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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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yeah there's gonna be a re-vote in ohio

it'll take place on november 8th and it'll feature hillary clinton and the GOP nominee

All of you "trump might pull off a surprise victory!!!" People annoyed me so much a few weeks ago. Trump is toast. He does not have a shot. I'm not underestimating him or whatever nonsense Mika thinks. He's a truly awful, generationally bad candidate.

Cruz is not. That Cruz could get within a butthair of the presidency is really something liberals should be very afraid of.

yeah, my "don't get cocky" post is basically "cruz could get the nomination and then the economy randomly flies off the rails"


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
All of you "trump might pull off a surprise victory!!!" People annoyed me so much a few weeks ago. Trump is toast. He does not have a shot. I'm not underestimating him or whatever nonsense Mika thinks. He's a truly awful, generationally bad candidate.

Cruz is not. That Cruz could get within a butthair of the presidency is really something liberals should be very afraid of.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Cruz is not. That Cruz could get within a butthair of the presidency is really something liberals should be very afraid of.

A Cruz presidency is really something that literally all humans on earth should be very afraid of.


are you trying to be a convention delegate in July ultimately?

Noooooo way

All of you "trump might pull off a surprise victory!!!" People annoyed me so much a few weeks ago. Trump is toast. He does not have a shot. I'm not underestimating him or whatever nonsense Mika thinks. He's a truly awful, generationally bad candidate.

Cruz is not. That Cruz could get within a butthair of the presidency is really something liberals should be very afraid of.

I'm afraid. Honestly. Be he's honestly terrible and Hillary is a good foil for him.
Cruz might force Republicans to face the reality of the "we need to run a true conservative" denial of the failures of McCain and Romney. On the other hand Trump could force them to deal with the consequences of the Southern Strategy. In either case the party may just try to paper over their problems for now by changing the nomination rules.

In the long run I think it's more important that the Republicans make a break with the Southern Strategy, though I tend that think that is inevitable if they want to remain viable, it's just a question of when. In the shorter term Clinton beating Cruz could do some real damage to the Tea Party, which would be most welcome.

To make a long story short, it's not 100% clear to me which is the best case scenario for the Democrats.

Trump going is the best case for Dems. The way they've run their campaigns, Trump can't lose anything and come back, while Cruz can still play his "True Conservative(tm)" card in 2020. If you feel that both are beatable, then you run Trump now (shut down the Southern Strategy) and then you beat Cruz in 2020 (shut down the Tea Party). No one tied to either strategy can ever hope to run.

To be honest I'm still worried a contested convention could see Kasich or Paul Ryan nominated and Trump opts not to run third party. Today it looks very unlikely, but the convention is three and a half months away, maybe events transpire in that time to lead Republicans to finally realize the stakes and how neither Trump or Cruz can deliver Scalia's seat and the other seats to come.

I would rather have Trump win a majority outright than take any chances of that happening. I'm hoping a big win in New York and then the April 26th primaries can get his nomination back on track.

No way can they steal the election like that and expect good turnout in their favor. Zero chance. If they swipe the election like that, then they're basically self-destructing the GOP. Only winning strategy out of that is to blow up the party, and go hijack the Constitution Party.



This on the heels of another god jobs report, wages actually starting to inch up. People are re-entering the Labor Force at a quick pace. That means people believe jobs are out there and people are hiring.

The trend line going into the election is becoming very favorable for the Dems right now.

This is because the GOP took over Congress in 2014 /s
Yeah they would piss off about half the base by cheating Trump out of the nomination. Most would stay home or write in.

Heads they lose tails they lose.

This on the heels of another god jobs report, wages actually starting to inch up. People are re-entering the Labor Force at a quick pace. That means people believe jobs are out there and people are hiring.

The trend line going into the election is becoming very favorable for the Dems right now.

That's a terribly named chart...
Trump going is the best case for Dems. The way they've run their campaigns, Trump can't lose anything and come back, while Cruz can still play his "True Conservative(tm)" card in 2020. If you feel that both are beatable, then you run Trump now (shut down the Southern Strategy) and then you beat Cruz in 2020 (shut down the Tea Party). No one tied to either strategy can ever hope to run.

If your scenario plays out, it really does make you wonder what the GOP will look like by 2024. Maybe they'll finally run someone who is a fiscal conservative, but moderate on social issues, and not to mention someone who isn't a racist or xenophobe.


FGC Waterboy
All of you "trump might pull off a surprise victory!!!" People annoyed me so much a few weeks ago. Trump is toast. He does not have a shot. I'm not underestimating him or whatever nonsense Mika thinks. He's a truly awful, generationally bad candidate.

Cruz is not. That Cruz could get within a butthair of the presidency is really something liberals should be very afraid of.

We are scared.

But there's a crapton of self-congratulating recency bias going on in the "Trump is SMOKE" "Yaaas Queen" celebration here. Trump screws up for a few weeks - and everyone forgets that he spent the previous...6 months, completely destroying a major political party. Hell; I hate that it's happening this early in the game - if this self-destruction stuff started happening in September, there's not as much of a chance of "humbled comeback" narrative that (if Trump gets the nomination at the convention) will start pushing.

Which, mind you, if Trump continues a somewhat downward slide in polls, but wins at the convention, is absolutely the narrative that is in play. Everyone in the media is going to root for a close race (its why Sanders is still in this) and will do what they can to make it so. The GOP primary process should have been enough evidence of that. But if Trump wins at the convention (and the national GOP holds their nose and unites as much as they can), the humbled, elder statesman comeback narrative will absolutely be in play.
Oh really? Like right there, in the park? :X


What I do in my spare time....;)

I literally had no idea that was what that meant. Hahahaha. I once had a patient where that happened to. She thought she was going blind because of it.

DSCC called me again. If they ask for any more money, I'm going to become a Republican.
We are scared.

But there's a crapton of self-congratulating recency bias going on in the "Trump is SMOKE" "Yaaas Queen" celebration here. Trump screws up for a few weeks - and everyone forgets that he spent the previous...6 months, completely destroying a major political party. Hell; I hate that it's happening this early in the game - if this self-destruction stuff started happening in September, there's not as much of a chance of "humbled comeback" narrative that (if Trump gets the nomination at the convention) will start pushing.

Which, mind you, if Trump continues a somewhat downward slide in polls, but wins at the convention, is absolutely the narrative that is in play. Everyone in the media is going to root for a close race (its why Sanders is still in this) and will do what they can to make it so. The GOP primary process should have been enough evidence of that. But if Trump wins at the convention (and the national GOP holds their nose and unites as much as they can), the humbled, elder statesman comeback narrative will absolutely be in play.

Trump isn't really sliding in the polls recently, he's been static and has never been a strong GE candidate. This isn't a case of recency bias. Most Presidential elections in modern history have been blowouts, the only closely contested ones in the past few decades have involved George Bush, races don't always tighten that much. There's no reason to expect that Trump is going to become a competitive candidate for November.


We are scared.

But there's a crapton of self-congratulating recency bias going on in the "Trump is SMOKE" "Yaaas Queen" celebration here. Trump screws up for a few weeks - and everyone forgets that he spent the previous...6 months, completely destroying a major political party. Hell; I hate that it's happening this early in the game - if this self-destruction stuff started happening in September, there's not as much of a chance of "humbled comeback" narrative that (if Trump gets the nomination at the convention) will start pushing.

Wait, this is a totally false narrative.

People aren't arguing Trump is a bad general election candidate because of the last two weeks. We've been arguing he's a bad general election candidate for the past six months! Because the stuff's done to win the GOP primary is much much worse for him in the general than anything he's done to lose it in the last two weeks. That's why the GOP was avoiding doing that stuff in the first place!

The reality is that Trump has demonstrated no particular ability to pivot or to be politically effective. He's just demonstrated an understanding of what the GOP base really is, because he's part of the GOP base.

I know that you have suggested that Trump is a master politician, but I honestly don't think he is. He's just the reckoning for a disintegrating party. Nor, honestly, do I really expect the media to unite around propping him up. He's too toxic for that.
Why can't Trump just hold it together? Just win the nomination you horrible, horrible man.

What this really shows is that it's very difficult to actually hit the magic number in either party when your opponents don't drop out and run out of money. Even Clinton isn't going to cruise past the number despite it being a two man race the entire time and her strength. If Newt Gingrich and Santorum had been billionaires who didn't give a shit, they could have stayed in and kept Romney from getting the number too.



Thank you for posting, interesting indeed :)

What this really shows is that it's very difficult to actually hit the magic number in either party when your opponents don't drop out and run out of money. Even Clinton isn't going to cruise past the number despite it being a two man race the entire time and her strength. If Newt Gingrich and Santorum had been billionaires who didn't give a shit, they could have stayed in and kept Romney from getting the number too.

That's true, with Sanders having shown how to raise funds in the internet age I wonder if we'll see more primary seasons like this in future.
Holy shit...

So, I mentioned a few months ago about one of our maintenance guys who was wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat and my mom making him take it off before he came in the house? Just had him come in to fix something, and he asked me about my Hillary shirt. Trump went too far for him, and he doesn't know what he's going to do in November.

If Trump is literally turning off white, males, NRA members who once actually shelled out cash for a "Make America Great Again" hat....he's totally fucked. Totally.


Holy shit...

So, I mentioned a few months ago about one of our maintenance guys who was wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat and my mom making him take it off before he came in the house? Just had him come in to fix something, and he asked me about my Hillary shirt. Trump went too far for him, and he doesn't know what he's going to do in November.

If Trump is literally turning off white, males, NRA members who once actually shelled out cash for a "Make America Great Again" hat....he's totally fucked. Totally.

Did he mention what pushed him over the edge?
Holy shit...

So, I mentioned a few months ago about one of our maintenance guys who was wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat and my mom making him take it off before he came in the house? Just had him come in to fix something, and he asked me about my Hillary shirt. Trump went too far for him, and he doesn't know what he's going to do in November.

If Trump is literally turning off white, males, NRA members who once actually shelled out cash for a "Make America Great Again" hat....he's totally fucked. Totally.

Should have told him to get on a Frank Luntz panel ASAP.


John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 3m3 minutes ago North New Hyde Park, NY
RNC spox Sean Spicer: "I'm confident we're going to put on a fantastic convention and come out unified"

John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 11s12 seconds ago North New Hyde Park, NY
RNC spox Spicer: Dem convention controversy may supplant GOP's if Clinton gets indicted and "underground movement" gives Biden nomination


Holy shit...

So, I mentioned a few months ago about one of our maintenance guys who was wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat and my mom making him take it off before he came in the house? Just had him come in to fix something, and he asked me about my Hillary shirt. Trump went too far for him, and he doesn't know what he's going to do in November.

If Trump is literally turning off white, males, NRA members who once actually shelled out cash for a "Make America Great Again" hat....he's totally fucked. Totally.

Did he name (a) specific(s) thing that went too far?


John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 11s12 seconds ago North New Hyde Park, NY
RNC spox Spicer: Dem convention controversy may supplant GOP's if Clinton gets indicted and "underground movement" gives Biden nomination

Best talking point of the season so far.
Did he mention what pushed him over the edge?

Shockingly, the abortion thing. He said he doesn't like abortion, but he doesn't want women who have one to go to prison. He said he probably won't vote for Hillary, but he knows he won't vote for Trump.

I talked to him about how Hillary supports unions and he acted like this was new information. He comes from a union family and was a former GM union worker. So, maybe he'll take a second look at Queen .

Should have told him to get on a Frank Luntz panel ASAP.




they're assembling quite the team of white men there

This is a fair point, actually. Sully can hang out with Chait and they can talk about how dumb minority college students are.

Not that I don't like them both in general they're just kind of stupid about race.
In fairness, Trump's reddit page, twitter, and facebook are all still gaining followers so he's still doing something right. The day those numbers go backwards is the day I'll believe he's truly failing.

As many of you may recall, I was the one who correctly used those metrics to predict the McCain capture story was not going to bring him down.


In fairness, Trump's reddit page, twitter, and facebook are all still gaining followers so he's still doing something right. The day those numbers go backwards is the day I'll believe he's truly failing.

As many of you may recall, I was the one who correctly used those metrics to predict the McCain capture story was not going to bring him down.

This seems questionable. I don't actually think people unfollow stuff the same way they follow stuff. I would anticipate those metrics to keep going up basically all the time forever.
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