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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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So my mom said that after Sandy people were allowed to vote in locations that they weren't registered for, but when they did it basically fucked up that persons registration because of the new location.

Any article or truth to this?
So my mom said that after Sandy people were allowed to vote in locations that they weren't registered for, but when they did it basically fucked up that persons registration because of the new location.

Any article or truth to this?
Dunno. People were allowed to vote in different locations but only in the statewide federal elections (Pres and senate)
Josh Marshall ‏@joshtpm 1m
Early exits, Grain o Salt: 18-29s, Bern 69, Hill 31; Af-Americans Bern 24, Hill 76.

These are really unsurprising, though 18-29s looks closer than it has been for a few states


No Scrubs
...he can't be legitimately that not self-aware, right? I could have sworn there were multiple articles during his winning spree where his campaign talked about how surprised they were at their success, and how it actually moved him to trying to go for a win rather than just push the issue. But there's no way he thought from the beginning he was Obama '08, right?

Well, his campaign did feel more like a 2008 campaign than it did a 2016 one at the outset. Hell, it still does.

So my mom said that after Sandy people were allowed to vote in locations that they weren't registered for, but when they did it basically fucked up that persons registration because of the new location.

Any article or truth to this?

I don't think that was the issue with the registrations, but we did allow voting anywhere in the city after Sandy.
Well, his campaign did feel more like a 2008 campaign than it did a 2016 one at the outset. Hell, it still does.
I really wonder how much of it is simply Sanders buying into his own hype. Plenty of Sanders supporters, trying to rationalize after the fact pointed to Obama running slightly behind Clinton at first and overtaking her. And I think a lot of people assume things about the 08 cycle because they weren't paying attention or have forgotten certain things about it. The big ones being that Obama was this horrible underdog the whole time and him winning was a huge upset for the establishment, except he was never that far behind and plenty of people in the establishment supported him.

I had sooo many people show me the national polls from 2007 showing Obama down and that Bernie would make a similar reversal. Ignoring that Edwards among others were still pulling significant numbers creating a clouded comparison and that Obama was taken very seriously once he actually started winning. They've created a narrative about 08 to explain why 2016 would be another upset when that narrative doesn't reflect reality to begin with.
Grains of salt etc. But these exits do seem to point to Clinton stomping.

The under 30 share seems small. Again too lazy to check. His margin seems smaller.

The AA share is larger. Her margins are about normal.

Continue Obama's policies.

I guess he could make up some in over 30s white people upstate?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
NeoXChaos, keeping us from being lazy. (or is that, enabling us to be lazy since he does the work?)


Grains of salt etc. But these exits do seem to point to Clinton stomping.

The under 30 share seems small. Again too lazy to check. His margin seems smaller.

The AA share is larger. Her margins are about normal.

Continue Obama's policies.

I guess he could make up some in over 30s white people upstate?

But the margin has been 50/50 upstate in most polls. I don't think over 30s white people in upstate NY are going to be that much more receptive to stop a blow out.

Oh god she's winning black voters by 50

And, that's it.
I haven't looked at the math lately but iirc Trump winning Indiana could put him back on the path towards winning the nomination outright. What if Trump offered Pence the VP spot in exchange for an endorsement. Doubt it will happen, and obviously IN will be tough for Trump to win given the amount of #NeverTrump+Cruz work being put in there...but it's interesting nonetheless.

Yeah, him getting Indiana could do it. Sam Wang was saying the same thing recently. Of the guys I follow, he seems like the most optimistic on Trump's odds and the numbers he gives him in Indiana seem like the big reason why.
40% total minority vote on Dem side, up from 30% in 2008

combined with the percentages of the minority vote provided a few minutes ago: 50/50 white vote gets Clinton to 58-42, 45/55 gets a 55-45 win, anything more favorable to Clinton amplifies Kev's derisive laughter by one decibel per tenth of a percent until her white vote share hits 60%, at which point it's already powerful enough to kill


Deeeelicious. Two hours till the salt flows. And next Tuesday will be even more of a stomp.

It's okay though, bernie's totally gonna win by 60 in CA.
Come back soon Adam :(

Also.. I think it actually might be a great sign if Pence endorses Donnie because it might get an idea how Indiana is leaning possibly?

I want to believe.. I want to believe.

I have PBR. Like a real Southern American.
Slo will be proud of you.

So you've given up being a Euro and settled for being a Southerner, I'm proud of you Konka.
No true southerner would add pineapple on their pizza.. No way.
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