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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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Indiana is winner take all by congressional district on the Republican side, and I don't see a district that Kasich can win, so crossing over to vote for him would just be completely pointless. That's not to say that people won't do it of course.

The Dem side is less interesting since the nomination is all but over at this point and it'll be even more so after Tuesday. Hillary should do well in Indianapolis and Northwest Indiana. Bernie should do well in the college towns, particularly Monroe County (IU) and Tippecanoe County (Purdue). Monroe especially had a lot of Nader voters in 2000. St. Joseph County (Notre Dame) could be more competitive given that most of its other characteristics favor Hillary.
Indiana is winner take all by congressional district on the Republican side, and I don't see a district that Kasich can win, so crossing over to vote for him would just be completely pointless. That's not to say that people won't do it of course.

The Dem side is less interesting since the nomination is all but over at this point and it'll be even more so after Tuesday. Hillary should do well in Indianapolis and Northwest Indiana. Bernie should do well in the college towns, particularly Monroe County (IU) and Tippecanoe County (Purdue). Monroe especially had a lot of Nader voters in 2000. St. Joseph County (Notre Dame) could be more competitive given that most of its other characteristics favor Hillary.

Delaware county could also be interesting for Dems. Ball State might tip it to Bernie.


No Scrubs
I thought, "Man, could they have picked anyone lamer than that pandering fuck Michael Steele?" years ago when Steele stepped down from chairing the GOP.

Then the GOP manages to drag Reince Priebus out from whatever hole he was birthed in, so there you go.

He's actually an imp from the 13th and one-half dimension. The only way to get rid of him is to get him to say "Prince Riebus."

Scholars say Reince Priebus has been perpetrating conservative-leaning tricks and schemes on humanity for centuries.

I'm not sure if this was discussed, shit I might be the only person old enough to know this guy, but I now have another reason to love Joe Walsh. (besides him owning Maserati that does 185)

He almost got tricked into playing a concert to kick off the GOP convention in Cleveland.


"It was my understanding that I was playing a concert which was a nonpartisan event to benefit the families of American veterans on Monday, July 18 in Cleveland," Walsh said in a statement he released Wednesday. "Today it was announced that this event is, in fact, a launch for the Republican National Convention."


I am very concerned about the rampant vitriol, fear-mongering and bullying coming from the current Republican campaigns," Walsh said. "It is both isolationist and spiteful. I cannot in good conscience endorse the Republican party in any way.

Stick to Ted Nugent ya pricks.


We need to form a prayer circle.


And Hillary but it's over.

I'm half-tempted to Operation Chaos it in Indiana and vote for Trump and Marlin Stutzman (much less electable US Senate candidate that would put a Senate seat in play). Also there's a less crazy Republican (a teacher) running against our Republican State Rep.

Only real action on the Dem ballot is Bernie/Hillary.
I'm half-tempted to Operation Chaos it in Indiana and vote for Trump and Marlin Stutzman (much less electable US Senate candidate that would put a Senate seat in play).

Only real action on the Dem ballot is Bernie/Hillary
Go for it. I thought about doing this as well but decided I could never wash off the stink of voting for Trump no matter what the intention was. Plus Rubio won MN in a landslide so it wouldn't have mattered.
In Trump saying sane things (aside from the rebuilding the military thing) news.


“Don't forget: We have to rebuild the infrastructure of our country. We have to rebuild our military, which is being decimated by bad decisions. We have to do a lot of things. We have to reduce our debt, and the best thing we have going now is that interest rates are so low that lots of good things can be done that aren’t being done, amazingly.”
In Trump saying sane things (aside from the rebuilding the military thing) news.


“Don't forget: We have to rebuild the infrastructure of our country. We have to rebuild our military, which is being decimated by bad decisions. We have to do a lot of things. We have to reduce our debt, and the best thing we have going now is that interest rates are so low that lots of good things can be done that aren’t being done, amazingly.”

Ah yes, the "pivot"


I'm half-tempted to Operation Chaos it in Indiana and vote for Trump and Marlin Stutzman (much less electable US Senate candidate that would put a Senate seat in play). Also there's a less crazy Republican (a teacher) running against our Republican State Rep.

Only real action on the Dem ballot is Bernie/Hillary.

Do it. I give you permission.
In Trump saying sane things (aside from the rebuilding the military thing) news.


“Don't forget: We have to rebuild the infrastructure of our country. We have to rebuild our military, which is being decimated by bad decisions. We have to do a lot of things. We have to reduce our debt, and the best thing we have going now is that interest rates are so low that lots of good things can be done that aren’t being done, amazingly.”

I wonder if he knows interest rates are low because of the feds he wants to audit.
I don't have the link on me, but I am sure it was in one of the prior threads, that Latino voting numbers do away to males, and one of the polls done in clinton v Trump, Trump got a sizable chunk merely because he isn't a woman.

Fucked up I know, not saying otherwise, but it is something to keep in mind.

It's why Sanders won so big with Latinos in Nevada!
Seems like Hillary has a good base to start with. Interesting that both Democrats are liked about equally.

This is why Hillary's overall favorability numbers are a red herring this cycle, she's still seen favorably by the groups she needs to be (minorities, single women and youth) in order to replicate the Obama coalition. Obviously not as popular as Obama, but when your presumed opponent is Donald Trump where are those votes going to go?
Trump now at 75% at the Princeton Election Consortium. It's still all a matter of what assumptions you make about Indiana. Damn polling laws making us wait!

User 406

Put a shoe on your head so we know it's you.

But what if Vermin Supreme is also there?

I'm not sure if this was discussed, shit I might be the only person old enough to know this guy, but I now have another reason to love Joe Walsh. (besides him owning Maserati that does 185)

He almost got tricked into playing a concert to kick off the GOP convention in Cleveland.


Stick to Ted Nugent ya pricks.

You have to be trolling here.

But yeah, my wife and I laughed our asses off when we read about this one.


If Trump loses Indiana, I'm going to register as a Republican. There are only 83,000 Republicans in my district and I'm going to guess only a few thousand are going to vote in the primary.
Agree with Biden on his comments on Hillary.

She's allowed the narrative to shift to a "No we can't", campaign in some ways.

She should have defended the merits of her positions a bit more rather than just how hers are more likely to pass. Even if its true.


My favourite thing about the phonebank script on that site is that if the person on the other line is a "lean Clinton" voter, the script goes on about how the rigged economy hurts seniors.
Does it really?

It varies state by state it seems. The Indiana script has them end the conversation if it seems like they called a Clinton/GOP supporter but if they're undecided they go into that.

I understand—choosing the next president is an important decision. Let me tell you about why I support Bernie. Bernie believes the rigged economy hurts seniors. The top 100 CEOs now have more wealth for retirement than the bottom 116 million Americans combines because the ultra-rich use lobbyists to get special tax breaks. Bernie believes government must help provide a secure retirement for all of us. He wants the rich to pay their fair share so seniors who have worked hard can stay independent, pay bills, and enjoy their grandchildren.

If Trump loses Indiana, I'm going to register as a Republican. There are only 83,000 Republicans in my district and I'm going to guess only a few thousand are going to vote in the primary.

Sounds like a solid plan.

My Mom is a registered Republican, and she's going to vote for Kasich. I think that's the best option here, as I think with a Trump win a given, Kasich finishing above Cruz again will help.


If Trump loses Indiana, I'm going to register as a Republican. There are only 83,000 Republicans in my district and I'm going to guess only a few thousand are going to vote in the primary.

The 1600 podcast someone linked earlier has been talking about this. Because of the way California works its delegates, it means there's some really easy pickups out there - Nancy Pelosi's district only has a *tiny* number of republicans, but gives the same number of delegates as Orange County. The "No Trump" campaign would do well spending it's money focussing like a laser on those heavy democrat counties with few republicans and getting them out to vote for Cruz or Kasich.
The 1600 podcast someone linked earlier has been talking about this. Because of the way the RNC works its delegates, it means there's some really easy pickups out there - Nancy Pelosi's district only has a *tiny* number of republicans, but gives the same number of delegates as orange county. The "No Trump" campaign would do well spending it's money focussing like a laser on those heavy democrat counties with few republicans and getting them out to vote for Cruz or Kasich.

fixed, because that quirk is the case basically everywhere that allocates delegates by CD instead of purely statewide
Agree with Biden on his comments on Hillary.

She's allowed the narrative to shift to a "No we can't", campaign in some ways.

She should have defended the merits of her positions a bit more rather than just how hers are more likely to pass. Even if its true.

True, but when you're opponent is promising sunshine and rainbows and unicorns, you kind of have to be a reality check downer to compete, otherwise it would turn into an arms race of which one could prove they were more liberal by making more and more outlandish promises.


The 1600 podcast someone linked earlier has been talking about this. Because of the way California works its delegates, it means there's some really easy pickups out there - Nancy Pelosi's district only has a *tiny* number of republicans, but gives the same number of delegates as orange county. The "No Trump" campaign would do well spending it's money focussing like a laser on those heavy democrat counties with few republicans and getting them out to vote for Cruz or Kasich.

Yeah, my district is D+28. I have so much POWER.


No Scrubs
True, but when you're opponent is promising sunshine and rainbows and unicorns, you kind of have to be a reality check downer to compete, otherwise it would turn into an arms race of which one could prove they were more liberal by making more and more outlandish promises.

That's kind of already happened though, with Bernie saying he'll cut the prison population in half by the end of his first year and Hillary saying she'll replace all the lead pipes in the country in the same time frame.

Yeah, my district is D+28. I have so much POWER.



I can't find any concrete info -- when is the deadline to switch my registration in California?

EDIT: Never mind

If you registered with no party preference and want to vote one of the following political parties in the June 7, 2016, Presidential Primary Election, you must re-register to vote with that party by May 23, 2016:

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