Tons of companies would be down for that. Fire extinguishers, aloe vera, band-aids, airhorns. Any company that sells these should have billboards and banners all over the place.
1) Eh, I don't know how much anyone will stand up to the military, for several reasons. As an aside, Bernie sends tons of military stuff to VT, so it's not like he's an angel on this. The main thing is that not only is the military super favorable here, but we also do a lot of heavy lifting overseas for other nations. We're one of like 3 nations (I think Greece and maybe Spain are the other 2?) who fulfill our NATO budget support. A lot of countries would need some more assurances from us diplomatically if we start reducing our military in any way.
2) Likability isn't a great metric. Dubya was considered to be incredibly likable, and look how that turned out. Several good presidents weren't likable at all.