Gotta love how they bother to hold two actual events, and the one with more votes (by far) is ignored
Gotta love how they bother to hold two actual events, and the one with more votes (by far) is ignored
So, the TV reporter with the nice hair asked the guy-in-the-street, why ya voting for Arnold Schwarzenegger?
The guy looked at him like that was the lamest question ever. “To see what’ll happen,” he said.
It was 2003 and the Hollywood actor with no political experience and ubiquitous name recognition went on to become the governor of California. Seven years later the state was spending $20 billion more than it took in, and technically bankrupt. Ultimately the Terminator was found to be a political failure who spent copious time with a second family, and paid his mistress ten grand a month.
So now the entire country looks like it might just trundle down the same path, to see what happens if Donald Trump becomes president. Against the odds and predictions (including mine) he’ll win the Republican nomination and currently is running neck-&-neck with a damaged Hilary Clinton in the polls. Her inability to bury that leftie nutbar Bernie Sanders has seriously assailed her image as unbeatable. She’s not. Now the woman looks like an Establishment shill, with the coming Trump-Clinton slugfest promising to be one of the ugliest in memory.
So what’s it mean?
First, yes, he could win. There may be an army of mouth-breathing rednecks behind him, but you don’t get to 40% in nationals just appealing to people who think their cousin’s hot. Politics is about communications, and he’s winning. Lots of Americans believe Clinton’s best-before date was sometime last Century, that her husband’s a dufus, and she’ll be a spend-and-tax, hopey-changey liberal at a time when the economy needs just the opposite.
Okay, so what does this bode for us?
President Trump could be tough on the Canadian economy if he makes good on his promise to rip up the North American Free Trade Agreement. He’s a wall-building and tariff-imposing America-firster who wants the US to be energy independent, somewhat immigrant-free, cut taxes, and spend a trillion more a year on defence and other hard stuff. It’ll be war in terms of trade with China, Japan, Mexico and Korea. Tariffs as high as 45%. Trump says he thinks the American economy’s in a bubble that he expects to pop, leading to a recession, likely in 2017.
Sigh. Just when maple was looking more tasty again. This is a growing reason to be cautious, which means you should probably keep your Canadian content where it is (hopefully) – less than one-third of your growth assets.
Second, cutting US tax brackets and lowering the business rate (as Trump vows to do) would likely goose consumer spending, be bullish for car manufacturers, retailers and the real estate industry. This accounts for 70% of the American economy, so that recession he’s expecting might be a big non-starter. Stock markets will like that after, of course, they react with alarm and volatility to the events of Tuesday night, November 8th.
Third – but if history’s any guide, Clinton would be way better for investors than Trump. During the most recent 15 years when Republicans have been in office, the Dow went up 42%. But with Dems in office, markets soared 609% – more than fourteen times the advance. Over the last three decades, same pattern – Republicans 166% vs the Democrats’ 1,900%.
Fourth, markets hate surprises. Right now nobody seems to be seriously factoring in a Trump presidency because it’s too wingy and out there. That will change in two months after the nominating conventions, and when there’s just five months left until the general election. Combined with two Fed rate increases now expected during 2016 – one in June or July and the other in the autumn – that could make for a wild few months in the bond market. Ditto for commodities, since the US dollar will rally and the price of stuff like oil likely drop as a result.
So the only thing you really need to know about is uncertainty. It’s out there now and every week it stands a good chance of increasing.
Gotta love how they bother to hold two actual events, and the one with more votes (by far) is ignored
I don't get it, have there been any justifications for it?
This is a really weak argument. Ballots are mailed to every registered voter, and Washington always has a higher than the national average voter turnout (as do the other states with mail voting).Certainly this is just because Sanders supporters didn't know about or care about the primary . . . yeah, that's the ticket.
I don't get it, have there been any justifications for it?
They probably do all the down ballot stuff today.
Yeah, but the cost is the primary reason why states won't do one. If they are already doing one...
Evan ‏@itisrightthere
@chillicothe20 @Nate_Cohn @GuctasGules Very aware. My father & friends had work & couldn't attend Caucus; they want their support on record
Yeah, but the cost is the primary reason why states won't do one. If they are already doing one...
Yeah, but the cost is the primary reason why states won't do one. If they are already doing one...
Certainly this is just because Sanders supporters didn't know about or care about the primary . . . yeah, that's the ticket.
Isn't Washington a mail-in-state? Like they straight up mail you a ballot? You have to REALLY not give a shit to not vote I'd feel.
The Wiki count doesn't include vote totals from the primaries.Will Nebraska and Washington voters number be counted in popular votes? Or do they only count for binding caucuses/primaries?
Yeah, but the cost is the primary reason why states won't do one. If they are already doing one...
I don't get it, have there been any justifications for it?
They probably do all the down ballot stuff today.
Googling my user name and apparently I'm on a list of "confirmed Correct the Record Accounts"
I also found a hilarious archive of some dumb site I made when I was 15 that I forgot existed and still don't remember it, but it's my user name and about something I was into when I was 15.
Trump attacking Martinez in New Mexico
Nate CohnVerified account ‏@Nate_Cohn Hard to overstate how much Sanders depends on caucuses. Here are the results of primaries, Clinton in red
Democrats on Capitol Hill are discussing whether Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz should step down as Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairwoman before the partys national convention in July.
Democrats backing likely presidential nominee Hillary Clinton worry Wasserman Schultz has become too divisive a figure to unify the party in 2016, which they say is crucial to defeating presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump in November.
Wasserman Schultz has had an increasingly acrimonious relationship with the partys other presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, and his supporters, who argue she has tilted the scales in Clintons favor.
There have been a lot of meetings over the past 48 hours about what color plate do we deliver Debbie Wasserman Schultzs head on, said one pro-Clinton Democratic senator.
The lawmaker said senators huddled on the chamber floor last week to talk about Wasserman Schultzs future and estimated that about a dozen have weighed in during private conversations.
I dont see how she can continue to the election. How can she open the convention? Sanders supporters would go nuts, said the lawmaker, who requested anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the discussions.
There is no indication Wasserman Schultz, who is also a Florida congresswoman, has any plans to leave her post. And Senate sources stress that a final decision wont be made until Clinton and Sanders negotiate some type of deal aimed at healing the party. President Obama, who selected Wasserman Schultz as chairwoman in 2011, is expected to play a major role in any such talks.
They probably do all the down ballot stuff today.
I can't believe the Warriors are going to piss it away.speaking of the bay, i'm really digging this basketball game happening right now
Yusef Islam has the answer AdamCan you imagine if the Washington results were reversed? Also I ate an entire pie? Mainly because my boss said I was aggressively gay..... And idk what to do with that information.
People think I'm joking when I bring this up but yeah, you can see if coming a mile away.Yeah, like I anticipated, the price of Sanders is to name Tulsi the new DNC head.
Jesus she's not great but to fire her to avoid the great berning is kinda gross.
Remember when Sanders won the caucus in Washington, and there was a massive campaign to get super delegates in the state to support him, specifically targeting them and trying to shame them etc?
Well looks like they just lost that line of attack eh?