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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
The GOP is not going to correct in 2020. Trump has made sure of that. If Cruz had won, yeah maybe. But in 2020 they're all going to say what they say every election, "we'd have won with a true conservative" which Trump obviously isn't.

I dont think if they won they would have corrected either.
Any comment on the "no more super-delegates for Maine" thing? It's all over my social media.

The Bernie-fan-heavy convention passed a resolution that starting in 2020, Maine's superdelegates should be bound to candidates based on the proportions in the popular vote, for the first ballot, so long as candidates have not released their delegates. They can't force them to be bound for this year, though they "requested" it (and I believe it was refused, and the supers are still 3 Hillary, 1 Bernie, 1 uncommitted, not a 2-to-1 margin that would be proportional).

I think that this is probably a bad idea, and it's kind of crazy that in this year where Donald Trump shows exactly why we have superdelegates, so that that could not happen to us, that people would tyr to undercut their power in our party.... I know that they're a somewhat undemocratic element, but a Trump-like nominee would be worse.
The Bernie-fan-heavy convention passed a resolution that starting in 2020, Maine's superdelegates should be bound to candidates based on the proportions in the popular vote, for the first ballot, so long as candidates have not released their delegates. They can't force them to be bound for this year, though they "requested" it (and I believe it was refused, and the supers are still 2:1 Hillary, not the reverse as would be proportional).

I think that this is probably a bad idea, and it's kind of crazy that in this year where Donald Trump shows exactly why we have superdelegates, so that that could not happen to us, that people would tyr to undercut their power in our party.... I know that they're a somewhat undemocratic element, but a Trump-like nominee would be worse.

Is that binding? The DNC sets the rules and numbers of superdelegates not the states, correct? No one will care in 2020 because, Lord willing, it won't be a contested primary but still.
Is that binding? The DNC sets the rules and numbers of superdelegates not the states, correct? No one will care in 2020 because, Lord willing, it won't be a contested primary but still.

I was wondering if such a thing could possibly be allowed given that I'd think it'd be a national party rule, yeah...
The GOP is not going to correct in 2020. Trump has made sure of that. If Cruz had won, yeah maybe. But in 2020 they're all going to say what they say every election, "we'd have won with a true conservative" which Trump obviously isn't.

Eh, Cruz has been damaged by this election and it's still far from evident that candidates like him can be more than regional players. Take out Trump and a Rubio likely wins this years primary.
The Bernie-fan-heavy convention passed a resolution that starting in 2020, Maine's superdelegates should be bound to candidates based on the proportions in the popular vote, for the first ballot, so long as candidates have not released their delegates. They can't force them to be bound for this year, though they "requested" it (and I believe it was refused, and the supers are still 2:1 Hillary, not the reverse as would be proportional).

I think that this is probably a bad idea, and it's kind of crazy that in this year where Donald Trump shows exactly why we have superdelegates, so that that could not happen to us, that people would tyr to undercut their power in our party.... I know that they're a somewhat undemocratic element, but a Trump-like nominee would be worse.

That's very frustrating. If you're going to get rid of super-delegates, get rid of super-delegates. But creating a fractured system where sometimes super-delegates are unbound, sometimes they are bound, sometimes they are bound by widely varying criteria... it all just makes the system even more frustrating, unpenetrable to people gaining interest in politics, and ultimately serves no purpose to actually a fix a problem.


“She’s married to a man who was the worst abuser of women in the history of politics,” Trump said. “Hillary was an enabler and she treated these women horribly.”

Definitely curious how this kind of attack plays for women who aren't already Hillary haters.
Eh, Cruz has been damaged by this election and it's still far from evident that candidates like him can be more than regional players. Take out Trump and a Rubio likely wins this years primary.

But Trump like candidates will now be certain to run moving forward. Don't you think Curt Schilling and Ted Nugent will be encouraged to run for president after seeing what Trump did? Or that people like Duncan Hunter will basically run as an overt white nationalist next time?
Clinton really ought to choose as her running mate someone who can run as her successor after she leaves office (so, NOT Warren or whoever).

I agree. Warren is also an effective senator... and happy being a senator, and it would be senate spot we'd have to fight back for. I think she'd be a good VP (especially in the attack dog sense), but there are others who would get more out of it.
... And yeah, it sounds like the state party leaders are not happy with this:

But party leaders warned that such a move could have serious repercussions at the national convention – including the potential loss of some or all of the state’s delegates. Although Republicans do not use superdelegates, a similar scenario played out in 2012 when the Republican National Committee removed 10 of Maine’s 20 delegates pledged to Ron Paul and replaced them with Mitt Romney supporters because of events at the state convention.

“We had a delegate-selection plan approved by the Democratic National Committee and we have to follow that to a T,” Bartlett said.
Let's hope this gets revoked somehow.

That's very frustrating. If you're going to get rid of super-delegates, get rid of super-delegates. But creating a fractured system where sometimes super-delegates are unbound, sometimes they are bound, sometimes they are bound by widely varying criteria... it all just makes the system even more frustrating, unpenetrable to people gaining interest in politics, and ultimately serves no purpose to actually a fix a problem.
I hadn't thought of that, but you're right, if this rule does hold that probably would be the result, wouldn't it.


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Turkey is about to become a dictatorship, wheeee:


So nice that a NATO nation is headed to becoming Saudi Arabia.

I wonder what this means for the Kurdish people. Obviously, a farther-right Turkey is bad news for Turkish Kurds... but growing diplomatic distance from the US might enable more open collaboration between Americans and Kurds.

As the risk of Turkey joining the Russian sphere becomes increasingly unlikely, Turkey is becoming a much less useful ally.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Eh, Cruz has been damaged by this election and it's still far from evident that candidates like him can be more than regional players. Take out Trump and a Rubio likely wins this years primary.

Eh, I'm not sure about this. The establishment loves him because he is polished, but he energized nobody. Nobody voted for the guy. Trump hurt him, but was nowhere near the reason he lost.
Big money SJWs are stealing the nomination.

Forty-three percent of all reported contributions to federal candidates for this election have come from women, according to an analysis of Federal Election Commission data by Crowdpac, a political crowdfunding website, higher than any election cycle on record. Women have also provided a fifth of all individual contributions to super PACs for this election, compared with just 1 percent in 2010, the year the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision paved the way for new levels of giving to outside groups.

The increase is especially pronounced on the left, with the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton galvanizing female donors.
...she has counted on them to fuel her huge fund-raising operation, which already relies more on women than had any presidential candidate before her.

Close to half of Mrs. Clinton’s “bundlers” — the volunteer fund-raisers who solicit checks from friends and business associates — are women, compared with about a third of President Obama’s 2012 bundlers. Nearly 60 percent of Mrs. Clinton’s reported contributions, totaling $70 million, have come from women, according to Crowdpac, the most of any presidential candidate by far. (The tally does not include contributions too small to be itemized in election commission reports.)
But while women are making more contributions than ever, they still significantly trail men in the magnitude of their giving, with about two-thirds of all the money raised by federal candidates in 2016 coming from men, according to Crowdpac data. Most of the largest overall contributors in the country are men, many of them in fields like energy and finance, where women are still exceedingly rare in corporate boardrooms and executive suites.
Even when women assume senior posts at their companies, they are more reluctant to ask their colleagues for contributions to candidates. Several donors described a familiar worry among their female friends about rocking the boat among male colleagues, or offending people with different political views.


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Eh, I'm not sure about this. The establishment loves him because he is polished, but he energized nobody. Nobody voted for the guy. Trump hurt him, but was nowhere near the reason he lost.

While Rubio wouldn't have brought as many new voters to the polling places as Trump likely will, I don't think he would have turned away entire demographics like Trump is doing.

Rubio also would have benefited from institutional support, both through the contributions of major donors and the endorsement of every elected Republican in this country.

This spits in the eye of the alt-right canard that Hillary Clinton is only popular among white women and black people. I'd expect that a ton of those bundles come from older white male liberals, a demographic with which she does pretty well.


remember me
Ugh, just lost all respect for Bryan Cranston thanks to Real Time. "We need a viable 3rd party, one that's socially conscious but fiscally responsible." Fuck off, Cranston. At least Dan Savage called him on that bullshit saying "those are called Democrats."

User 406

It's a radio talk show host like always. Why do radio talk show hosts feel the desperate need to defend child rape?

Professional courtesy.

While Rubio wouldn't have brought as many new voters to the polling places as Trump likely will, I don't think he would have turned away entire demographics like Trump is doing.

Rubio also would have benefited from institutional support, both through the contributions of major donors and the endorsement of every elected Republican in this country.

Rubio was the one that I feared the most after Jeb; Marco shared W's néoconservatisme and would have possibly matched W's numbers among Latinos.

I was really happy when Trump eliminated him and Jeb
It's talk radio, they're all idiots.

Wow, this guy seems like a bigger nutcase than I thought actually. He went to Sandusky's kid's talk on living after being abused while claiming that the child was a liar and then he posted an insane rant on Facebook about how offended he was that he was removed from the event.


Prior to the talk, a man was taken out of the auditorium by police yelling, "This is what happens when you try to tell the truth."

(It was this talk show host)


Who stalks child rape victims to scream that they are liars at them? He's not even from Penn State!
On December 1, 2007, one day after a peacefully resolved hostage situation at a Hillary Clinton campaign office in New Hampshire, Ziegler made the following remarks while introducing Fred Thompson at a campaign rally in California: "In case you missed it, some nut job broke in [to Clinton's campaign office] and took hostages and apparently threatened to blow himself up unless he got a chance to speak to Hillary. Now, I found this rather odd because I always feel like blowing myself up after I hear Hillary Clinton speak". ABC News says the audience "laughed and applauded",[59] while FoxNews.com described the remark as "unfettered nastiness".[60]

After leaving his talk show on KFI AM 640, Ziegler was involved in two documentary film projects.

Blocking The Path to 9/11 documentary[edit]
In August 2008, John Ziegler and producer David Bossie of Citizens United premiered a documentary co-produced, written and directed by Ziegler entitled Blocking The Path to 9/11,[3][4][5] which revisits the political controversy about the ABC docudrama miniseries The Path to 9/11.[50] Through interviews with the Path to 9/11 filmmakers and others, news clips about the controversy, and footage from the miniseries, the documentary makes the claim that Disney/ABC ultimately shelved plans to release a DVD of the miniseries as a result of pressure from the political left, specifically the Clintons. As noted in the documentary, Disney/ABC denies this and claims the move was merely a business decision. But commission member Richard Ben-Veniste said that the miniseries misrepresented facts presented in the 9/11 Commission report.[51] Two FBI agents also criticized the film's accuracy. Thomas E. Nicoletti was hired by the filmmakers as a consultant, but quit, saying "There were so many inaccuracies...I'm well aware of what's dramatic license and what's historical inaccuracy," Nicoletti said. "And this had a lot of historical inaccuracy.'"[52]

Media Malpractice documentary[edit]
Shortly after the 2008 U.S. presidential election, Ziegler announced that a documentary titled Media Malpractice: How Obama Got Elected was in production (the full title was later changed to Media Malpractice: How Obama Got Elected And Palin Was Targeted). The film claims that a liberal bias in the media was responsible for Barack Obama being elected president. The film was originally released live on the Today Show on February 23, 2009.


...... This guy is pretty interesting.

Looks like a conman who ripped off Republicans for years by playing to their victim complex who found Penn State fans as the most disgusting people in the world (so that no one would serve them) and with an extreme need to have their victim complex satisfied and he made bank.

... Penn State has frightening people.


Definitely curious how this kind of attack plays for women who aren't already Hillary haters.

The "Hillary's not a real feminist because of how she treated Monica Lewinsky!!" argument pops up every few years. Usually when Hillary's running for something or Monica does something that makes news. Will be interesting to see where that crowd ends up, although I feel like they might already be part of the Bernie or Bust sect.
Dukakis and mondale are ultra left now? Compared to reagan, maybe, but the sense I always had of them were 50s esque establishment liberals that were being outclassed at the outset of a new paradigm in politics: the micromanaged presidential campaign, where noncontroversiality and "gravitas" is prioritized over all, to the detriment of honesty and personality

Mondale was an old-style New Deal Democrat, of the type that dominated the party establishment into the 1980s but was being challenged by newer voices within the party. Indeed Mondale had the backing of most of the establishment in his primary run against Gary Hart and Jesse Jackson. He in fact needed superdelegates to clinch the nomination although he did win a majority of the pledged delegates.

Dukakis is a bit more complicated, as he could be seen as an attempt by the party to try and redefine itself. He didn't really fit into the New Deal politician mold, but was rather more of a technocrat who tried to run a campaign that focused more on how Massachusetts had fared under his watch than on ideological issues. Basically, by 1988 the consensus among Democrats was that what they had been doing wasn't working, but they hadn't quite figured out the solution. That's aside from Dukakis's various weaknesses as a candidate.


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Ugh, just lost all respect for Bryan Cranston thanks to Real Time. "We need a viable 3rd party, one that's socially conscious but fiscally responsible." Fuck off, Cranston. At least Dan Savage called him on that bullshit saying "those are called Democrats."

I think that's code for "I want politicians who hate poor people regardless of skin color".
I finished this week's episode of Left Right and Center finally after stopping it earlier in the day. Yeah, I think I'm done. I learn nothing from it and I think all of them are out of touch. I can tell this Bob Schear (sp?) guy is going to be Stein stanning here in a few weeks.
Mondale was an old-style New Deal Democrat, of the type that dominated the party establishment into the 1980s but was being challenged by newer voices within the party. Indeed Mondale had the backing of most of the establishment in his primary run against Gary Hart and Jesse Jackson. He in fact needed superdelegates to clinch the nomination although he did win a majority of the pledged delegates.

Dukakis is a bit more complicated, as he could be seen as an attempt by the party to try and redefine itself. He didn't really fit into the New Deal politician mold, but was rather more of a technocrat who tried to run a campaign that focused more on how Massachusetts had fared under his watch than on ideological issues. Basically, by 1988 the consensus among Democrats was that what they had been doing wasn't working, but they hadn't quite figured out the solution. That's aside from Dukakis's various weaknesses as a candidate.



AM talk radio is kind of terrifying because of its relative mainstream appeal, but trust me, the real action is on shortwave, where stations like WWCR blast an enormous four-way 100,000 watt signal across the globe. I mean, where else can you find "Traditional Latin Catholic Mass" coexisting on the same station with "End Times Coming" (aka "Ex-Catholics for Christ"), with financial advice from gold bugs and news from Alex Jones?


Praying for Clinton to choose Tom Perez as VP. Castro brothers just seem so empty to me, Perez seems really intelligent, and he speaks fluent Spanish.
Ugh, just lost all respect for Bryan Cranston thanks to Real Time. "We need a viable 3rd party, one that's socially conscious but fiscally responsible." Fuck off, Cranston. At least Dan Savage called him on that bullshit saying "those are called Democrats."
A lot of our favorite actors probably have terrible political opinions. It is what it is.


Clinton really ought to choose as her running mate someone who can run as her successor after she leaves office (so, NOT Warren or whoever).

YES. Use the VP position to groom a successor, that's the next most important thing to do aside from taking back the Senate and SC. I'm sure there are plenty of eligible candidates, but they need that name recognition and spotlight.

Fuck Anthony Weiner. Fuck that guy so much. He could have been something.

Ugh, just lost all respect for Bryan Cranston thanks to Real Time. "We need a viable 3rd party, one that's socially conscious but fiscally responsible." Fuck off, Cranston. At least Dan Savage called him on that bullshit saying "those are called Democrats."

Meh. He's still a great actor, but yea that's a pretty poor understanding of politics.


Oh my god this site is like a window into a Trump supporter's brain

A Special Message for Paul Ryan

Ted Cruz—Deceiver of Zion, Father of North American Union

Beyond Sodom and Gomorrah! 20,000 lesbians in the desert: welcome to the Dinah, a world without men


Cold-hearted bastards! Couldn’t they at least fake a few moderately respectful words about Scalia the man, the father of nine and grandfather of twenty-eight?
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