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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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I dunno, I found the thread to be hilarious, not because of the OP, but because of everyone else's over the top reactions. People take sexuality so damn seriously. It's like, you can get yourself off rubbing against a wall, that doesn't mean you're forever committed to finding your lifemate in the sheetrock aisle of Home Depot. Dude gave it a shot, didn't care for it, no big deal.

People take men's sexuality too damn seriously. There's an important distinction between a guy experimenting and a woman experimenting. But that's probably off topic.
Oh, absolutely. And that insecurity was on full display in that thread. :p

I would love to make an elegant point about the intersection of homophobia, sexism and self-loathing, but I've had almost an entire bottle of wine.

So pretend I did. Pretend it was awesome, and fawn over me. Fawn I say.

User 406




People take men's sexuality too damn seriously. There's an important distinction between a guy experimenting and a woman experimenting. But that's probably off topic.

Bet most of them have never even had their G-spot hit, and yet they want to be the gatekeepers to all things sex and sexuality. Psh.
Well, Elizabeth Warren used to be a Republican. People change. Although being a conservative blowhard to begin with probably explains why I never could watch his stuff before he went over the edge this cycle. Never liked his style even when I agreed with him.
And Hillary was a Goldwater Girl. I don't disagree. It's just weird to me that this is the preferred source of information for people who aren't shy in their disdain, loathing, hatred, disgust polite disagreement with the current frontrunner with her changed positions as a reason for despising not supporting her.

(Also, I think someone posted in one of the PoliGAF threads he's still a denier of the Armenian genocide.)


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Sanders supporters sharing breitbart hit pieces on Clinton. common enemy I guess?

It's nothing new, Right Wing Talking points have been common among his supporter for months now.


I had never once heard of the young turks before this primary season started, and I generally think of myself as pretty media savvy. I'm not sure to what degree they blew up because of Bernie...either that or I just coincidentally never noticed them before. I see their stuff linked everywhere now though...kinda miss not knowing they existed tbh. I have enough things to hatewatch already.

Side note: I know there's about a 0.000001% chance of Bernie running as Hillary's veep, but it would be kinda funny being that I think it actually would completely bring around his most hardcore rabid supporters to voting for her....while simultaneously continuing to dig for dirt hoping for an arrest/resignation sometime over the next 4 years, lol.


I'm really starting to feel like the hatred for Hillary and the propping up of Bernie has a lot to with people desperately wanting to recreate the magic of Obama '08...with someone who's not Obama. As if it should be so easy. As if what Obama did wasn't political magic of the sort we likely won't see for a long time.

Man, '08 was really something. I was a Hillary stan back then, too. But it was impossible to not be inspired by Barack. His campaign really was magic.

And now you have people desperately wanting to pin Hilllary down in the role of Entitled Establishment Front Runner Destined to be Overcome, only this time their hero, their Obama...is Bernie Sanders. And he just isn't close to being as inspiring. As transformative.

I bet it really must be frustrating. Like trying to make Jessica Simpson happen when we already had Christina Aguilera.


Anyone ever just browse around skimming Wikipedia articles related to taxation, finance, economics, banking, history, etc and think to themselves, "How in the FUCK does the world even function with a system so nuanced and complex?"

Like, when people say politicians generally have no clue what they're talking about, they mean it in the most literal way possible.
Overheard this evening, hand to god.

Girl; Ya, I want Bernie.
Other Girl: Why?
Girl: Because he gets it. I sent him $100 this month instead of paying my student loan.
Other Girl: Really? Won't that mess you up?
Girl: No. He wants to give us free college. Once he's president, he's going to, like return all that money we borrowed to us.

Overheard this evening, hand to god.

Girl; Ya, I want Bernie.
Other Girl: Why?
Girl: Because he gets it. I sent him $100 this month instead of paying my student loan.
Other Girl: Really? Won't that mess you up?
Girl: No. He wants to give us free college. Once he's president, he's going to, like return all that money we borrowed to us.


Why do you always run into idiots?


Overheard this evening, hand to god.

Girl; Ya, I want Bernie.
Other Girl: Why?
Girl: Because he gets it. I sent him $100 this month instead of paying my student loan.
Other Girl: Really? Won't that mess you up?
Girl: No. He wants to give us free college. Once he's president, he's going to, like return all that money we borrowed to us.


Not saying everyone in debt is dumb, but dumb people are often in debt
Why do you always run into idiots?

We...we were at a bar because Kyle's friend from high school's band was playing. Thank god we only had to stay 15 minutes. Full of college kids with their idealism and ambition. Enough to turn your stomach. :p

Also birds of a feather.

Edit: I'd also like to mention I've definitely seen a downturn in Trump things. There was a house near us that had like 9 Trump signs. They're all gone, and some of them were in the window. They were up until a few days ago then absolutely gone.
I'm really starting to feel like the hatred for Hillary and the propping up of Bernie has a lot to with people desperately wanting to recreate the magic of Obama '08...with someone who's not Obama. As if it should be so easy. As if what Obama did wasn't political magic of the sort we likely won't see for a long time.

Man, '08 was really something. I was a Hillary stan back then, too. But it was impossible to not be inspired by Barack. His campaign really was magic.

And now you have people desperately wanting to pin Hilllary down in the role of Entitled Establishment Front Runner Destined to be Overcome, only this time their hero, their Obama...is Bernie Sanders. And he just isn't close to being as inspiring. As transformative.

I bet it really must be frustrating. Like trying to make Jessica Simpson happen when we already had Christina Aguilera.

I remember reading a lot of people posting last year about how Sanders was in a similar position to where Obama was at that point in the 2008 cycle. The parallels are, to say the least, forced. There's a lot of revisionist history out there about that primary season.
I'm really starting to feel like the hatred for Hillary and the propping up of Bernie has a lot to with people desperately wanting to recreate the magic of Obama '08...with someone who's not Obama. As if it should be so easy. As if what Obama did wasn't political magic of the sort we likely won't see for a long time.

Man, '08 was really something. I was a Hillary stan back then, too. But it was impossible to not be inspired by Barack. His campaign really was magic.

And now you have people desperately wanting to pin Hilllary down in the role of Entitled Establishment Front Runner Destined to be Overcome, only this time their hero, their Obama...is Bernie Sanders. And he just isn't close to being as inspiring. As transformative.

I bet it really must be frustrating. Like trying to make Jessica Simpson happen when we already had Christina Aguilera.

We should have hung out in 2008. Would have made it a lot better! lol

I agree with you. For a lot of these people, they only became aware of politics with Obama in 2008. For them, it's always been this major transformative thing. They've, in their minds at least, made Bernie into that because that's what they think they need to win.

(this doesn't apply to all Bernie supporters by the way...)


We should have hung out in 2008. Would have made it a lot better! lol

I agree with you. For a lot of these people, they only became aware of politics with Obama in 2008. For them, it's always been this major transformative thing. They've, in their minds at least, made Bernie into that because that's what they think they need to win.

(this doesn't apply to all Bernie supporters by the way...)

That kind of describes me. I was 18 during 2008, it was the first election I REALLY followed and became a formative experience for my political beliefs. I was an Obamanite from the get go, but always was drawn to him more for his pragmatism and logical nature rather than his ideological purity. It's what I find most appealing about Clinton in this election too.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Anything big happened in Politics in the past two weeks? I was out of the loop for that time being :(

Honestly, not much. That hillary sweep a couple of weeks ago was unexpected. (except for that one bastard who guessed it, sorry I forgot your name).

Basically, the Primary is over, but it's FUBAR for Sanders if he does not win New York by a decent margin. If he continues to fundraise after a loss in New York, what little respect I have left for him will be gone.
I'm really starting to feel like the hatred for Hillary and the propping up of Bernie has a lot to with people desperately wanting to recreate the magic of Obama '08...with someone who's not Obama. As if it should be so easy. As if what Obama did wasn't political magic of the sort we likely won't see for a long time.

Man, '08 was really something. I was a Hillary stan back then, too. But it was impossible to not be inspired by Barack. His campaign really was magic.

And now you have people desperately wanting to pin Hilllary down in the role of Entitled Establishment Front Runner Destined to be Overcome, only this time their hero, their Obama...is Bernie Sanders. And he just isn't close to being as inspiring. As transformative.

I bet it really must be frustrating. Like trying to make Jessica Simpson happen when we already had Christina Aguilera.
I mentioned this before, but the millennial generation was really spoiled in that Obama was the first presidential candidate many of us were aware of or supported.

We (broadly speaking) will realize later than most generations did that presidential candidates usually are boring old politicians who've been in one office or another for years. The last time a young, charismatic liberal came out of nowhere and won the White House was JFK. From Johnson to Kerry - all old white dudes from the political establishment. Obviously there were varying levels of charisma there (Clinton being the most prominent example), but the kind of political rock star that Obama is is really unusual.

Plus Obama was totally being propped up by the establishment! He was talked up a great deal after his 2004 speech and had support from prominent liberals like Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid etc. The idea that Hillary was viewed as inevitable in 08 is suuuper revisionist, and the argument that Obama was ever down in the delegate count to Hillary is just patently false.

Suikoguy said:
Honestly, not much. That hillary sweep a couple of weeks ago was unexpected. (except for that one bastard who guessed it, sorry I forgot your name).


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

*Points At Aaron*

Yep, it was that bastard right here who predicted Hillary would sweep.

It's amusing that we make a big deal out of the sweep, when it would mean a lot more if there were Winner Take All states like the GE. But it's all proportional, a near tie means the delegates (in a primary) are awarded almost 50/50.

Oh, the other thing you missed was Adam having his auto correct change Caucus to Cock Use. Which led to a tangent on how stupid caucuses are.


I know he meant it as a joke. But maybe there's a good reason he doesn't get off the stump.....

That's a terrible joke, holy shit. Considering the remarks already made this election, I would stay far away from a joke like that.


We should have hung out in 2008. Would have made it a lot better! lol

I agree with you. For a lot of these people, they only became aware of politics with Obama in 2008. For them, it's always been this major transformative thing. They've, in their minds at least, made Bernie into that because that's what they think they need to win.

(this doesn't apply to all Bernie supporters by the way...)

We should have! Lord, I was the only one of my friends (that were in my age group) stomping for Hillary back then. My two roommates didn't give a shit about politics, and my mom was mad at me for not supporting the "fine black man." A mess.

It's just inspiring how Obama, in retrospect, didn't have to tear Hillary down like Bernie is attempting to in order to win.
We should have! Lord, I was the only one of my friends (that were in my age group) stomping for Hillary back then. My two roommates didn't give a shit about politics, and my mom was mad at me for not supporting the "fine black man." A mess.

It's just inspiring how Obama, in retrospect, didn't have to tear Hillary down like Bernie is attempting to in order to win.

Obama is incredibly smart. He realized, rightly, that there was no path for him if he alienated the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party. He forged his own coalition, which was brilliant, but he was also cognizant of not pissing off Hillary's people. He slipped up a few times, as did she (moreso). The way they came together after was just great.

I was so torn in 2008. I didn't dislike Obama at all. Not a single day of the campaign did I not like him. I can't say the same this year, but that's neither here nor there.


Obama is incredibly smart. He realized, rightly, that there was no path for him if he alienated the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party. He forged his own coalition, which was brilliant, but he was also cognizant of not pissing off Hillary's people. He slipped up a few times, as did she (moreso). The way they came together after was just great.

I was so torn in 2008. I didn't dislike Obama at all. Not a single day of the campaign did I not like him. I can't say the same this year, but that's neither here nor there.

I freely admitted that I totally shipped ObamaxQueen back then.

Still do.
The Sanders Campaign is intentionally playing on the ignorance of a large segment of their voter base to do their dirty work for them. This has been the case for a while.

Bernie's entire campaign is basically comprised of:
1. Wall Street is evil and the source of all societal evils.
2. The Establishment is corrupt (what exactly the "Establishment" is changes from day to day)
3. Free Healthcare
4. Free collage

Sanders entire presidential bid, depends on low information voters swallowing as much snake oil as possible.
Plus Obama was totally being propped up by the establishment! He was talked up a great deal after his 2004 speech and had support from prominent liberals like Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid etc. The idea that Hillary was viewed as inevitable in 08 is suuuper revisionist, and the argument that Obama was ever down in the delegate count to Hillary is just patently false.

Yes. When I say that there's a lot of revisionist history about the 2008 primary, there are really two big things in my mind. The first is that Clinton began with a seemingly insurmountable lead and was regarded as the inevitable nominee until late in the campaign. This is somewhat understandable because a big part of her campaign strategy was to position herself as the clear front runner, but the truth is she almost never broke 50% in the polls and fell behind Obama in most polls by February as the anti-Clinton vote coalesced around him.

The second big piece of revisionist history is that Obama was an outsider who came out of nowhere to win the nomination. While it is true that his rise was awfully fast, he still had good name recognition from giving the keynote address at the 2004 convention and was universally recognized as a rising star within the party. Clinton certainly started out with more establishment support, but Obama was still a mainstream Democrat who had a decent base of support within the party, especially in comparison to Sanders.

Frankly I see a fair amount of revisionist history or just plain historical ignorance when people talk about this primary. My first presidential election was 2004 so I was indeed well aware of the public opinion on marriage that shinra posted. Two years later I was living in Wisconsin when the voters approved a Constitutional Amendment to ban same-sex marriage and even civil unions with over 59% of the vote (in a blue state during a Democratic wave election!). When people chastise Clinton for changing her position on marriage equality since 2004, they seem to forget that a lot of people, not just politicians, have also changed their views since then.

Similarly, even though I was too young to really be politically aware at the time, I know that crime was much higher in the early 90s than it was today, that many people (falsely, as it turned out) thought it was getting worse, and that a significant factor in Dukakis's defeat in 1988 was that Bush had successfully painted him as soft on crime (Willie Horton, "revolving door," etc.) That's not to say that one can't fairly criticize politicians for their positions at the time, just that so much of the discussion omits that context. People unfortunately are prone to viewing the past as though it were the present.
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