speaking of the bay, i'm really digging this basketball game happening right now
Why do you care, Raptors are gonna win in 6 anyway.
speaking of the bay, i'm really digging this basketball game happening right now
A couple million in ads across the state of CA doesn't go very far.
He's talked up California so much that it would be amazingly embarrassing if he actually loses it.
Campaign is out of money at this point, probably the last of his pocket to try and make sure he actually, you know, tries to win the state to some degree to have some type of talking point.
Sanders only leading Clinton by 500 votes in Washington after over 50k votes counted.
speaking of the bay, i'm really digging this basketball game happening right now
Why do you care, Raptors are gonna win in 6 anyway.
Biyombo-Valanciunas gonna wreck Frye and Love though.
it's real litspeaking of the bay, i'm really digging this basketball game happening right now
also, in case anyone wants to engage in thought experiments regarding caucuses being fucking garbage, polls just closed for the washington primary
Isnt he expected to lose it by 10 or so points?
Current polling has him down ~10 points
but I've been assured by Bernie Sanders that California will rocket him to the convention and with the Retroactive Momentum Theorem combined with the actual impossibility index of him gaining a majority of pledged delegates, he will win California by....
Lock it in here folks, Clinton has the 1% on her side
Current polling has him down ~10 points
but I've been assured by Bernie Sanders that California will rocket him to the convention and with the Retroactive Momentum Theorem combined with the actual impossibility index of him gaining a majority of pledged delegates, he will win California by....
Lock it in here folks, Clinton has the 1% on her side
speaking of the bay, i'm really digging this basketball game happening right now
It's mail voting. They've had over 3 weeks to mail in their ballots.Who are these people that are going out to vote in Washington tonight.
Bernie won the NE caucus 57-42, Hillary won the NE primary 53-47. Hardly a mirror image.We did that with Nebraska and the results were a mirror of the caucus.
If it's like Nebraska it just shares a ballot with state primaries.Who are these people that are going out to vote in Washington tonight.
73 win team might not even make it to the finals
I'm shook
According to the Washington Secretary of State site, Clinton is leading by 40k votes, with about 550k votes cast.
I don't know if the AP hasn't caught up yet, or the SoS is wrong which would make no sense? I dunno why there's a discrepancy.
It's mail voting. They've had over 3 weeks to mail in their ballots.
Bernie won the NE caucus 57-42, Hillary won the NE primary 53-47. Hardly a mirror image.
If it's like Nebraska it just shares a ballot with state primaries.
Heh, I do wonder how he'll take being mathematically eliminated.
Yeah, they're a bit slow. Washington SoS is faster, and has a county map too.AP showing this:
Who are these people that are going out to vote in Washington tonight.
Bernie won the NE caucus 57-42, Hillary won the NE primary 53-47. Hardly a mirror image.
If it's like Nebraska it just shares a ballot with state primaries.
I don't know where The Hill got that number, but it was indeed 53 - 47. Turnout was about over 80k, much more than the 33k turnout in the caucus.What are you talking about?
"Hillary Clinton won a symbolic victory Tuesday in Nebraska, taking 59 percent of the primary vote to rival Bernie Sanders's 40 percent."
I don't know where The Hill got that number, but it was indeed 53 - 47. Turnout was about over 80k, much more than the 33k turnout in the caucus.
Clinton is winning the Washington primary, lol.
Now I'm not sure, but wasn't Washington supposed to be a Sanders win?
Devine hasn't said much of late. Sure he's expensive, but one wonders if Bernie has shut him out during the home stretch.
Anyway, I found this in a WSJ article about Trump stinking up his GE chances in Ohio, from a few days ago:
The Associated Press
BREAKING: Clinton wins Democratic primary in Washington. @AP race call at 11:24 p.m. EDT. #Election2016 #APracecall
Now I'm not sure, but wasn't Washington supposed to be a Sanders win?
Washington using the caucus results rather than the primary results is yet another fail for DWS . . . and another nail in the coffin in the argument of using caucuses at all.
He won the caucus back in March(?).
Wow. Nebraska and Washington. I'm willing to bet she would've won Iowa and Nevada with larger margins, and she probably would've won a Colorado and Hawaii primary too.
Yea... wait
I was going to say, so they do a caucus and a primary?
So what is the point of the primary, how many delegates will Clinton get?
Now this is what I call retroactive momentum.
Oh, oops. When you said mirror image I thought you meant the results were the same (Bernie winning by the same margin). You meant the opposite. Yeah it was a bit closer, but still.What are you talking about?
"Hillary Clinton won a symbolic victory Tuesday in Nebraska, taking 59 percent of the primary vote to rival Bernie Sanders's 40 percent."
I think it would have been a bit closer, but it probably still would have gone to Bernie. Demographically it's very similar to Wisconsin and Bernie won there by like 13 you think your state would have been won by Hillary if it was a primary?
Zero. Nothing was at stake here, it's basically a straw poll.So what is the point of the primary, how many delegates will Clinton get?
I mean if this doesn't tell you how stupid the caucus system is and how Bernie piggy backed on it to not get completely blown out, I don't know what will show you