Almost hope Bernie wins Wisconsin just due to the new voting laws that have been implemented there. If Hillary wins we'll hear nothing but corruption, scandal, Clintonian conspiracies, etc.
Then everything will come up Milhouse.
IF DWS was a moderate, then I'd care less. But she's not. She's incompetent as a party leader, but that's not an elected position.
Who are we taking out next? Nancy Pelosi? Debbie Stabenow? Al Franken? Sherrod Brown? John Lewis?
Yet we're totes okay with moderate Tulsi Gabbard because she backed Bernie even though she'd be a perfect person to primary!
I then subtracted the swing-y states Romney won (Arizona, Georgia, Missouri and North Carolina) under the theory that Trump could lose any state with a significant minority population that was even marginally competitive in 2012. I took Utah from Trump, given how poorly he has performed in states and regions with heavily Mormon populations. North Dakota and South Dakota went to John McCain with only 53 percent in 2008, so, in a Trump worst-case scenario, they would go to Clinton. Ditto Montana, where McCain got 50 percent in 2008 and Romney took 55 percent in 2012. Indiana went Democratic as recently as 2008, making it a plausible pickup for Clinton if everything went south for Trump.
That gets Trump down to 128. Which, in truth, isn't a historic drubbing. In fact, it wouldn't even make it into the top five worst electoral college losses in the post-World War II era. To do that, Trump would need 73 or fewer electoral votes. (Dwight D. Eisenhower beat Adlai Stevenson 457 to 73 in 1956.)
Why isn't Trump's worst-case scenario all that bad, historically speaking? The Times piece explains it rightly: "The countrys politics have become so sharply polarized that no major-party contender is likely to come near the 49-state defeats suffered by Democrats in 1972 and 1984."
The country is simply too partisan for anyone -- up to and including Trump -- to win zero, one or two states. Obama won a major national victory in 2008 -- and took a total of 365 electoral votes. There are simply a bunch of states that will not vote for one party or the other no matter whom that party nominates. That will be especially true in some of these traditionally Republican states if Clinton is the Democratic nominee.
And so, even under Trump's worst-case scenario map, he wins 128 electoral votes and 16 states -- including the electoral college behemoth of Texas. The states that stay red on that Trump worst-case scenario map are rightly understood as states that I simply cannot imagine would choose Clinton over anyone with an "R" after their name.
DWS is a corrupt piece of shit who sabotages Democrats in her own state so her Republican pals like Ros-Lehitnen can stay in office.
Hillary winning georgia lol
I have to admit, it's pretty impressive that a no-name, Independent senator from Vermont has been able to position himself as the sole measurement of liberalism in this country.
The comparison between the far left and the tea party is not one of ideology, but of methods, "purity" and the real potential to actually harm their own interests.
People who are willing to contribute to candidates like Canova and some others dont feel like their interests are being represented by the current post-Bill Clinton consensus of the Democratic Party. They have a right to feel represented.
I have to admit, it's pretty impressive that a no-name, Independent senator from Vermont has been able to position himself as the sole measurement of liberalism in this country.
The comparison between the far left and the tea party is not one of ideology, but of methods, "purity" and the real potential to actually harm their own interests.
Strange enough lot of s4p posters think Tulsi is a natural VP choice for Sanders.Yeah an islamaphobic representative being a Bernie surrogate isn't good
Alright. Then I wanna primary Tulsi Gabbard with someone actually liberal. You with me, Melkr?
Strange enough lot of s4p posters think Tulsi is a natural VP choice for Sanders.
I think she's someone to watch out for and I dont mean that in a good way. She very well might run for office herself following Bernie's footsteps of burning the establishment. She will definitely raise her national profile after 2016.
Maybe all that surfing made Gabbard to evolve in her problematic stances?
The core of my argument is that these developments (if they happen, for all we know the "movement" dies with the primary) are not just a tantrum and a vendetta, but that they could be representative of a part of the electorate wanting more than what the Dems are giving them right now.
Obama competed there in 2008 and won 47% against a noncontroversial RepublicanHillary winning georgia lol
Hillary winning georgia lol
So was the Tea Party, though, for the GOP.could be representative of a part of the electorate wanting more than what the Dems are giving them right now.
I have to admit, it's pretty impressive that a no-name, Independent senator from Vermont has been able to position himself as the sole measurement of liberalism in this country.
The comparison between the far left and the tea party is not one of ideology, but of methods, "purity" and the real potential to actually harm their own interests.
That's the only reason an Islamaphobe moderate would decide to rebrand themselves as to whatever she's doing now, and duped an entire subset of the electorate because she endorsed the right guy.
Would you support someone primarying known-islamaphobe Tulsi Gabbard with an actual liberal?
Yup, similar to NC. High black turnout kept those states relatively close.Dont forget Nunn and Carter got about the same percentage of the vote in 2014, a midterm, a year they should have done worse, as Obama did in 2012.
Her history seems to have already been handwaved away?If she wants to rise her profile nationally within a Sanders movement, she will have to face the consequences of all her anti-Islam rhetoric. I dont see how she expects to do it, honestly. And yes, I would support her losing the seat to someone more compassionate.
If she wants to rise her profile nationally within a Sanders movement, she will have to face the consequences of all her anti-Islam rhetoric. I dont see how she expects to do it, honestly. And yes, I would support her losing the seat to someone more compassionate.
Has the real tea party hurt their own interests?
That's not even entirely accurate. At this point, the way Bernie fans have phrased it, you'd think that she was in sole control of the redistricting in Florida.
She's been vocal about her friendship towards people like Ros-Lehitnen for a while, and yes, she did not endorse her challenger in 2014. That sucks! But in terms of actually voting, what has she done that's so egregious that requires her to be primaried? What policy positions does she hold that are so out of step with her district and the Democratic party that she must got as a representative? And this is as a representative, not as head of the DNC.
I want to make it clear, I'm not for this Bernie uprising happening everywhere. But DWS offers nothing. She uses her power to stifle Democrats in districts they could legitimately challenge, there's a reason Ros-Lehtinen is one of the only Republicans supporting gay marriage, and hasn't done much of anything to help the prospects for Democrats statewide. Debbie is the Florida Democrat, the one with the most power in the state, and we see where that's gotten us. With a bench that's currently leading to Alan fucking Grayson possibly ending up as the senate nominee and 'illustrious' nominees like Crist and Sink losing to Voldemort for governor.
If her seat was in any danger of going to a Republican then I could understand. But it isn't. I live in South Florida. Canova wins the district easily.
I truly believe Debbie being phased out of power in the state could only help Democrats in future elections statewide.
She raised another $6M for downballot/state committees.
Yup, similar to NC. High black turnout kept those states relatively close.
Georgia is just NC but a few years behind, which is similar to NC being a few years behind Virginia.
Arizona would be in a similar position, but McCain's home state status in 08 and Obama camp's decision to only really stay in the swing states in 2012 sort of masks the demographic shifts that have been happening there. If Hillary makes a serious play for it this year she could very well win it.
I do kind of wonder what the Sanders campaign intends to do with their coffer when he finally drops out. Are they going to spend every dollar.
he has to pay campaign debt.
Why would he have any left? He will spend it all in California and New YorkI do kind of wonder what the Sanders campaign intends to do with their coffer when he finally drops out. Are they going to spend every dollar. Distribute to other races? Buy Tad a new house?
Edit: The campaign had no debt last I checked.
I think he can transition the money to a leadership PAC, can't he?
Sen Chuck Grassley tells reporters he is about to call back Judge Garland and will discuss possibility of having a meeting face-to-face
Like that guy on Twitter said, the media is actually fooling people into thinking it's closer than it is.
Dws is incompetent so I can't get upset about Bernie supporters actually focusing their rage on something good!
April primaries thread is up
lol what
lol what
I do kind of wonder what the Sanders campaign intends to do with their coffer when he finally drops out. Are they going to spend every dollar. Distribute to other races? Buy Tad a new house?
Edit: The campaign had no debt last I checked.
This is almost bordering on too Machiavellian for me - but if getting DWS primaried gets her out of her DNC chair position - the potential gain from installing someone legitimately competent there would be worth more than any single seat. Head of the DNC has such crazy power.
Anyone who gets the reference in the second one to a late 90s RTS is automatically my favourite person![]()
April primaries thread is up
Anyone who gets the reference in the second one to a late 90s RTS is automatically my favourite person![]()
StarCraft? Am I your new favorite person?
Bitch, I'm your favorite person anyway.
Get rekt.