Thiel wanted to keep his sexuality secret and instead Gawker outed him so this is driven by personal revenge which is probably the best reason to attack and destroy (not joking).
It seems some of us have become masochists.Guys please stop polluting this thread with shitty political cartoons.
Yes but the fact rich people can fund unrelated attacks on the press added with his support for trump is something that shows rich people are wanting the ability to veto any unflattering story about them. That's scary.Thiel wanted to keep his sexuality secret and instead Gawker outed him so this is driven by personal revenge which is probably the best reason to attack and destroy (not joking).
anyone who believes MSM lies and eats corn
Trump is having a rally in my city tonight and not even the Republican governor nor the Republican mayor of the city are attending. That says a lot lol.
Guys please stop polluting this thread with shitty political cartoons.
Every time I hear "Trump" and "rally" in the same sentence every sphincter in my body tightens.
I hear that! My parents were watching the local news coverage and they said there were quite a few Hispanic people who were thrilled about him.
Every time I hear "Trump" and "rally" in the same sentence every sphincter in my body tightens.
Today I learned we have more than one sphincter. Thanks, adam!
It's always darkest before dawn.Cant say I'm not enjoying the final moments of the Sanders campaign and the HIllary/Bernie GAF wars. Its been a very long year. We will all be one team come June 8th/14th.
I saved the greatest Bernie/Hillary GAF wars hits for nomination day.
I'm pretty sure we all do?
I guess it's a conversation change of pace... :/
I assume this has been posted before?
Seth Abramson admits he was lying in the most ass-backwards and indirect way ever:
Every time I hear "Trump" and "rally" in the same sentence every sphincter in my body tightens.
a ring of muscle surrounding and serving to guard or close an opening or tube, such as the anus or the openings of the stomach.
There are approximately fifty sphincters in the human body. Feeling them all clench at once must be quite the experience.
There are approximately fifty sphincters in the human body. Feeling them all clench at once must be quite the experience.
Damn, I was coming to say this. Yes, Hillary has an ~8.3% lead.Uh, he's behind by a lot more than 4% of the delegates. I believe it's like 9-10% which is insurmountable.
I object.
well, he probably does
Is this trending yet? Tulsi Gabbard, ftw.[IMG][/QUOTE]
She's a hip youngster, but she needs to drop the Islamaphobia
uhh I googled Ivysaur12 to find a post of his and got some redditt hit piece on him using his actual irl picture.
Must be a spawn of that old Neogaf hate reddit thread.
He's up there with RPGCrazied for his love of Shillary's dick and VERY FAR LEFT ideology. NeoGAF --> You are a race baiting asswipes who worship the ground of liberalism and anyone outside of it is a Nazi, that's fascism logic. Legit the first thing Ivysaur does is race bait people's skin color in every topic, fuck off racist/
uhh I googled Ivysaur12 to find a post of his and got some redditt hit piece on him using his actual irl picture.
Must be a spawn of that old Neogaf hate reddit thread.
He's up there with RPGCrazied for his love of Shillary's dick and VERY FAR LEFT ideology. NeoGAF --> You are a race baiting asswipes who worship the ground of liberalism and anyone outside of it is a Nazi, that's fascism logic. Legit the first thing Ivysaur does is race bait people's skin color in every topic, fuck off racist/
100%Tulsi Gabbard is going to run for Senate at some stage right?
What are the chances Bernie drops out after California vs. staying in until the first ballot at the convention? If he actively campaigns for a month and a half when there's no contests left, then well... it'll just be a wreck the media can't turn away from.
I'm getting slammed from the Bernie supporters on both Reddit and YT comments and I can't tell the difference. They're all equally indignant and reductionists misogynists.
I personally love the political cartoons from Lincoln's era. They were creepy, Lovecraftian in nature and very well done
I get Europeans taking this stance on the first amendment but if Americans are just willing to go "eh" because attacks on the press are on outlets that arent ones they like.