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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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People are just mad that Hillary isn't just smiles and rainbows like other female politicians. That's what we've come to expect of women in politics. Men are absolutely not held to this standard. It's ironic that this comes from Stewart who spent 2004 palling around with Kerry and supporting him heavily when he's one of the most boring personalities in politics.
I agree its mostly sexist, but I've just never agreed with the "cold" or "fake" statements about Hillary anyway. Every speech I've seen her give she speaks like... a person. She's enthusiastic and excited. Passionate about topics she's passionate about. Angry when its time to be angry. A normal person who does lots of public speaking. I'm convinced that the people who says she isn't are either a.) shills or b.) people who've never actually watched Hillary Clinton give a speech.
And now I just read about Trump's racists Butler.

I'm not one to judge people solely on the people around them, and I've said it time and again that Trump is horrible and a shitheel of a person, but damn it, it's becoming too much. If he had my vote (at this stage of the game, it's Sanders or Trump for me after all), wouldn't it also be a victory for the shitty people around him who are actually really, really garbage people? This development, that video, Sanders allegedly running out of funds? What a week.

Like, I don't wanna sound like a debbie downer, but for me personally, if Sanders loses, I might write him in the general kinda like I did in the 2008 election (I voted for Ron Paul in that general).

Trump surrounds himself with really really garbage people because he is in fact a really really garbage person. You are at the point where you're going to vote for a sexist/racist/homophobe, wear it with pride or educate yourself
Sanders or Trump, one of the 2 definitely. I am not not voting though, Kristoffer inspired me of how important it is to vote, because not voting means you don't care, but I do care. Without Kristoffer, I would have never even considered actually, seriously voting for that scumbag, but now after weeks of new revelations and just seeing the type of vile people he seems to attract, it's almost a sick thought to even consider it. Yes, there are a handful of things I like about him, but the bad outlays the good 15-fold for me at this point, at least.

Kristoffer if you are reading this, I thank you for inspiring me with how important it is to vote instead of sitting out, but you gotta admit, it's not easy.

I mean seriously, that rally video, his fucking butler is racist. You think I want to purposefully be associated with racists? With queerphobes? With discriminatory bigots? Of course not. I've been marginalized and discriminated against for my race and my gender, I have no protection for my orientation. I've been a victim, why would I want to seem like I enable the offenders simply because a of handful of things I like about the guy. I mean, I have strong feelings about our veterans and being anti-top, but at the end of the day, that's not enough good to overshadow all the bad.

Not gonna lie, poliGAF has opened my eyes and has helped me stay more in touch about not just the candidates, but the people and movements around them, and how they could have an effect. i consider this very valuable, and a good citizen should stay well-informed after all, but all the information can be overwhelming. I wanna thank the lot of you who have brought great discussion and resource, not mere attacks or fanboyism, into this thread. Thanks to you guys, I've considered things I perhaps wouldn't have considered before. You are good people.
Huelen: Origins

If veterans and trade deals are important to you, you should probably vote Bernie Sanders in the primary. And when he loses the primary, you should just vote Trump because he most closely resembles your political views, even if he's kind of distasteful. If you don't want to be associated with a racist, then maybe you should just sit it out.

Don't beat yourself up just because you don't like your choices this year. It's just not your year. Sorry. :(
I do find it funny that one of the major reasons why HUELEN10 would vote for Trump is because of his position on the VA. Trump is in favor of privatizing the VA, and do you know who's not in favor of that? Veterans.


Unconfirmed Member
I won't ever forgive or forget Trump for calling me a rapist, drug dealer and murderer. That shits hurts, take it from the target.
Jeb! Is that you? Wait you didn't say low energy.

Leave it to Politico to describe Paul Ryan as a policy wonk.
He is a policy wonk. That doesn't mean his policies are right or effective, or good for regular people in America. It just means he geeks out on the minutiae of it. And he definitely geeks the fuck out on privatizing / slashing social safety nets.


Jeb! Is that you? Wait you didn't say low energy.

He is a policy wonk. That doesn't mean his policies are right or effective, or good for regular people in America. It just means he geeks out on the minutiae of it. And he definitely geeks the fuck out on privatizing / slashing social safety nets.

I myself always saw it that way in regards to Ryan. He's still a punk. A hot punk mind you.


Wow, watching MSNBC and catching up on what apparently went down in this meeting today.

What kind of world do we fucking live in when the presidential nominee of a political party, a man just one step away from the presidency, has to have the basic tenants of the Constitution explained to him? This is terrifying.



remember me
Nah. He's a wonk. He's just a shite one. He knows his policy and his data pretty well, it's just that he's come to terrible terrible conclusions from it.

Krugman has been tearing into him for the past few years on this subject. I trust his opinion on the matter more than some politico writer.

But, you know, I didn’t just call Ryan unserious; I showed that he was unserious. It has been obvious since his first budget “plan” that he was just pretending to be a budget wonk; look even briefly at anything he has put out and it turns out to depend crucially on magic asterisks. Strip those out and he turns out to combine huge tax cuts for the rich with savage but smaller cuts in aid to the poor and the middle class, increasing inequality while worsening the deficit.

So Ryan wasn’t just a fake wonk, but an obviously fake wonk. And what does that say about the supposed wonks who passionately defended him?


remember me
We told them the wealth would "trickle down"!


Donald Trump Is Weighing Newt Gingrich for Vice President
Donald Trump is considering former House Speaker Newt Gingrich as one possible option for his running mate in November, according to a source familiar with the discussions.

Trump, the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party, has been discussing Gingrich with his confidants as a potential ticket mate, a source familiar with the talks said, making the former House speaker one of the handful of options the likely Republican standard-bearer is considering for the fall.

Gingrich has praised Trump in the past, telling TIME he has “the potential to be an extraordinarily dynamic president who shakes up a bureaucratic city that badly needs to be shaken up.”

Trump has said that he is seeking a running mate with knowledge of passing legislation through Congress. Gingrich launched a bid for the 2012 Republican nomination and has considerable credibility with the conservative base of his party.


(If' we're really doing a 90s redux, let's make it a good n'proper one. Clintons, Gingrich, MST3k coming back, Ecto Cooler back on store shelves, flannel shirts..)


Y'all are missing the slow yet clear metamorphosis that Huelen is undergoing. Talking about some National Geographic shit up in here. He's the caterpillar version of the ugly duckling. As the election has proceeded, he continues to slowly encase his brain in the silk of our HillaryGAF rhetoric. Dude is changing daily, just read some of his recent comments about Trump. When he finally emerges from his cocoon in late October, just in time to vote for YAAS QUEEN in the general election, he will take wing and fly off into the sunset.

Cash money is a good thing if you're poor: get some cash money, then get some more.

Seriously, I remember this part of debate like it was yesterday due to how he conveyed the notion. Don't know how it would fly today though.

This just makes me want to watch the far superior Auto-Tune the News videos.

Joe Biden blessing us from space.


Boehner sounds great while auto-tuned.


Donald Trump is going to spend awhile to just get the party behind him. That is actually fairly ridiculous.
It's more ridiculous that a political party in general is getting behind Donald Trump after the things he's done and said.

Donald Trump Is Weighing Newt Gingrich for Vice President


(If' we're really doing a 90s redux, let's make it a good n'proper one. Clintons, Gingrich, MST3k coming back, Ecto Cooler back on store shelves, flannel shirts..)
I never considered this but it would be a perfect match.


Because some people would love nothing more than to encourage minorities especially black folk to not vote.

I don't know if you're implying that kame-senin has malicious motives or something, but IIRC he's black and and anarchist, so I'm sure his interest in posting the thread has to do with his political beliefs about why electoralism doesn't lead to liberation.


Called it.
Bill cast Newt as a great foil after '94, resulting in a pretty huge gender gap in '96. It'd be so damn perfect to see it happen.

They brought back church lady on last week's snl
It's all coming together! I mean, Trump doesn't do the voice, but you can almost imagine him doing that Jon Lovitz "liar" character after some of his positional shifts.

"Yeah, yeah.. that's the ticket.."
I don't know if you're implying that kame-senin has malicious motives or something, but IIRC he's black and and anarchist, so I'm sure his interest in posting the thread has to do with his political beliefs about why electoralism doesn't lead to liberation.
I agree which is why I'm trying to argue against his article.

He's being disingenuous.

Instead of debating that question (which I imagine people would attack him and he'd have to defend) he's deflecting pretending others share the view and need to be taken seriously. "Argue with them not me" I just think people should be honest with their motives instead of pretending they're just the messenger.
I don't know if you're implying that kame-senin has malicious motives or something, but IIRC he's black and and anarchist, so I'm sure his interest in posting the thread has to do with his political beliefs about why electoralism doesn't lead to liberation.

Nah not him. I thought maybe the article itself, but the source indicates otherwise. That's what I get for reading just the excerpts in the thread and not the source.


Why doesn't Heulen simply vote for a third-party candidate? You can find someone less distasteful than Trump in that sphere (and to help boost to the magic 5% number for a third party).

Thank you PoliGaf for making my time in rural South Africa always more exciting.


Jesus you guys are really invested in one single vote.
It's not like that stupid ass Asimov story where future Nate Silver got so good that elections are determined by one person voting.
It's one vote.

Edit: yeah, googled it and it's about the future election of 2008.
Thanks Obama.


Jesus Christ the smugness complex some of my friends have about supporting Bernie is insufferable. Whole lot of liberals here doing the whole "The USA is so backwards almost all the Democrats are right wing and Hillary Clinton is basically a UKIP member lololol" and it's doing my head in. Please shut up you're embarrassing yourself.


Why is this thread is so silent about Bill Kristol's slow descent into #PeakTrump madness.

Bill Kristol ‏20 hours ago
Did @CNN w/ @ErinBurnett last night from Boston, couldn't see show. Q: Did Trump lawyer @MichaelCohen212 look as unpleasant as he sounded?
This is "unification" on East German terms. Ich bin ein Berliner.
This is one of the most depressing press conferences I've ever seen.
A friend: "While watching TV, I was wondering why all the Trump people, including the women, look as if they belong in a Godfather movie."
Between all the Republican talk about "unification" and the way people refer to "Mr. Trump," the GOP is becoming the Unification Church.

Bill Kristol ‏@BillKristol May 10
At pizza place in Penn Station: "You going to get us a better choice?" "Doing my best." "We're counting on you." #WeightOfWorldOnMyShoulders


Unconfirmed Member
Jesus you guys are really invested in one single vote.
It's not like that stupid ass Asimov story where future Nate Silver got so good that elections are determined by one person voting.
It's one vote.

Edit: yeah, googled it and it's about the future election of 2008.
Thanks Obama.
His name was Chad Hanging, and he showed up 8 years too late.

Really good on social issues, super light on the banks, you bet your ass we'll keep her.
Unless she goes to the Supreme Court that is.
I'm okay with this dot jpg
And now I just read about Trump's racists Butler.

I'm not one to judge people solely on the people around them, and I've said it time and again that Trump is horrible and a shitheel of a person, but damn it, it's becoming too much. If he had my vote (at this stage of the game, it's Sanders or Trump for me after all), wouldn't it also be a victory for the shitty people around him who are actually really, really garbage people? This development, that video, Sanders allegedly running out of funds? What a week.

Like, I don't wanna sound like a debbie downer, but for me personally, if Sanders loses, I might write him in the general kinda like I did in the 2008 election (I voted for Ron Paul in that general).

This... explains so much.


I hope either Ardern or Robertson gets a shot after Little inevitably loses next year.

I was annoyed they didn't choose Robertson, the rumour was due to him being gay and not wanting to upset certain members in the labour party but realistically they're still not gonna vote national anyway....


Like, I don't wanna sound like a debbie downer, but for me personally, if Sanders loses, I might write him in the general kinda like I did in the 2008 election (I voted for Ron Paul in that general).
Write-ins are generally not counted in many states if the candidate is not a registered write-in.

You might as well vote for Jill Stein in an attempt to get the Green Party ballot status.


Australian Labour is probably less of a mess.
NZ Labour has been pretty trash tier. I expect Key will win another term.
Canada finally managed to oust Harper but it took a decade in the wilderness.

Key at least seems competent, hair pulling aside.

Shorten might actually win the next election but lets be honest if Labor weren't such a mess the past ten years Abbott never would have gotten in to start with.
Key at least seems competent, hair pulling aside.

Shorten might actually win the next election but lets be honest if Labor weren't such a mess the past ten years Abbott never would have gotten in to start with.

From my view of occasionally falling in the holes of other country politics, it seems like the left-leaning Anglo parties are all having issues for entirely separate reasons.

In New Zealand, Key legitimately seems to be pulling a Clintonian maneuver of grabbing and claiming for his own many centrist/center-left leaning policies, and using that as cover to chip at the foundation of the larger welfare state and sort of leaving New Zealand Labour continually looking around and saying, "how does he keep getting away with this?"

In the UK, Labour had the bad luck of holding the bad for Iraq and the 2008 Crash, than simply refused to fight back effectively against the austerity the Tories inflicted, leaving the base of the party to feel like the leadership were basically Tory-lite, leading to Corbyn being elected.

Austraila's not even doing that bad, but the factional warfare totally screwed them over, plus the fact the response to Gillard as PM was two doses of sexist with an extra dose of conservative scaremongering over her personal beliefs plus being blamed for the mining boom ending.


Trump-Gingrich? Eww

These fuckers might win. Hillary pls get your favorables up.

Also Biden should have run. If nothing else he would have nullified Berniementum.


What in the world?

CNN ran this story which basically just restates old Biden quotes, and the crazies are running with the idea that Biden mentioned Warren as a hypothetical running mate to a hypothetical presidential run, because obviously that means Hillary will be indicted and so the Democrats are getting their backup plan ready.

That... doesn't make any sense.

TYT "calling" it now. They think Biden is gonna swoop in to save the DNC like we all thought Ryan would do for the GOP.
Gonna be a lot of disappointed folks when the FBI wags their finger at her security, but no wrong doing was found and no charges will be filed.

TYT "calling" it now. They think Biden is gonna swoop in to save the DNC like we all thought Ryan would do for the GOP.

I'm not really sure why, but a lot of (crazy) people seem to believe something is going down next week,


Write-ins are generally not counted in many states if the candidate is not a registered write-in.

You might as well vote for Jill Stein in an attempt to get the Green Party ballot status.

I'm a chief inspector in Wisconsin and we had to manually inspect every ballot cast when the polls closed to get De La Fuente and I can't remember the other registered, Republican write in. You are correct. Those were the only two counted and no votes were cast for either.
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