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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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That was a good speech. I was still "feeling the Bern" at the time, but throwing up the white flag at Super Tuesday results. If he didn't get less than a 10 point loss there (SC) I figured it was over.

This marks the first time in my life I've ever wanted to say "Amen" without a hint of sarcasm. Alperstein breaks down, piece by piece, every misgiving I've grown to have about Bernie Sanders the man and his campaign. It's such a meaty article, too. The woman is as thorough and detailed as I'd imagine a lawyer would be.

Some choice bits:

It's real. It's been bothering me for awhile that he keeps hammering on these unrealistic platforms and it's like, the reality is he'd do exactly the same things as Hillary with regards to healthcare, because that's all you can realistically do. But he won't say that. He keeps saying "single payer, single payer" and it's like, Bernie, that's not possible so are you lying to us or are you a fool? Neither option is good.

Rosario Dawson really would make a great Bernie Sanders in the future (as some folks suggested, well they suggested she run for office), because all Bernie does is shout inane statements and protest so she's fitting right in!
This marks the first time in my life I've ever wanted to say "Amen" without a hint of sarcasm. Alperstein breaks down, piece by piece, every misgiving I've grown to have about Bernie Sanders the man and his campaign. It's such a meaty article, too. The woman is as thorough and detailed as I'd imagine a lawyer would be.

Some choice bits:

And it just goes on and on. Rather lengthy but undoubtedly a great read. Thanks for the link, Jaekeem.

Small point, he usually says its about VAWA and not assault weapons ban. Very well sourced article but it begins to veer into gish gallop style with the sheer amount of arguments. I'm sure there could be an equivalent article for pretty much any politician and its pretty easy to twist half truths with barely any chance for anyone to refute every point.

But the stuff said about unrealistic platforms is pretty spot on even though I like bernie, there are things you can do with healthcare that aren't a huge political battle like single payer that hillary isn't really pushing.


OMG. All the mods going after my bae....

I thought Shawn Ashmore was soooo hot after seeing him for the first time after seeing X2 in the theater, to the point where I went home and wrote a slashfic about Bobby and Professor Logan . . . and what happened in that kitchen if Stryker's men hadn't attacked.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
And he even goes even farther. He attacks anyone who does not agree with him or who endorses Clinton as “establishment.” Thus, Planned Parenthood, which has been subject to so much hate and false attack and whose employees risk their lives on a daily basis to go to work in the face of death threats and bombings, is “the establishment” — so its endorsement of Hillary is to be written off and distrusted. Same goes for NARAL. Same goes for the Human Rights Campaign, and long-time public servants like Barney Frank, and Emily’s List, which is dedicated to electing women to office. The list goes on and on. According to Team Sanders, there is no legitimate reason not to support him — if you don’t, it must be because you are a shill, an establishment member, an apologist for the status quo, not a true progressive, not a real liberal. There is no space for considering that Planned Parenthood and NARAL endorsed Clinton because she has been a champion for reproductive rights, not simply a supporter. There is no space for considering that Sanders’ paucity of endorsements from unions and organizations and other politicians could possibly be based on the view that Clinton is more qualified, more experienced, has a better platform, is a better leader, is more likable, is more likely to achieve progressive goals, has done more to advance equality, has a better record, or any other metric. Hillary’s disagreement with aspects of Sanders’s proposals (disagreements which are relatively minor in any event) couldn’t possibly be based on her conclusion that his ideas are not well thought out, or have potentially offsetting negative consequences, or are unworkable; no, her disagreement must be a function of her corruption or her political calculation.


In case any of you thought she didn't actually have hot sauce in her purse.

Oh you sweet summer child....she plays the long con. She wrote a paper in the 2nd grade about internationalism in Israel JUST to cover herself for something that might happen in 2017. The fact that she pandered to Big Pepper in 2008 is NOTHING. I mean, she forced Chelsea to get pregnant so that she could hide from BEN GHAZI!

Or something.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
There's a lot in that piece, and I don't agree with all of it, but most of what's there mirrors my own journey as Sanders has become a candidate who pisses me off. As soon as it started to look like he might not win (after suddenly looking like maybe he had a shot at winning) stuff turned profoundly negative in a way I'm amazed hasn't been called out more
So I am visiting my grandma, and she always has CNN on, which I never ever watch, holy shit the guys they bring on these panels. Bernie guy suggesting the money being raised for down ticket candidates being "siphoned off" and "follow the money"
So I am visiting my grandma, and she always has CNN on, which I never ever watch, holy shit the guys they bring on these panels. Bernie guy suggesting the money being raised for down ticket candidates being "siphoned off" and "follow the money"

It's ironic that Bernie's people want us to follow the money, because we literally can't with over $23 million of his campaign donations.

But, you know...millionaires, billionaires, etc.


The parallels that Chris Hayes has drawn between the 1988 and 2016 New York Primaries are kind of disconcerting in how similar things are.

The implication is that the same manner in which Gore's "soft on crime" attacks hurt Dukakis in the the general that Sanders "herp derp corruption" might hurt Hilary in the general. There were other parallels as well but I think that was the major one to take away.
There's a lot in that piece, and I don't agree with all of it, but most of what's there mirrors my own journey as Sanders has become a candidate who pisses me off. As soon as it started to look like he might not win (after suddenly looking like maybe he had a shot at winning) stuff turned profoundly negative in a way I'm amazed hasn't been called out more

Yea I think most of the facts and background about him are ancillary to just how the campaign has evolved. It def makes me disappointed, and I'm sure people who just liked him would begin to dislike him. Hopefully his relative success can be used to move the party more democratically.


Nate CohnVerified account
Obviously Team Clinton is intentionally not spending as much as they can, but who would have guessed they'd get outspent 2:1 so often

and yet they are still losing. Its so comical.
Found this: http://www.thepeoplesview.net/main/2016/2/17/when-brown-lives-did-not-matter-to-bernie

“Before the rally Sanders invited the three West Texans to meet with him privately, and the Texans eagerly agreed. The meeting was no longer than Sanders’ attention span - when it comes to Sierra Blanca. “He didn’t listen,” Curry said. “He had his mind made up.” Afterward, Bernie was giving his pro forma campaign speech, never mentioning nuclear power or nuclear waste. Sierra Blanca activist Bill Addington, who’d arrived just that morning to join the march, along with his neighbor María Méndez, had had enough, and he yelled from the crowd, “What about my home, Bernie? What about Sierra Blanca?”

Several others joined in. “What about Sierra Blanca, Bernie?”

Sanders left the stage, which surprised no one in the small Texas delegation. Earlier, he had told them, “My position is unchanged, and you’re not gonna like it.” When they asked if he would visit the site in Sierra Blanca, he said, “Absolutely not. I’m gonna be running for re-election in the state of Vermont.””

Direct source: http://archives.texasobserver.org/issue/1998/09/11#page=11
The bold sounds very much like the impression black activists in Vermont have of Bernie Sanders: He has ignored them.

“I felt completely negated. Like I was invisible,” she recalled. Mouliert said she also invited Sanders to speak at her organization but complained that Sanders never rescheduled after canceling his initial visit.

“I called Bernie Sanders after my race, and no one ever called me back at all,” said Dickerson, a longtime councilwoman in Richland County, home to the state capital of Columbia. “I got more than 400,000 votes. If he’s not interested in my thoughts, in my list of voters, why should I be interested in him?”

The Bernie Sanders of the Campaign and the actual Bernie Sanders in office seem to be completely different people wrt how he interacts with minority communities and issues involving them.
I fucking love Brian Fallon

Brian Fallon ‏@brianefallon 4h4 hours ago
Sanders, last month: "We'll win NY!"
Sanders, last wk: "We'll win NY!"
Sanders, on eve of NY: "Hey look at our bogus allegation abt the DNC"

Brian Fallon ‏@brianefallon 3h3 hours ago
Sanders' targets of late: POTUS, Planned Parenthood, Human Rights Campaign, the "South," the DNC...

Maybe it's not them. Maybe it's you...
I wish Bernie was as bad at speaking as Mitt Romney. If Rmoney was running on Bernie's platform of no bailouts for the banks, he would have summed it up with "Let New York fail." Would have gone well in the New York primary.


The bold sounds very much like the impression black activists in Vermont have of Bernie Sanders: He has ignored them.

The Bernie Sanders of the Campaign and the actual Bernie Sanders in office seem to be completely different people wrt how he interacts with minority communities and issues involving them.

No, the Bernie Sanders of the Campaign is pretty damn good at dissing minority voters.
The bold sounds very much like the impression black activists in Vermont have of Bernie Sanders: He has ignored them.

The Bernie Sanders of the Campaign and the actual Bernie Sanders in office seem to be completely different people wrt how he interacts with minority communities and issues involving them.

Ok im pretty sure that salon post was pretty suspect from a huffpo blog refutation (not amazing sources but they show their investigative work).
and yet they are still losing. Its so comical.

Amateur hour. And also why I laugh at the nonstop goalpost moving. Sanders' camp has been talking about NY for months. I happen to think he'll do better than expected tomorrow but I'm probably gonna be very wrong. Yet after months of tough talk the campaign response tomorrow will likely be "Hillary only won her home state by 7-10 points; Sanders was down 60 points x months ago; Sanders won his state by 50+" etc etc.

They'll the same exact same thing in California.


Dyin @ the dudes on CNN talking about Kasich and the woman who says he's the most reasonable of the GOP candidates but can't remember his name.
Yea the internet made it absurdly easy and I don't know how to easily put the genie back in the bottle.

You go to broad, trending topics instead of heavily curated ones. Now, this isn't super possible on Facebook (it could customize your sidebar with top posts from different viewpoints based on a "what are you interested in" question, but you still can't force opposing sides to friend each other), but that doesn't matter. People always segregated their friend groups like this. But other places like Twitter/Reddit/etc... need un-filterable content (based on interest) so that you have to catch those topics. If you say that you're interested in politics, you should get op-eds from Fox News, MSNBC, HuffPo, etc...

My father-in-law is a Trump supporter, but he's had a Baltimore Sun (pretty liberal) subscription for years, with no plans to cancel it. He reads it cover-to-cover, promptly states, "Well that was stupid," and recycles it. But I like that he's open to other viewpoints. Internet aggregation sites should try to curate that stuff less and less as time goes on.
Money in politics need to be regulated. But Bern outspending Hillary in NY 2:1 and probably losing, as well as that wrestling lady in California spending 50 million of her own money and losing the senate seat shows that the law of diminishing returns applies to money in politics. I like to imagine the money going towards ads helps the public "know" who the candidates are, but there is only so much you can know before you make up your mind. No amount of money will help you if people don't agree. It's like a tank of water being filled. After pouring x amount of money, it just overflows. SuperPACs included. I don't think this is an existential threat to democracy as Bernie makes it out to be. Lets not forget, Jeb Fucking Bush dropped out despite having the record and all the money in the world to support him.

The existential threat to democracy IMO is the voting restrictions red state governors pull. It always rustles my jimmies to hear about people being denied to vote, like that black guy who was turned away despite having 3 IDs. This shit needs to be tackled with and slammed to the ground ASAP.
No amount of money will help you if people don't agree. It's like a tank of water being filled. After pouring x amount of money, it just overflows. SuperPACs included. I don't think this is an existential threat to democracy as Bernie makes it out to be.
Let's also not forget Scott Walker, who had literal billionaires funding him and went broke.
Money in politics need to be regulated. But Bern outspending Hillary in NY 2:1 and probably losing, as well as that wrestling lady in California spending 50 million of her own money and losing the senate seat shows that the law of diminishing returns applies to money in politics. I like to imagine the money going towards ads helps the public "know" who the candidates are, but there is only so much you can know before you make up your mind. No amount of money will help you if people don't agree. It's like a tank of water being filled. After pouring x amount of money, it just overflows. SuperPACs included. I don't think this is an existential threat to democracy as Bernie makes it out to be. Lets not forget, Jeb Fucking Bush dropped out despite having the record and all the money in the world to support him.

The existential threat to democracy IMO is the voting restrictions red state governors pull. It always rustles my jimmies to hear about people being denied to vote, like that black guy who was turned away despite having 3 IDs. This shit needs to be tackled with and slammed to the ground ASAP.

Pretty much this. If this primary has demonstrated anything to me, it's that money counts for a hell of a lot less than I thought it would back in 2008. Bush gets absolutely bodied despite amassing a warchest that dwarfs like the rest of the Republicans combined. Walker goes broke and drops out first despite being the so-called golden boy backed by the Kochs. Trump is being dramatically outspent and, despite the delegate shenanigans, is still winning a handy plurality of votes. And it's true on the left, too. Bernie's money is mostly coming in small donations, yeah, but he's still spending and amassing more of it, to remarkably little effect.

There's still too much damn money in politics, but a critical threat to democracy it is not.
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