Secondly, and extremely importantly, Secretary Clinton and I have many differences on some of the most important issues facing the American people. We disagree on trade, on breaking up Wall Street banks, on raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, on imposing a carbon tax to combat climate change, on insisting that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share of taxes, on fracking and on a number of other issues.
But where Secretary Clinton and I agree and where every delegate to the Democratic convention agrees is that it would be a disaster for Donald Trump or some other right-wing Republican to become president of the United States.
Therefore, it is incumbent upon every super delegate to take a hard and objective look at which candidate stands the better chance of defeating Donald Trump. And in that regard, I think the evidence is extremely clear that I would be the stronger candidate to defeat Trump or any other Republican. This is not just the subjective opinion of Bernie Sanders. This is based on virtually every national and state poll done in the last several months.
Look at some of the very recent national polls.
In a Morning Consult survey, we beat Trump by 16. She beats him by seven.
An Investor Business Daily poll, we beat Trump by 12. She beats him by seven.
In the USA Today poll, we beat Trump by 15. She beats him by 11.
A George Washington University poll, we beat him by 10. She beats him by three.
Fox News, we beat Trump by 14. She beats him by seven
And its the same story in battleground state after battleground state. In Arizona, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Carolina and many other states we defeat Trump by larger numbers than she does.