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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Well, off to platinum Ratchet and Clank, it's been fun.

Most polished game in the series (gameplay and graphics wise), highly recommended, even if you played the HD remaster a year or so ago.

Oh, and i'd be all for combining Connecticut and Rhode Island and giving Puerto Rico that spot.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Chris Christie's wife is a fucking fixed income trader

She doesn't need this shit

She's smarter than all of the people in that audience combined
Donna Edwards' email tonight:

When I announced my candidacy for the United States Senate, I said I wouldn’t run away from who I was or the life I’ve lived.

I’m a black woman, a single mom who struggled to put food on the table and pay for childcare, a woman who walked into a Planned Parenthood when she needed healthcare, an Air Force brat, and just one of the millions of women who has received unequal pay in the workplace for my equal work as a lawyer, systems engineer, and non-profit executive.

Those experiences shape who I am as a person, my values, and how I legislate in Congress.

History was talked about a lot on this campaign, and it should be -- because history matters.

It matters for the hundreds of young women and girls I met who watched me run for this Senate seat and thought “this is something I can do.”

Who will look to the nation's space program, boardrooms, workplaces, and know that they belong.

I think about when I was a young girl and my dad was stationed at Andrews Air Force base. After church on Sundays when the weather was nice we would go to the hill outside of the U.S. Capitol and I would look up at that big white building -- I never dreamed that could be my office.

I hope for all the women and girls across Maryland and the country that I helped shatter that idea -- even just a little bit. Because for every girl who’s never told she could run for Congress, run for Senate, be an engineer, or go to law school, I want to say to you right now -- you can do this.

Be what you want to be, do what you want to do -- you can be anything you dream of.

This campaign for the U.S. Senate ends tonight, but the values that drive us to fight for what we believe in, and the dreams I hope we inspired in young people to change the face of our democracy, never will.

Thank you for being a part of this with me,


Remember way back when I theorized that female voters would be one of (if not the) story of this election cycle? That pissing-off and moving the needle among a divided 52-55% of the electorate is on a whole scale different from pissing-off a monolothic 13-15% of the electorate?

That theory's looking pretty good right now.

Thought to be honest, I didn't think that Democrats would get so wildly fortunate in how much the GOP's nominee would help in this department. I thought we'd get something closer to Kasich's level of tilt.

But Trump.. hoo..

And yet I'm seeing all kinds of diablosing about Trump winning the general. I just don't see a path to 270 with such terrible support among women and minority voters, even by GOP standards.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
And yet I'm seeing all kinds of diablosing about Trump winning the general. I just don't see a path to 270 with such terrible support among women and minority voters, even by GOP standards.

It's going to take something beyond either candidate's control for Trump to win.


And yet I'm seeing all kinds of diablosing about Trump winning the general. I just don't see a path to 270 with such terrible support among women and minority voters, even by GOP standards.

Yeah, I don't get it either. If anything, I'm a step away from cracking open some bubbly. Too bad I decided to work tomorrow.
Christ, her margins in PA and MD are so massive that she nets more from them each than her NY win last week.

Trump's math is ridiculously good after tonight. Unless the GOP can quickly change the rules to make California WTA + get Cruz on top, it's almost impossible to stop him now.
Trump at 948 in bound delegates and has the 42 unbound delegates from Pennsylvania and 10 other committed delegates and will certainly win all 51 delegates in New Jersey. If he wins all 51 or so delegates in Indiana, then he'll be basically guaranteed to win the nomination.


Can I repeat that Trump is a fucking moron. Because. He. Is.

Cannot help himself.

It's amazing, isn't it? We say stuff like that all the time, but seriously, he really can't help himself. All he has to do is stick to his talking points, or just say thanks for 5 minutes and disappear. To say someone who was First Lady, a senator, and Secretary of State only has her gender going for her makes it look like Trump has no idea about anything.
If Hilly and Bernie broke even in every state besides California, and Bernie won every single California delegate, Hilly would still win (factoring in SDs)

That meme image ("Bernie can win if he hits 73% in Cali!") can go fuck itself


It's amazing, isn't it? We say stuff like that all the time, but seriously, he really can't help himself. All he has to do is stick to his talking points, or just say thanks for 5 minutes and disappear. To say someone who was First Lady, a senator, and Secretary of State only has her gender going for her makes it look like Trump has no idea about anything.
Indeed. If I were to be objective, the man is by far the most unqualified candidate in recent history.

He has no worth as a person. His image as a successful businessman is an illusion, all smoke and mirrors. Nothing substantive. Then again you all know that. So dumb.
Yeah that new Sanders statement is basically what many thought he would do: give up on the nomination to instead concentrate on changing the party platform.

Sanders for President is basically ending within the Sander's camp.
I'm okay with him still running following this statement. Even though I definitely don't agree with some of his platform, he did run a campaign that got votes and delegates. He should stay in and try his best to get young people and progressives more involved and say their opinion in the Democratic Party.

“I congratulate Secretary Clinton on her victories tonight, and I look forward to issue-oriented campaigns in the 14 contests to come.

“I am proud that we were able to win a resounding victory tonight in Rhode Island, the one state with an open primary where independents had a say in the outcome. Democrats should recognize that the ticket with the best chance of winning this November must attract support from independents as well as Democrats. I am proud of my campaign’s record in that regard.

“The people in every state in this country should have the right to determine who they want as president and what the agenda of the Democratic Party should be. That’s why we are in this race until the last vote is cast. That is why this campaign is going to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia with as many delegates as possible to fight for a progressive party platform that calls for a $15 an hour minimum wage, an end to our disastrous trade policies, a Medicare-for-all health care system, breaking up Wall Street financial institutions, ending fracking in our country, making public colleges and universities tuition free and passing a carbon tax so we can effectively address the planetary crisis of climate change.”

Edwards is a good person, I wish her luck. Nothing was going to stop the golden boy this year.

BTW when Sanders talks about establishment politics...look at the Congressional Black Caucus and all the people who Edwards has supported for years who didn't lift a damn finger to help her. Because the establishment. Granted by many accounts Edwards can be difficult to work with but if she has your back, she has your back.

It wasn't her year. And unfortunately I don't believe she can get Cardin's seat either.
[–]nathancardOhio - Bernie Squad - Cadet [score hidden] 2 hours ago

If HRC was nonviable in California we would win the nomination. By a lot. Realistically, if we keep up our current efforts, the delegate gap will probably be around 200 by June 7. Hell, we could lose every contest from here to California and win if we make HRC nonviable in California. Whispers of a dream? You bet. Possible, probably not. Should we still try? Is that even a question?

It will never end


Trump just can't help himself. It makes me wonder what dumb shit he might say in the debates.

If I were Clinton, my whole strategy for the debates would be two fold: first, prove you are head and shoulders more qualified than Trump in every regard to be president, and second, try to get him to call you a bitch on stage or make some other sexist remark. She needs to just try and get under his skin like crazy during the debates.

Also, I'm confident the general will in large part be Obama vs. Trump. The president is going to weigh in to a large extent and he is the only person who can get more coverage than Trump. He'll get under his skin more than anyone else.
I would not be shocked if Donald Trump called Hillary a cunt during one of the debates.
He's already fucking gone as far with the sexism that I had thought he would. Trump is moron, I don't think even he would do that. but if he dropped that word, especially that word, during a debate.. All bets are off.
If I were Clinton, my whole strategy for the debates would be two fold: first, prove you are head and shoulders more qualified than Trump in every regard to be president, and second, try to get him to call you a bitch on stage or make some other sexist remark. She needs to just try and get under his skin like crazy during the debates.

Also, I'm confident the general will in large part be Obama vs. Trump. The president is going to weigh in to a large extent and he is the only person who can get more coverage than Trump. He'll get under his skin more than anyone else.

"Only reason Obama is president is because he's black. If he was white he wouldn't get 5% of the vote"


"Only reason Obama is president is because he's black. If he was white he wouldn't get 5% of the vote"


Who else thinks that the odds are extremely high that we'll get a hot mic of Trump calling Clinton a bitch at some point (ala 47% comments)? I don't think he can hold back in private throughout the entire general election.
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