People have been saying this forever: well-meaning racists are in some ways worse than the hateful ones, because their racism stems from a patronizing, child-like view of black people as a group.
Black folk: we just don't know any better.
"We need to win some black voters! Hey black voters, vote for us!"
AA voters: "What will you do about racial inequality"
"Well first we'll break up the banks"
AA voters: "Hey Hillary is talking about criminal injustice over here -"
"You'll vote for SHILLARY? Don't you know what's good for you?"
AA voters: "Well now we will"
"I just don't understand those black voters! Fuck all of them for supporting a candidate who speaks directly to their interests!"
I think as a politician you can't just make people flock to you for your number one issue - you need to win their support by addressing THEIR number one issue. Bernie wants to make the argument that dealing with income inequality would alleviate all of our issues, and I think to some degree he's correct, it's a fundamental problem. But racial inequality is so deeply rooted in our society that it's its own foundation at this point. Breaking up the banks and arresting the folks who cheated Wall Street isn't going to fix discriminatory housing, employment practices, police brutality, areas with severely low funding/resources, and above all, peoples' attitudes that permit these things to happen. There's no silver bullet for these issues and I think Bernie's campaign has trouble with that because basically all of his policy proposals are being pitched as silver bullets.