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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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The entire interview was obnoxious as fuck. He was visibly agitated from the start, and kept chastising Maddow for asking him process questions...the fuck?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Context is not much better (Thanks Google)

MADDOW: One last question for you, Senator. I know you're kind of tight today. Uh, and it is about your prodigious fundraising. After those huge wins this weekend in those three caucus states, we know that within something like 24 hours, your state had raised $4 million. Um, you have shown an incredible ability to tap large numbers of people for small amounts of money that really, really add up and you've got, ostensibly, infinite resources to stay in this campaign as long as you want...

SANDERS: Well...

MADDOW: -- no matter what lese happens.

I have to ask, though, if you have thought about whether or not you will, at some point, turn your fundraising ability toward helping the Democratic Party more broadly, to helping their campaign committees for the House and the Senate and for other -- for other elections?

SANDERS: Well, right now, Rachel, as you are more than aware, our job is to -- what I'm trying to do is to win the Democratic nomination. And I'll tell you something, I never in a million years, Rachel, would have believed that we could have, uh, received over six million individual campaign contributions averaging 27 bucks apiece, a very different way of raising money than Secretary Clinton has pursued.

So right now, we are enormously appreciative. You're right, without that type of support, we would not be where we are right now. We would not be able to continue this campaign to the Democratic convention. So I am just blown away and very appreciative of all of the kind of support that we have gotten from grassroots America.

MADDOW: Well, obviously your priority is the nomination, but I mean you raised Secretary Clinton there. She has been fundraising both for the nomination and for the Democratic Party. At some point, do you think -- do you foresee a time during this campaign when you'll start doing that?

SANDERS: Well, we'll see. And, I mean right now, again, our focus is on winning the nomination. Secretary Clinton has access, uh, to kinds of money, uh, that we don't, that we're not even interested in. So let's take it one step at a time. And the step that we're in right now is to win the Democratic nomination.

Fuck you Sanders, Fuck You.
It's also so amusing he is still spouting that $27 bullshit that i'm positive is not true anymore.


He basically said the reason Hillary is fundraising for the DNC is because it's Dirty Money.
Its kind of ironic considering he'll absolutely need the house and senate to go blue if he wants to have any chance at his far left ideas passing
Democrats are literally, and I mean LITERALLY the reason this country isn't a fucking shithole.

The idea that they are an enemy of progressive change is laughable.

Not being awful doesn't qualify you as good. As a general principle if your instinctive defence of an institution is things could be worse its probably not as good as your trying to convince yourself it is.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Its kind of ironic considering he'll absolutely need the house and senate to go blue if he wants to have any chance at his far left ideas passing

You have to get into his fucked up mind, that seriously thinks all he really needs to do is have those people drinking the Sanders kool aid to protest outside of congress. That will get Republicans to pass his legislation! It's that simple!

(no seriously, that's what he told Chris Matthews)
Context is not much better (Thanks Google)

Fuck you Sanders, Fuck You.
It's also so amusing he is still spouting that $27 bullshit that i'm positive is not true anymore.


He basically said the reason Hillary is fundraising for the DNC is because it's Dirty Money.

Jesus.... he's really bought into his own cult of personality.

This guy is a politician just like the rest of them.

If he can't afford to help the down-ticket he can't afford his revolution.


Context is not much better (Thanks Google)

Fuck you Sanders, Fuck You.
It's also so amusing he is still spouting that $27 bullshit that i'm positive is not true anymore.


He basically said the reason Hillary is fundraising for the DNC is because it's Dirty Money.

Fuck it.

I'm going to be the asshole who says Sanders needs to be crucified like Joe Lieberman should've been in '09.


remember me
And him getting dragged, and rightfully so:


So so true
Not being awful doesn't qualify you as good. As a general principle if your instinctive defence of an institution is things could be worse its probably not as good as your trying to convince yourself it is.

Well, ya know, when the only thing that's keeping you from drowning is the life jacket, it's not always smart to complain about the color.

I have no issue with running "better" Democrats when we need to. I have no issue with holding the Democratic caucuses feet to the fire when they screw up. But reality has to come into the picture at some point. For people like me, the Democratic party is basically the last best hope I have to not get fucked over. So, sure. Change the party where we need to. No question. But to pretend that it's this massively corrupt institution because it doesn't feel the Bern is ridiculous.
Jesus.... he;s really bought into hi own cult of personality.

This guy is a politician just like the rest of them.

If he can't afford to help the down-ticket he can't afford his revolution.

Why on earth would he be talking about helping the downticket right now when they've made it clear they aren't interested (see also: Hillary's superdelegate domination).

You guys expect a lot of quid without the pro quo.

Wait and see if he helps with down ticket races after he's not effectively campaigning against them.


Context is not much better (Thanks Google)

Fuck you Sanders, Fuck You.
It's also so amusing he is still spouting that $27 bullshit that i'm positive is not true anymore.


He basically said the reason Hillary is fundraising for the DNC is because it's Dirty Money.

Yeah you've stopped being interesting, relevant, or effective Bernie. Time to stop before you just make yourself look even worse.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Well, ya know, when the only thing that's keeping you from drowning is the life jacket, it's not always smart to complain about the color.

I have no issue with running "better" Democrats when we need to. I have no issue with holding the Democratic caucuses feet to the fire when they screw up. But reality has to come into the picture at some point. For people like me, the Democratic party is basically the last best hope I have to not get fucked over. So, sure. Change the party where we need to. No question. But to pretend that it's this massively corrupt institution because it doesn't feel the Bern is ridiculous.

Yep, that's exactly where he has moved his message too. It's insane, and it's getting to the point where I'd have a tough time supporting him in the general election if it came to that. I'd rather vote for Bloomberg than someone this delusional. He becomes more like Trump every day, something I honestly did not see coming months ago. The good news is, Sanders can't win on that platform because most democrats don't see a huge problem with the way the last 8 years went. Trump does not have that disadvantage.

Why on earth would he be talking about helping the downticket right now when they've made it clear they aren't interested (see also: Hillary's superdelegate domination).

You guys expect a lot of quid without the pro quo.

Wait and see if he helps with down ticket races after he's not effectively campaigning against them.

Explain to me how Sanders will get ANYTHING done without the DNC. Please, this question must be answered for you to be taken seriously from this point on.
Why on earth would he be talking about helping the downticket right now when they've made it clear they aren't interested (see also: Hillary's superdelegate domination).

You guys expect a lot of quid without the pro quo.

Wait and see if he helps with down ticket races after he's not effectively campaigning against them.

Because the down ticket is where the revolution is.

No down ticket no revolution.

Sanders should walk the fucking walk instead of just talking revolution.

Clinton has a large super delegate lead because she has a large delegate lead.

Also not helping the down ticket is a damn good way to not get super delegate support.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Bernie didn't think he'd get this far and literally doesn't have answers to these questions

Or he's a huge dick. idk

Well, that's one way to look at it. He is either incompetent/unprepared or a dick.

Considering his (edit: Sanders) affection for Caucuses, Adam will be very confused on who to support now.
Why on earth would he be talking about helping the downticket right now when they've made it clear they aren't interested (see also: Hillary's superdelegate domination).

You guys expect a lot of quid without the pro quo.

Wait and see if he helps with down ticket races after he's not effectively campaigning against them.

Define "they." If by "they" you mean the Senators and Congresspersons that he would need to actually enact his agenda? Ya. He needs to be building bridges not alienating them. He decided to run as a Democrat. No one forced him to, and after decades of shitting on the party no less. There's no reason he has to campaign against the entire Democratic party! He's running to lead it. Not to create the Party of Bernie.

As to quid with no pro, we actually make quite a few concessions to Senator Sanders. We allow him to caucus with his because it's mutually beneficial. The DSCC gives him money for his campaigns. We don't run a candidate against him. We give him chairmanships, and we ask for essentially nothing in return, except for cloture votes.

As to your final point, you really think it would be a smart decision for us (meaning the Democratic Party) to put forth a nominee at the top of the ticket who may or may not support the other members of the party? That would be one of the worst things we could possibly do. We can't afford to wait and see if he's going to be a team player. It's way, way too important for that.


I am so ready for the salt over the next couple of months as Hillary clinches it. Originally I felt kinda bad but Bernie's campaign and his more obnoxious supporters have absolved me of guilt. I am pure and cleansed.


I've been over Bernie for a while. I just hope some of the fanatics around me are willing to rationally look at the postmortem of his campaign to understand why it is so fucked and why I am literally hitting myself in frustration when they spew the shit that they do.

Like I would vote for him in the general election, but my vote has been in the bag for Hillary since she announced. Nothing Bernie has done has swayed me away from that stance. As time goes, I just dislike him more and more as each day passes.
I'm drunk posting, but as a former Sanders supporter I feel what I have to say about Bernie would get me banned, so I'll leave it at that. Cause even drunk I have more sense than Bernie.
Going to address you en mass since you're saying the same things:

Supers (Senators / Congresspeople) were lining up behind Hillary way before Sander's started saying anything and it was crystal clear they weren't going to shift (post-Nevada definitely, and pre-Nevada this thread held it as gospel anyway).

Yes, the Dems and he do things for mutual benefit. And I'm pretty sure him running as a Democrat qualifies as a mutual benefit thing (i.e the last thing either want is him running as a Third Party when everything is on the line (as it will be in every election because your Republicans are largely nuts and you're not going to get a clear cut Liberal majority on the supreme court for longer than 8 years in the current political environment)).

ETA - And the DNC hasn't exactly been guaranteeing support for Sanders either. Not that I'd expect them too.
Going to address you en mass since you're saying the same things:

Supers (Senators / Congresspeople) were lining up behind Hillary way before Sander's started saying anything and it was crystal clear they weren't going to shift (post-Nevada definitely, and pre-Nevada this thread held it as gospel anyway).

Yes, the Dems and He do things for mutual benefit. And I'm pretty sure him running as a Democrat qualifies as a mutual benefit thing (i.e the last thing either want is him running as a Third Party when everything is on the line (as it will be in every election because your Republicans are largely nuts and you're not going to get a clear cut Liberal majority on the supreme court for longer than 8 years in the current political environment)).

Thank you for responding.

As to the Superdelegates, yes, they were supporting Hillary in large numbers...because she's actually a Democrat. She's shook the hands, eaten the rubber chicken, raised money for down ballot candidates, stumped for them and met with them. Rep. Clyburn admitted he never considered Sanders because Sanders never bothered to talk to him.

After Hillary announced, she went to Capitol Hill and met with sitting Senators and Representatives. She earned that support. Bernie, not only hasn't tried, but he's deliberately (it seems) gone out of his way to piss people off.

When your campaign is selling the only "viable" strategy of "Super Delegates will save us" the first step, I would think, is stop being a dick to super delegates. I mean, they're not going to go against the will of the people anyway, but, you know...play nice? He spent months bitching about them. but now is pretending they'll just magically feel the Bern when he's loosing. It's absolutely asinine. They were always part of the process. You play the game, you play the game. That included supers.

There was a simple answer for Bernie to give on this question: "The political revolution is more than just about the top of the ticket, Rachel. We'll need people all over the country to bring about the change we want." There we go. Simple. He gets to say revolution again. He doesn't look like a dick.

As to your second point, I'm not sure I follow. Supreme Court appointments are for life. The next President will definitely get 1 pick, probably 2-3. We get to make those appointments, we've got the court on lock for a while.


Going to address you en mass since you're saying the same things:

Supers (Senators / Congresspeople) were lining up behind Hillary way before Sander's started saying anything and it was crystal clear they weren't going to shift (post-Nevada definitely, and pre-Nevada this thread held it as gospel anyway).

Yes, the Dems and He do things for mutual benefit. And I'm pretty sure him running as a Democrat qualifies as a mutual benefit thing (i.e the last thing either want is him running as a Third Party when everything is on the line (as it will be in every election because your Republicans are largely nuts and you're not going to get a clear cut Liberal majority on the supreme court for longer than 8 years in the current political environment)).

ETA - And the DNC hasn't exactly been guaranteeing support for Sanders either. Not that I'd expect them too.

You mean to tell me the organization isn't going to help much to a guy who's entire platform is shitting on the establishment and basically telling them day in and day out that any of their individual and party-wide accomplishments mean nothing because they weren't "pure" enough?

While I never!
Nobody would have given a shit if he ran third party a year ago... he owes his new found notoriety to the Dem process. The mutual benefit of him not running third party now is no one wants Trump and Sanders presumably still wants to be a Senator.


Nobody would have given a shit if he ran third party a year ago... he owes his new found notoriety to the Dem process.

Bingo. You really hate the establishment and the process? Don't run for the Dem nomination in the first place, run as a third party from the start.
Nobody would have given a shit if he ran third party a year ago... he owes his new found notoriety to the Dem process.

Exactly, running as a Dem gave him a platform and an organizational structure to get his message out. People like to pretend that he's not a politician, he is, and it pisses me off that people act like he's not.

Also he should never have hired Tad Devine.


Exactly, running as a Dem gave him a platform and an organizational structure to get his message out. People like to pretend that he's not a politician, he is, and it pisses me off that people act like he's not.

Also he should never have hired Tad Devine.

Devine is an idiot, but man is the guy laughing all the way to the bank.
Good lawd that shit from Bernie is exactly why I'm looking forward to the potential meltdowns when his campaign (officially) ends. I know it's petty and vindictive, but tis the season.


I'm drunk posting, but as a former Sanders supporter I feel what I have to say about Bernie would get me banned, so I'll leave it at that. Cause even drunk I have more sense than Bernie.

I voted for him in Georgia, but I've been pretty damn disappointed in him lately :(

Feels bad man.
Devine is an idiot, but man is the guy laughing all the way to the bank.

Which I think is the funniest thing of all given this whole Sanders claiming to not have money for down ticket. He seems to have money to pay a moron to say stupid shit and generally mismanage his campaign.
To be fair, Devine was probably the best player left out there. He's an idiot, but he's at least experienced. I can't think of anyone else who has run a national campaign that would be available....probably would have to go back to Carter, and I doubt most of them are still working.
I voted for him in Georgia, but I've been pretty damn disappointed in him lately :(

Feels bad man.
I fortunately wised up to Bernie's "scheme" a while back and Cali hasn't voted yet. Me, my wife, and sister in-law are voting for the Queen. Older bro is voting Trump, sadly. He never learned from our parent's lessons.

East Lake

Context is not much better (Thanks Google)

Fuck you Sanders, Fuck You.
It's also so amusing he is still spouting that $27 bullshit that i'm positive is not true anymore.


He basically said the reason Hillary is fundraising for the DNC is because it's Dirty Money.
There's not much wrong with that. Clinton has access to vast pools of funds that Bernie doesn't, and he's running to win the primary, so that's what he should be spending on.
My position isn't that they should be supporting Bernie its that it's silly to expect Bernie to act like a perfect Democrat while distinctly treating him as not. You can't logically expect Bernie to act like a good little Democrat while referring to Clinton as a real Democrat.


You hear that sound?

That sound of... NOTHING?

That's the sound of superdelegates switching to Bernie when he says shit like that.

It is very funny watching Bernie trying to argue that superdelegates should support him now, after months of saying they shouldn't exist and attacking them for being part of the establishment. Please keep trying to backpedal, it's hilarious.
Devine worked on Carter's reelection. Perfect streak.

Stray thought, ultimately in 2008 Hillary had no leverage as the also ran. She got on board the Obama train because there is no real alternative and she's party loyal.

Neither will Sanders have any real leverage. Regardless of the talk now. He cannot credibly threaten a third party run etc. He'll get a platform at the convention regardless. I don't really know what else he expects.
There's not much wrong with that. Clinton has access to vast pools of funds that Bernie doesn't, and he's running to win the primary, so that's what he should be spending on.

He also made an agreement to fund raise for down ballot Dems. So far, he's contributed $1000 to that fund. Last quarter, Hillary raised $31 million.

And he is spending, that's for sure. He's berning through money like cray-cray.
My position isn't that they should be supporting Bernie its that it's silly to expect Bernie to act like a perfect Democrat while distinctly treating him as not. You can't logically expect Bernie to act like a good little Democrat while referring to Clinton as a real Democrat.

I expect him to back up his revolution with more than words. He keeps saying the revolution starts down ticket but doesn't seem to think it's his job to help.
There's not much wrong with that. Clinton has access to vast pools of funds that Bernie doesn't, and he's running to win the primary, so that's what he should be spending on.
Doesn't mean he can't pledge he will help with lower offices if he is the nominee. Honestly, Bernie is a fraud, there I said it.


He also made an agreement to fund raise for down ballot Dems. So far, he's contributed $1000 to that fund. Last quarter, Hillary raised $31 million.

And he is spending, that's for sure. He's berning through money like cray-cray.
And just so everyone is aware that $1000 figure is literally the bare minimum need just to keep the account open.

Let that sink in


My position isn't that they should be supporting Bernie its that it's silly to expect Bernie to act like a perfect Democrat while distinctly treating him as not. You can't logically expect Bernie to act like a good little Democrat while referring to Clinton as a real Democrat.

How, specifically, are they not treating him as a real Democrat?

The super delegates lining up with Hillary has nothing to do with Sanders not being a Democrat. They were doing it back in the days of Martin O'Mallwy, after all.

Hillary is the favored candidate of the Demoxratic establishment. That's not the same thing as saying Sanders is being left out in the cold. Hillary just spent more time preparing and acquiring allies.
I don't think that's much of a counterargument. Are you saying he shouldn't spend money or something? Like since an ad buy in SC didn't work he should be doing something else?

He has money, he could afford to give some down ticket. Period.

Or raise some excitedly for down ticket.
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