Oh I know, if his vote can get out, he can do well, if it doesn't he will lose. NY will help him by having it be the only state leading up to the primary, giving him time to really campaign and focus on it. Dobut he wins Maryland. Probably another 20% loss. Penn, NY and NJ, best he can do is win by a few points.
All I was mentioning is that they tried to undercut it by not truly showing how well he did. Sure, it won't change the likely hood of him losing, but no reason to give to be false about what happened.
As for "shill", I know you have a long history with supporting her, so it doesn't bother me. Not that it matters if it bothered me, but live it up. You've been wanting this a while of course.
I'm from and live in Texas. I'm used to not getting my way.