If Bernie gets under 5 points of Hilly I am spamming Lana.gif until Neogaf servers go down.
well it will be Summertime Sadness for one of the candidates that's for sure
If Bernie gets under 5 points of Hilly I am spamming Lana.gif until Neogaf servers go down.
If Bernie gets under 5 points of Hilly I am spamming Lana.gif until Neogaf servers go down.
Cruz might come in 3rd in the next six primaries.
Do they? What percentage of issues?
He's already pointed to the unusual order in Zubik. Justice Kagan claims that the justices are "working really hard" to avoid deadlocks--an unnecessary effort when one side has the upper hand. And we've seen for decades now how partisan the confirmation process has become, all because Republicans and Democrats are fighting over which side gets the upper hand. For instance, until Justice Alito's confirmation, the two justices who were confirmed with the most No votes were Justice Thomas (48 No) and Chief Justice Rehnquist (33). Justices Alito (42) and Kagan (37) both received more No votes than Rehnquist, and Justice Sotomayor received only two less than him (31).
Segall's suggestion is a way to cut back on the partisan bickering over confirmations and encourage the Court to continue doing what Kagan says they're doing now--"working really hard" to find a consensus.
Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, Delaware and Rhode Island.What states are voting next week? I know PA and CT, but not sure about anything else.
9 ET.Did my civic duty and whatnot. What time do polls close/results come in?
Unfortunately for the Sanders campaign, the individual delegates from Mississippi and Alabama count as much as the ones from every other state.Sorry, but I meant in states that actually mattered.
Maryland, Delaware and Rhode Island.What states are voting next week? I know PA and CT, but not sure about anything else.
What states are voting next week? I know PA and CT, but not sure about anything else.
Bernie supporters are going to start pushing for Voter ID, aren't they?
Anticipating disappointmentexit polling is in 40 minutes
Yeah, but it's the south.
Sorry, but I meant in states that actually mattered.
Or Guam. Your pick! will I officially be living in the south at 9PM?
Bruh he married you homewreckerThomas Roberts can get it. will I officially be living in the south at 9PM? will I officially be living in the south at 9PM?
Shaun King trending again, for being a fraud. Stunning.
According to at least one definition it is.
Bernie isn't a democrat.Are you saying that Bernie didn't try that or that Bernie isn't a Democrat?
No, he didn't try specifically to be lily white, but he does have a northern strategy and it's not working.Yeah.
I mean it sort of ended up that his campaign had vast majority white appeal but it wasn't intentional. It was through terrible misreadings, gafs, mistakes, incompetence, etc.
Bernie absolutely tried. But when his bread and butter "brand" and appeal didn't resonate with demographics outside of his usual targets he didn't know how to effectively pivot.
Very Guam-y.
Fuck MSNBC for having Morning Joe on in the afternoon
Uuuugh, I know.Bernie lost by like 30 points with folks aged 30-44 in the great state of Florida (and an overall number of people aged 18-44 in the state by the exit polls).
To me that counts as the youth vote. Please don't tell me I'll be an old man in the very near future.
I honestly didn't think anyone would actually care about his article or the fact that he plagiarized.Shaun King trending again, for being a fraud. Stunning.
You and I and our fellow New Yorkers better "giddy up"
Do we get to wear big hats and spurs?
Shaun King trending again, for being a fraud. Stunning.
For some reason it never sunk in just how small Delaware is until right now.
I honestly didn't think anyone would actually care about his article or the fact that he plagiarized.
I don't wanna be a cowboy
Chelsea Clinton set him up.Shaun King trending again, for being a fraud. Stunning.
Benchmark politics reporting low turnout in West Brooklyn, specifically Williamsburg. Not good for Bernie.
Benchmark politics reporting low turnout in West Brooklyn, specifically Williamsburg. Not good for Bernie.
The puffy pirate shirt it is then!
Benchmark politics reporting low turnout in West Brooklyn, specifically Williamsburg. Not good for Bernie.
The hipsters never vote. Also, turnout will likely go up after 5.
But I don't wanna be a pirate!
Any Bill Clintons blocking voting?
Also it's 4, aren't people going to just be getting out of work now?
To bring back working class whites, they're going to have to convince them to not be racist:
Contact theory and deep canvassing efforts could work, but we should do more research on how to reduce racial prejudice.
If Bernie gets under 5 points of Hilly I am spamming Lana.gif until Neogaf servers go down.
Cutting down on the partisanship of appointments isn't the same thing, though. And Kagan saying something doesn't make it true, either. And I don't like the implication that they don't work hard prior to Scalia's death to find consensus.
PR optics mean nothing. It's not evidence. I need to see Justices abandoning their known positions to find consensus before I believe it and there's zero evidence of that.
Bernie people don't have jobs.
Come on guys.
NY really needs to do better though. That October deadline is just insane.
I thought it was a joke but Shaun King literally did find a way to blame it on Hillary
Dammit, you took this from me.