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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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I didn't realize until I went on r/politics just now how much of a sure thing it is that Hillary is going to get indicted for her emails.


I didn't realize until I went on r/politics just now how much of a sure thing it is that Hillary is going to get indicted for her emails.

I don't reddit myself, but I would be extremely surprised, if not completely disturbed if she wouldn't get in hot water for it should she win the demmy nom.
Hi everyone, I know I mostly just pop in here to ask questions but I have another one. I was looking into who is running for rep in my district because the primary is coming up and I saw that of the three Dems running, only one of them lives in Idaho and the other two would only move here if they won the nom. Is it shallow to be kind of turned off because and to vote for the person from here, or is that something I should just get used to in following politics.

I suppose it doesn't really matter since Labrador will probably crush like he did in 2012 and 2014 but I'd like to hope the Trump effect means we have a chance, especially since there's so many Mormons that live here.


Hi everyone, I know I mostly just pop in here to ask questions but I have another one. I was looking into who is running for rep in my district because the primary is coming up and I saw that of the three Dems running, only one of them lives in Idaho and the other two would only move here if they won the nom. Is it shallow to be kind of turned off because and to vote for the person from here, or is that something I should just get used to in following politics.

I suppose it doesn't really matter since Labrador will probably crush like he did in 2012 and 2014 but I'd like to hope the Trump effect means we have a chance, especially since there's so many Mormons that live here.

Do you live in the 1st or 2nd?

EDIT: Oh wait, you said Labrador. Hold pls.
I didn't realize until I went on r/politics just now how much of a sure thing it is that Hillary is going to get indicted for her emails.

Bro, they've already got a cell picked out and everything. She'll not even get a trial. I heard they're taking her straight to Guantanamo. It's why Obama's been trying to close it as a personal favor to Bill. But, see, the problem is, right, that Bill WANTS her go to prison....so he can become President for life. That's when the black helicopters will come down and bring about the One World Government. And also, Vince Foster. I'm not entirely sure how that's related, but it totally is. And also, fraud.

: nods :

The rabbit hole is deep, brah. Follow the money. That's all I'm saying. Follow the money.


Hi everyone, I know I mostly just pop in here to ask questions but I have another one. I was looking into who is running for rep in my district because the primary is coming up and I saw that of the three Dems running, only one of them lives in Idaho and the other two would only move here if they won the nom. Is it shallow to be kind of turned off because and to vote for the person from here, or is that something I should just get used to in following politics.

I suppose it doesn't really matter since Labrador will probably crush like he did in 2012 and 2014 but I'd like to hope the Trump effect means we have a chance, especially since there's so many Mormons that live here.

It seems that the Idaho Dems are behind James Piotrowski while the other two are just Some People. He also has a website. Like a real one. So if you care about that, I'd go with him!
It seems that the Idaho Dems are behind James Piotrowski while the other two are just Some People. He also has a website. Like a real one. So if you care about that, I'd go with him!
Thanks! I'd looked at his website and it seemed fine, aside from the lack of any mention about health care as an issue, so I'll go with him then. Maybe we can somehow unseat Labrador like we did the R in 08!

You're so bad you failed to make a bad joke.

At least until they won office amirite.
I'll admit I can't blame them for getting as far away from here as possible.


Flat taxes ignore important economic concepts like Marginalism

Those first dollars earned are worth more since they are typically needed to survive.
Should they be taxed at the same rate?

Although this is just a small part of the tax debate, eliminating most taxes on groceries is one of the issues that enabled a guy like Mike Beebe to romp over his opposition even in seemingly unfavorable circumstances, like being a Democrat in Arkansas in 2010.

There always seems to be someone flummoxed by the concept of tax brackets every time the topic comes up in OT.
I didn't realize until I went on r/politics just now how much of a sure thing it is that Hillary is going to get indicted for her emails.

Those people are delusional as fuck. I used to argue with them and make actual points, but now I just taunt them. Bernie fans pretty much know his campaign is done, and Republicans are realizing that their party is going to lose in November. So all you need to do is taunt. It's pretty fun.
Although this is just a small part of the tax debate, eliminating most taxes on groceries is one of the issues that enabled a guy like Mike Beebe to romp over his opposition even in seemingly unfavorable circumstances, like being a Democrat in Arkansas in 2010.

There always seems to be someone flummoxed by the concept of tax brackets every time the topic comes up in OT.

A lot of people don't understand the concept of a marginal tax rate. It doesn't help that some politicians gain from people not understanding that very concept.

anecdotally no anarchist I've ever met did not smell

I don't think I've ever met an anarchist. I'm a white, middle class gay boy...I don't know how many anarchist run around in that particular niche.

Wait, there was one girl in high school who looked like a Hot Topic threw up on her. She might have been an anarchist. She had that little A with the circle on her MASSIVE LEG HOLE pants...I always assumed it was because her name started with an A and she needed help to remember how to spell it.

She was mean. She stole my lunch out of my hand one time and the school's security guard told me to cry to mommy like the f-ggot I was.

Fun times. Fun times.
Middle class white boys are like the majority of American anarchists.

My anarchist friends are nice though I'm sure they're on terror watch lists for having published pieces in Iran.


If Hillary named Bill her vice president, and then died, would it be legal for him to serve a third term? Maybe that's been his plot all along?


If Hillary named Bill her vice president, and then died, would it be legal for him to serve a third term? Maybe that's been his plot all along?

Expecting the dude with quadruple heart bypass to outlive you sounds like the worst conspiracy ever unless you're Dick Cheney. And in that case, you're fucked.


A lot of people don't understand the concept of a marginal tax rate. It doesn't help that some politicians gain from people not understanding that very concept.

I had an Econ teacher in high school give the "it sucks when you get a raise and move up a tax bracket and then make less money!" spiel.

I didn't even bother correcting him, because if a 40 year old man with an Econ degree still thinks that, why bother

If Hillary named Bill her vice president, and then died, would it be legal for him to serve a third term? Maybe that's been his plot all along?

Bro we about to test the limits of the 12th amendment! How much power doth lie within its words?

I see people cite RT on Twitter all.the.time. are they not legit?

This took me a minute, but that's pretty funny. I give you an Internet High Five
Not since Woodrow Wilson has a First Lady/First Gentlemen died during the president's term :/

It looks like Chelsea Clinton will actually become the First Lady if Bill dies?


Who was the last president to have no living significant other while in the white house?
Grover Cleveland wasn't married until two years into his first term. Chester Arthur's wife died just over a year before he became VP (and then President upon Garfield's death a few months later).

James Buchanan never married and may have been gay.

Franklin Pierce's only son died when the family was in a train crash two months before his inauguration.

Not since Woodrow Wilson has a First Lady/First Gentlemen died during the president's term :/
Also, the last time the First Lady ascended to the Presidency over the Vice President.


Grover Cleveland wasn't married until two years into his first term. Chester Arthur's wife died just over a year before he became VP (and then President upon Garfield's death a few months later).

James Buchanan never married and may have been gay.
Gay? I've heard bi, and I've heard ace, but gay? Really? Isn't ace more likely?


From the reading I've done on him, which was years ago and not as much as with other presidents, I think it's possible that he was a panromantic ace.


Gay? I've heard bi, and I've heard ace, but gay? Really? Isn't ace more likely?


From the reading I've done on him, which was years ago and not as much as with other presidents, I think it's possible that he was a panromantic ace.
Sure, those are words and phrases that can be used in sentences.

In any case, he's the only one without a significant other while in office. (And King died before he ever took it.)

in 1844 they planned to run together for president and vice president
1916 United States was so different in population distribution:


McReynolds refused to speak to Louis Brandeis, the first Jew on the Court, for three years following Brandeis's appointment and, when Brandeis retired in 1939, did not sign the customary dedicatory letter sent to justices on their retirement.

Wilson was such a horrible person.
Buchanan was gay. You could never convince me otherwise. To convert it to modern times, I'd need to see an extremely convincing sex tape to at all consider he was maybe even bi. 1080p, proper focus, time/date stamp, GPS tag, etc.
First Lady Huma has a nice ring to it no?
I was about to suggest this. Imagine the fanfics! What title would that give Anthony Wiener, anyway? Surely we can think up something hilarious. "Appointed Male in charge of White House Dick Pics"? You totally know Obama's punking his successor by leaving a flash drive of nudes in the desk. He's awesome enough to do something like that, right? We'll call it a generational gap ahead of that polite letter W left for Obama. Put a sticker on it labeled "launch codes." And if not him, you know Biden would 100% certainly do it. With pictures of his own junk.
"My god, another jew on the court!" always makes me laugh whenever i remember about it. Its just a very funny thing to imagine a court justice saying.
My thoughts, bliv? Its their funeral. Shouldve nominated rand. Or jindal.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So Maddow had an interesting segment today where she showed (by using polling from PPP) that despite Trump's record breaking unfavorables, and all the talk about the Republican "civil war" threatening to destroy the party, it turns out that 79% of Republican voters don't give a shit and are just fine with voting for him in November.


Its funny to see people on r/politics go from Breitbart and Russia Today to posting Alex Jones videos.

Yeah, I hardly go over to r/politics anymore nowadays. That place is flooded with links to Fox News and Breitbart. Do Berniebros hate Hillary that much that they have to resort to ultra-right wing outlets? Sad!


"My god, another jew on the court!" always makes me laugh whenever i remember about it. Its just a very funny thing to imagine a court justice saying.
My thoughts, bliv? Its their funeral. Shouldve nominated rand. Or jindal.

When news of Cardozo's appointment was announced, McReynolds is claimed to have said "Huh, it seems that the only way you can get on the Supreme Court these days is to be either the son of a criminal or a Jew, or both."[38][39] During Cardozo's swearing-in ceremony, McReynolds pointedly read a newspaper,[38] and would often hold a brief or record in front of his face when Cardozo delivered an opinion from the bench.
When a female lawyer appeared in the courtroom, McReynolds would reportedly mutter: "I see the female is here again." He would often leave the bench when a woman lawyer rose to present a case.[34] He thought the wearing of wrist watches by men to be effeminate, and the use of red fingernail polish by women to be vulgar.
Clarence Thomas should just start doing shit like this, completely opposite from his persona the first half of his career on the bench, and never give any explanations. Or maybe none beyond "it's what Antonin said in his will. And as a textualist..."
So Maddow had an interesting segment today where she showed (by using polling from PPP) that despite Trump's record breaking unfavorables, and all the talk about the Republican "civil war" threatening to destroy the party, it turns out that 79% of Republican voters don't give a shit and are just fine with voting for him in November.

If you lose 20+ percent of Republican voters, you are right proper fucked.

This is 2016.


So Maddow had an interesting segment today where she showed (by using polling from PPP) that despite Trump's record breaking unfavorables, and all the talk about the Republican "civil war" threatening to destroy the party, it turns out that 79% of Republican voters don't give a shit and are just fine with voting for him in November.
Are there similar polls for the Democrats?

Heh, looking at PPP's site, found this poll from a month ago:
Romney is incredibly unpopular nationally now- his 23/65 favorability rating is even worse than the 29/63 Trump comes in at.
Perry gets 12% as an independent, including about 20% of the Republican vote. His presence pushes both Clinton (44/35) and Sanders (43/34) up to 9 point leads against Trump. To put Perry's 12% into perspective, Deez Nuts gets 10% as an independent candidate and actually pulls more from Clinton, taking her lead down to 5 points at 42/37.

That one has Clinton Favorability:
DEM: 67-23
IND: 28-55

Sanders Favorability:
DEM: 60-23
IND: 50-37

Nuts Favorability:
DEM: 12-22
GOP: 6-13
IND: 8-16

DEM: 77-9-7
GOP: 8-69-10
IND: 35-34-15

DEM: 74-11-6
GOP: 10-70-8
IND: 41-32-12

Romney Approval:
DEM: 18-69
GOP: 28-63
IND: 23-61

Trump Approval:
DEM: 11-83
GOP: 53-38
IND: 25-65




Most of those aren't surprising. Well I guess there's surprise in that anyone actually bothered to do a poll related to Kasich but beyond that.

I am somewhat surprised how diverse (is that the right word) Trump's supporters are in terms of ideology.


So, in this picture, is Hillary surrounded in a beatific cloud of sparkling pixie dust, or is that a cloud of flies that conclusively proves her to be the willing servant of Beelzebub?



Most of those aren't surprising. Well I guess there's surprise in that anyone actually bothered to do a poll related to Kasich but beyond that.

I am somewhat surprised how diverse (is that the right word) Trump's supporters are in terms of ideology.
1. It's from a month ago.

b. You're reading it wrong, it's how the groups across the top would state the ideology of the candidates below.

That crosstab is in the poll though, gimme a sec.


Okay, so it's not the exact same crosstab as I thought, but you can more or less discern it.

How the self-ideology listed above approves of the candidate:

Look at Sanders and Clinton among the self-declared moderates and very liberal.

What the self-ideology listed above considers the candidates' ideology to be:

Who the self-ideology listed above prefers:
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