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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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No joke, I had a Canadian tell me they would cut us off from the syrupy goodness of Trump is elected


Don't trust them, they already keep maple syrup prices high with their strategic syrup reserve.

Hillary should end all future speeches with "Ceterum autem censeo sanders esse delendam" and then drop the mic.

Ah this brings me back to latin class. Wish I continued with it, nothing like some good old fashioned shit talking taken to absurd heights.

Perhaps we should enlist the cato institutes help


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Nice, NY coming through for their queen? Maybe my facebook will become more readable (probably not).

No, no it won't... it'll be weeks of "voter fraud, suppression, Clinton is liar liar pants on fire!"

Bernie-stans will never concede.
Weaver getting destroyed on Hardball
Was he the one pushing the "Bernie doesn't need to win NY to win" garbage?

If so has anyone asked him what he DOES need to win? Because one campaign is going to look very stupid if they start arguing that Bernie can win by pushing Hillary below viability in California.


Democrats ought to rally behind Ted at this point. He's less electable than Trump, because he won't turn out masses of new voters or win over independents

Trump is worse for the GOP in every measurable than Ted, especially down ballot.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Trump is worse for the GOP in every measurable than Ted, especially down ballot.

I think that's arguably the best guess.
But, when it comes to pivoting for the General Election, I don't think Cruz will bother. Trump might.
Was he the one pushing the "Bernie doesn't need to win NY to win" garbage?

If so has anyone asked him what he DOES need to win? Because one campaign is going to look very stupid if they start arguing that Bernie can win by pushing Hillary below viability in California.

Weaver just said that Bernie has "no must win states".


contribute something
Trump is worse for the GOP in every measurable than Ted, especially down ballot.

But the GOP is fucked by demographics regardless. Winning 2016 is vital, and any Democrat can do this if Trump manages to lose the nomination and fracture the party.

I think that's arguably the best guess.
But, when it comes to pivoting for the General Election, I don't think Cruz will bother. Trump might.

Trump's unique ability to attack Clinton from the left and the right will make him much more formidable, compared to Cruz.

User 406

Except getting universal health care doesn't mean costs will be controlled. Both are important topics. ACA did decent work in both but given the enormous political capital required and the reluctance of either party to restart that battle in a meaningful way, we probably should have gotten a bit more out of the ACA given that healthcare still remains a commodity instead of a utility or w/e (hence the enormous amount of waste, shitty incentive structures like DRG's and fee for service still widely employed, inability to bargain for drugs, etc etc.).

Big fucking deal it is only because of how shitty healthcare was before, not that it did much to even bend the cost curve.

We did this argument a few threads ago, and the fact remains, getting the structure in place was the hard part, improving it will be far, far easier, in much the same way Social Security got improved. It will in no way be the same kind of fight to do so. And no, we could not have gotten a bit more out of the ACA, we barely got the fucker passed as it was after all of Lieberman's and Baucus' screwing around. It's practically a damn miracle we got it done at all.


Bernie's speaking @ State College. lol, wasting his time. He's gonna destroyed in Philly, which will sink his chances in the state.

Already knows he's lost NY though, so that's good.
We did this argument a few threads ago, and the fact remains, getting the structure in place was the hard part, improving it will be far, far easier, in much the same way Social Security got improved. It will in no way be the same kind of fight to do so. And no, we could not have gotten a bit more out of the ACA, we barely got the fucker passed as it was after all of Lieberman's and Baucus' screwing around. It's practically a damn miracle we got it done at all.

I'm just speaking from the healthcare provider side of things. I'm not as well versed on how much the ACA set up for changes in reimbursement (i know the state based public option thing which is cute but runs into the same problems as states not accepting medicaid expansion to begin with) and it may put a lot of good structure in place but I do think we need another large bill or two before the healthcare system is decent. I do think we can get some mileage and build on top of the ACA, but I highly doubt we can control costs and get UHC with just the ACA without another large bill.


Hoping for a big Clinton win tonight, but I'm sticking with my 14-point win prediction/guess. Exit polls have me hopeful, but that's an easy trap to fall into.
I guess Bernie doesn't have to win then either

When Trump vanquished Rubio, a fragment of his soul was lost in the great swamp of Florida.

A lone knight found this shard and took it in as his own, slowly consuming his soul and reasoning.

Use: If equipped, when an invasion is lost it will show a victory instead (Note: The defeat will still count in stats)




Hillary Clinton is headed to Philadelphia Wednesday to talk about the scourge of gun violence, just weeks after Bill Clinton sparred with activists there over racially charged language she once used to describe black violence.

Throughout her campaign Clinton has made the issue of guns central to her appeal to voters, especially African-Americans. That message will continue on Wednesday, a day after the New York primary, when Clinton is scheduled to appear with former Attorney General Eric Holder and two so-called “Mothers of the Movement” whose children lost their lives while in police custody.

Holder, the first African-American to hold that position, is widely respected among black voters, and he endorsed Clinton earlier this year in Charleston, South Carolina, where nine black church members were murdered last year by a young white supremacist.

“I’ve seen her deal with the issues that will confront the next president firsthand, and she has bold plans to address police brutality, fight for commonsense reforms to our gun laws, get incomes rising, and make college affordable,” Holder said in January.

Clinton has called for gun policy reform and blasted Bernie Sanders, her Democratic opponent, for his support of pro-gun legislation and his relatively comfortable standing with the NRA and gun lobby.


Benchmark Politics‏ @benchmarkpol
What polling showed among whites. If 55%, it will be a +20% margin. If it is 45%, it will be closer to a 52-48

We did this argument a few threads ago, and the fact remains, getting the structure in place was the hard part, improving it will be far, far easier, in much the same way Social Security got improved. It will in no way be the same kind of fight to do so. And no, we could not have gotten a bit more out of the ACA, we barely got the fucker passed as it was after all of Lieberman's and Baucus' screwing around. It's practically a damn miracle we got it done at all.

Given 8 years of obstruction obviously have not helped the GOP to undo the Democrats' presidential chances, and indeed have arguably been one of the biggest contributors to the energizing of the "no compromise" wing that Cruz and Trump play to, I have to wonder if there is any intention among the GOP to be a little less obstructionist moving forward. If Hillary wins two terms in office, the ACA will be a 15-year-old bill by the end, heck it'll be an 11 year-old bill by the end of her first term, so by that point, repealing it will be just as much of a logistical and bureaucratic headache as keeping it in the first place supposedly is, and it will be status quo enough that the political will to do so will be dampened. Paul Ryan has gone back on some of his earlier economic silliness, has attempted to do minority outreach like was called for in the 2012 GOP post mortem, and is just generally positioning himself to be the most nationally prominent GOP figure when Trump goes down in flames, because he clearly desires to run for president when he thinks the time is right and when some of the stink of 2012 has wafted off of him. If he's smart, and I think he is, he'll try to steer the party back toward the center and engage in some actual governance as a show of good faith, perhaps steer the message toward "fixing Obamacare" rather than repealing it, but I'm not sure if his party is ready to realign itself just yet.
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