There's going to be a lot of discussion in the next month or so about who did or didn't successfully call Trump grabbing the nomination, and I think there's a couple important distinctions to be drawn within that conversation: namely the difference between Trump getting the most votes, and Trump getting the nomination.
Many of us here, myself included, saw Trump getting the most votes as far back as...well, September really. Not with 100% certitude obviously, but Trump winning became my "expected result" pretty quickly once I saw what was happening. What wasn't clear to anyone, analysts included, is just how much fuckery the GOP would or wouldn't get up to to stop him. No-one could really predict that, because it lies in the hands of a (relative) handful of people.
That's maybe the most shocking thing to me about Cruz's concession. I fully believe that if he thought he had a chance at duking it out at the convention he'd still be in it. I think he got word from somewhere that whatever support he was counting on going into the convention just wasn't coalescing.