Macho Madness
Tyler Perdigo Poll (MoE 99%)
Tyler 100%
Bernie 0%
Hillary -69%
Tyler 100%
Bernie 0%
Hillary -69%
I don't think I'm comfortable with adam's mom having a Grindr account.
What?I don't think I'm comfortable with adam's mom having a Grindr account.
I don't think I'm comfortable with adam's mom having a Grindr account.
No way.. No freaking way.. Adam, is this true?
Bernie wants to make housing more affordable and fix public housing:
$17 billion is a drop in the bucket compared to his other plans.Where is he going to find $17 billion?
Where is he going to find $17 billion?
stooooooop I'm doneShe just wants to invite others over to eat her cake.
Me either. She's currently phonebanking. She's been talking to this woman for like 20 minutes. They're talking about fudge recipes, and I'm not even remotely shitting you.
It's true.
She enjoys "looking at the people."
And I don't even fucking go there, brah. I let it alone.
Yeah. And $17b isn't exactly a difficult task. Bernie has good ideas. I like most of them. That's not the issue.Most everything on that housing piece makes sense, tbh.
Bernie wants to make housing more affordable and fix public housing:
I love your mother so much. Anything she does makes me smile.
low end (and original prediction): 57-43
high end: 61-39
Huffpost use to have so much cred
Tomorrow will be magical. Will the results be coming in around 7PM EST like most of the east-coast results so far?
If Hillary gets over 60... reddit may implode.
Stop old people from getting to the polls. If they don't know what Snapchat is they can't vote
Bernie wants to make housing more affordable and fix public housing:
I don't think it will be that insane. I'm expecting a 10-15 point win, probably closer to 10.
Had a dream it was already the general election and I missed everything. I didn't even know who the GOP nominee was.
I feel like this will be recurring for a while...
Huffpost use to have so much cred
TYT will be great
Fucking supporters are tone deaf as fuck dude. For real, a shitload of the Sander4Pres posts about canvassing Bronx sounded awful as fuck in regards to approaching minorities.
If the polls are at all accurate than 58-40 is most definitely not the low end. Low end would be a squeaker. High end would be 30 points. 10 seems a reasonable guess.
This is... spectacularly badly judged.
It is incredibly insulting. Like, whoever made these has got to be among the stupidest people alive.
My mom has WAY more game than me. Supposedly, she wrote down some people's Grindr account names in the event my Berniebro and I don't work out. (Although, she's already told me if we don't work out it's my fault because, clearly, he's perfect and I'm a hot mess...)
Also, those Bernie things...I saw them yesterday. They are gross.
I had this dream every single semester.That sounds like a version of that "I had a final, but I somehow missed every class" dream most people have.
I had this dream every single semester.
I'm waiting to see if it'll rear its ugly head this year too, even though I graduated in December.
I'm not too optimistic about United States v. Texas. Oral Arguments are reported to have been very divided 4:4.
I had this dream every single semester.
I'm waiting to see if it'll rear its ugly head this year too, even though I graduated in December.
Yeah, I was hoping maybe standing would come into question, but it doesn't look promising.I'm not too optimistic about United States v. Texas. Oral Arguments are reported to have been very divided 4:4.
This is... spectacularly badly judged.
Polls don't close until 9:00pm EST.
Polls close at 9pm EST.
The condition of public housing is certainly something that needs to be addressed. If Bernie would stick to this kind of messaging more it would be a lot easier to like him.
I don't think it's really fair to attack him on this when there wasn't any kind of negativity in the article.
I'm also a little biased because I grew up in public housing.