Macho Madness
Warren is on yet another tweetstorm. Hot damn.
She's out of control

Warren is on yet another tweetstorm. Hot damn.
Dammit, I nearly chocked on my lunch laughing at this!She's out of control
She'd be the sane one of the three.
She already practiced her "can you believe this shit?" facial expressions during the October Benghazi hearing. The gifs and pics were everywhere. Her numbers actually ticked up.
With or without Johnson present, I'll bet her debate coaches are going to instruct her to have her reaction faces ready for September & October's debates. Not going overboard, but juuuuust enough for it to be a Thing on the Twitters again.
I know we're not suppose to dredge stuff up from OT and bring it here so I won't mention any specific posters or threads, but I have to admit I thought the "social issues aren't a big deal and just fix themselves, SCOTUS isn't a big deal this election and is just a talking point" was just PoliGAF hyperbole. Nope, there really are people that advocate this view.
Or maybe the campaign gave her that language *wink*Warren's using some similar vocabulary that the Clinton campaign and surrogates have been using recently against Trump (only more forcefully). I think she's trying to get their attention.
Warren's using some similar vocabulary that the Clinton campaign and surrogates have been using recently against Trump (only more forcefully). I think she's trying to get their attention.
I really wish I could get inside of the head of so called independent voters. Warren delivers an articulate speech with specific evidence about Trump's qualifications and Trump's response is essentially "she's a stupid dummy head and she smells amirite?"
At this point in the game how can anyone be undecided? You either think that person should be president (and his followers comments on YouTube are just amazing - "whoa, Donald totally buried her!") or you are horrified.
I know we're not suppose to dredge stuff up from OT and bring it here so I won't mention any specific posters or threads, but I have to admit I thought the "social issues aren't a big deal and just fix themselves, SCOTUS isn't a big deal this election and is just a talking point" was just PoliGAF hyperbole. Nope, there really are people that advocate this view.
Clinton +12 Wisconsin.
Independent != undecided/non partisan
I think that is what mostly makes up many young liberals. I honestly think that this isn't a new thing we just no seeing it expressed and it being more obvious now. There are liberals whom are 100% focused on economic injustice and think that it trickles down later to social issues.
One takeaway from this is that you can be much better liked and still lose in a landslide.
Sanders may not be too concerned with the downticket but hey, at least he doesn't actively antagonize them like Trump does.People were complaining about Bernie's "down-ticket support" but fucking rofl at Trump's
That's considerably better than Obama did in 2012. I don't think the speculation about Trump being really strong in the rust belt is going to matter all that much - I could see him doing better than Romney in those areas but there's not much population there anyway compared to the suburbs and cities where Clinton would be expected to pick up votes en masse.Clinton +12 Wisconsin.
To be clear, it's not specific to young liberals. MLK complained about this in a jail cell in Birmingham like half a century ago.
People are bad at understanding privilege. We would like to imagine we have overcome this but we only get temporary victories, because new people with privilege keep turning up.
Yup. A lot of people see the economic issues as the end-all-be-all despite the fact the reason we make little to no progress on them is due to social issues.
That's interesting...other than Bush Jr's first election, the one with the higher unfavorables ended up winning the election.
Hopefully, trump's are so bad that he loses in spite of that observation.
Very little to none would be nice.then what chance is he going to have once #1 and #3 kick into motion and we go into full GE mode?
Yeah if polling still looks like this in October then I'll be worried. But it's silly to diablos about it now when Trump is benefiting from total party unity and Clinton is not.If Trump isn't closing the gap or ahead in places where he absolutely needs to win with
1) Clinton still kinda dealing with Sanders and his supporters
2) Trump clinching the nomination weeks ago gaining the support of basically every republican who was "I don't like Trump but I'll make suer Clinton isn't in office" in polls
3) Clinton not having the nomination and having Obama and Co. actively stumping for her
then what chance is he going to have once #1 and #3 kick into motion and we go into full GE mode?
That's interesting...other than Bush Jr's first election, the one with the higher unfavorables ended up winning the election.
Hopefully, trump's are so bad that he loses in spite of that observation.
Donald Trump, who in recent days has accused Bill Clinton of rape and suggested he and Hillary Clinton may have had a role in the death of one of their close friends, plans to focus next on the Whitewater real estate scandal, POLITICO has learned.
In fact, in a recent interview, Trump signaled his interest in both Whitewater and a related conspiracy theory about the death of Clinton White House counsel Vince Foster, who was involved in responding to Whitewater inquiries and filing overdue tax returns for the Whitewater Development Corporation. His death was ruled a suicide, but conservative conspiracy theorists hypothesized that he was killed as part of a Whitewater cover up.
Trump said: “It’s the one thing with her, whether it’s Whitewater or whether it’s Vince or whether it’s Benghazi. It’s always a mess with Hillary.”
Spicer in his statement called the Trump campaign’s Whitewater research request “just another example of Republican campaigns up and down the ballot looking to us for the best information. Whether it’s the Trump campaign or top Senate, House or down ballot candidates we will consistently provide them with the resources they need to win.”
Adam I <3 you but you're just reiterating all the stuff I just responded to.
Tulsi recanted all those crazy views she had! She cut an ad for Bernie specifically saying that she supports him because he's dovish.
Letting the losing candidate handpick the DNC chair is literally exactly what the loser got in the last Presidential primary.
I am not trying to say I love Tulsi, although you know she's a kama'aina, but I think that it's a pretty neat solution that resolves everyone's problems and probably doesn't change anything. What, exactly, are you thinking the DNC chair does that you don't trust Tulsi Gabbard to do? Why didn't anybody raise these concerns like four months ago when she was pretty obviously next in line to be the DNC chair but hadn't endorsed Bernie Sanders?
Thats not true, economic issues and divides between income have widened in the past couple years while some progress has been made on social issues. They are related, but one does not depend on the other
Only 90s kids will remember thisWho gives a shit about Whitewater?
Only 90s kids will remember this
Who gives a shit about Whitewater?"
Who gives a shit about Whitewater?
Spicer translated: "I want to die."
This ignores a lot of facts. A big part of the reason people fight against the social safety net is racism. Remember Reagan and the Welfare Queens? Or how about how Social Security didn't cover African-Americans when it was first passed since they couldn't get it done otherwise.
A huge part of the reason we go nowhere on economic issues is racist people don't want black people to get those benefits and are willing to cut off their noses to spite their faces.
Who gives a shit about Whitewater?
Spicer translated: "I want to die."
I'm at my first (and hopefully last) ever Trump rally.
Just saw a bunch of Trumpeters walking around with signs of people that have been killed by illegal immigrants.
10 mins in and the crowd's chanted "USA" three times already.
He has a checklist lol.Who gives a shit about Whitewater?
Spicer translated: "I want to die."
To be clear, it's not specific to young liberals. MLK complained about this in a jail cell in Birmingham like half a century ago.
People are bad at understanding privilege. We would like to imagine we have overcome this but we only get temporary victories, because new people with privilege keep turning up.
That's considerably better than Obama did in 2012. I don't think the speculation about Trump being really strong in the rust belt is going to matter all that much - I could see him doing better than Romney in those areas but there's not much population there anyway compared to the suburbs and cities where Clinton would be expected to pick up votes en masse.