likely to vote for Queen. Hot sauce is gross. A big mess.
I wonder if the deadlines for registering have anything to do with it
One of the things I despise most about modern politics, which is by no means exclusive to the Sanders campaign but is certainly very prominent within it, is the hatred of complexity. You must be able to explain your position on all issues in one sentence. Any acknowledgement that major issues tend to be complicated and have complicated solutions, and that with any policy all effects must be weighed and considered, is often treated as "having no principles" or "refusing to answer."
Make no mistake, I hate it when politicians waffle or evade to avoid having to answer a question as much as anyone else. But trying to evade a question and trying to provide a reasoned, nuanced response are not the same thing.
This particularly came to mind because of the posts about fracking. I'm reminded of earlier in the campaign where I saw some Sanders supporters sharing a picture which had Hillary and Sanders' views on fracking. The Sanders column just said "no", the Hillary one was a block of text. The implication that having a stance that takes more than one word to explain is wrong is a perfect demonstration of this hatred of complexity and nuance.
Another case which springs to mind is minimum wage, where apparently even suggesting that one uniform minimum wage for the entire country is not the best solution means you're not a true liberal. Frankly, that sort of argument disgusts me. It's a very Tea Partyish attitude of "I don't care what's right, I just want something simple and easy which appeals to my views without actually considering what is best."
I saw a Sunday talk show that interviewed Sanders and they still went about it saying it was actually a meeting with the Pope and didn't even mention or bring up how he basically ambushed the dude on his way out the door.
Lame stream media at it again!
Mark this date down: On April 17, Bernie Sanders became the Sunday talk show champion, surpassing Donald Trump for the most appearances of the 2016 presidential campaign, according to USA TODAY's Sunday show tracker.
I wholeheartedly agree. Very well said.
lol the only candidate in New York to have a negative favorability rating within their party is Ted Cruz with -17
A bunch of opinions and orders announced, probably have to wait for SCOTUSBlog write ups.Anything of interest happen at the SCOTUS this morning?
Lol, true.I'm going to go with, "Places that are going to get hammered with negative Yelp reviews", Alex.
http://www.cntraveler.com/stories/2012-08-30/hillary-clinton-interview-visionariesWe asked Secretary Clintons office what she always packs:
A small mesh bag filled with the basics: Sharpies, Advil, sunscreen. Converters to charge her BlackBerry and iPad anywhere in the world. Red pepper flakes and a mini bottle of Tabasco Sauce for adding spice to her meals.
If only Sunday talk show points translated into votes.
So you're saying it was...
Concerned Plants Time.
It was De Blasio's idea, I swear!
Nate Cohn @Nate_Cohn
If you assume Clinton wins delegates at stake in NY and 4/26 by a 10 pt margin, Sanders would need 64% of remaining pledged del for majority
Who would've guessed that while the right was imploding, the far left would've been the biggest thorn in the side of a Democratic presidency in 2017. Sigh.
Honestly, the hot sauce thing makes me less likely to vote for Queen. Hot sauce is gross. A big mess.
This is fine.
I've always like "I'm not a member of an organized political party, I'm a Democrat."
I'm almost disappointed no ones called me. I'm in the demographic range that's good for Sander's, and I've been registered democrat and voted in every election since I turned 18. Both candidates should be begging for my vote!