Aaron Strife
Someone suggested that Hillary "participate" in the debate.. by giving it the MST3k treatment. I'd be allllll about that, especially if she had one or two comedians with her in the theater.

Someone suggested that Hillary "participate" in the debate.. by giving it the MST3k treatment. I'd be allllll about that, especially if she had one or two comedians with her in the theater.
Someone suggested that Hillary "participate" in the debate.. by giving it the MST3k treatment. I'd be allllll about that, especially if she had one or two comedians with her in the theater.
Hillary should have bit the bullet and done the last debate.
it sucks but its been pretty clear he's a lose canon and will do whatever. You just have to walk on eggshells around him and run out the clock.
They blatantly went out of their way too find an unflattering picture of her.
I need to watch RuPaul.
Thank you for responding Besada.Think of it this way. One of three things would be likely to happen: 1) Bernie tears Trump a new asshole [I think this is most likely given his ideological revulsion towards Trump and the Trumps of the world] 2) Trump tears Bernie a new asshole (possible, given the amount of material available, and Trump's willingness to fight) and 3) Both of them sort of muddle through.
In case 1, Trump looks bad and Bernie looks good, but it doesn't really matter because Bernie winning requires a miracle at this point.
In case 2, Trump has just savaged Bernie, Saint of Birdies, ensuring the cult of Bernie either stays home or works against him.
In case 3, nothing much happens, and nothing much changes.
Will they tee off on Clinton? Some, I'm sure. But it'll be the same stuff that already hasn't worked well, and it will give an insanely bad impression -- two old men spending their debate slagging off a woman candidate. It'll drive more women voters toward Hillary, including possibly some of the young ones she's lost to Sanders. Nothing either of them says is going to have a profound effect on the base, and the idea that Trump will somehow soften his positions enough to be acceptable to people who want to burn down Wall Street is just silly.
Hah hah, gotcha Adam. So would you say the second season or so is a better starting point?Yassssssssssss.![]()
Season 1 is hard to watch. Literally. They used some shitty filter on the whole thing. Gets better after that.
I've been reading Hillary's platform on her website.
I like what I'm reading except there's one thing I'm noticing isn't there. Legalize weed, Hillary.
Hah hah, gotcha Adam. So would you say the second season or so is a better starting point?
Yup. She shoulda done the Cali debate. I have to admit I'm impressed, didn't think Sanders would actually do it, but there we go. Clinton got slightly too ahead of herself.
She's not on that train yet. Personally? I don't care if people smoke it or not. Do what they want with it. Supposedly, cannabis oil could help the pain I have in my eyes. And Ohio is working to legalize it for medical purposes. I'd be first in line to try it, because the pain I deal with on a daily basis is just UGH.
I'm not stressed about it. We'll see one or two cycles of news out of it, some gifs, some false hopes and wistful/pained sighing over "what could've been" from Bernie fans, and then some other news story will displace it from the headlines.Anyone else think the Trump v Sanders debate won't matter a lick if it ends up happening outside of maybe some neat GIFs?
Ah. I don't see how a bad pic translates as sexist, but that's just me. That being said, bad pics in general are used to grab attention. Regardless of age of the news in question, don't you know how often local outlets use this pic for Trump?
Very unflattering as well. Wouldn't call it sexist, just bad.
There are many reasons that I want marijuana to be legalized across this country, not only for medical purposes, but for recreational purposes as well
1) fuck you, it's my body
2) It was original made illegal because of the threat hemp had toward the paper industry. It was justified to the public using racist propaganda, changing the term from the more known "cannabis" to the foreign sounding "marijuana" to make it sound foreign and evil. It was painted as a black man's drug that they would use to seduce white women.
3) It is FAR less dangerous than alcohol and alcohol is legal. No one gets stoned and beats their wife to death. No one dies of a marijuana overdose. You don't get physical withdrawal symptoms like you do with alcohol addiction.
4) Marijuana and other drug laws are used to put black and latino men in jail. White kids get away with it. either they're let off by the cops because they're "good kids" or they get lighter sentences. We then put these people into private prisons and make a profit off of them, and then while in prison they become actual criminals. Bravo.
5) In some cases can be used in place of opiates, which are highly addictive, dangerous, and deadly.
6) it's not a fucking gateway drug. what a shitty argument
Drug laws are racist laws. Now that opiate use is a huge problem in white communities, NOW the sympathy is coming. No one gave a shit when it was black people using heroin. NOW it's "lets help our addicts" now that the face of an addict is a white suburban male and not a black urban one
There are many reasons that I want marijuana to be legalized across this country, not only for medical purposes, but for recreational purposes as well
1) fuck you, it's my body
2) It was original made illegal because of the threat hemp had toward the paper industry. It was justified to the public using racist propaganda, changing the term from the more known "cannabis" to the foreign sounding "marijuana" to make it sound foreign and evil. It was painted as a black man's drug that they would use to seduce white women.
3) It is FAR less dangerous than alcohol and alcohol is legal. No one gets stoned and beats their wife to death. No one dies of a marijuana overdose. You don't get physical withdrawal symptoms like you do with alcohol addiction.
4) Marijuana and other drug laws are used to put black and latino men in jail. White kids get away with it. either they're let off by the cops because they're "good kids" or they get lighter sentences. We then put these people into private prisons and make a profit off of them, and then while in prison they become actual criminals. Bravo.
5) In some cases can be used in place of opiates, which are highly addictive, dangerous, and deadly.
6) it's not a fucking gateway drug. what a shitty argument
Drug laws are racist laws. Now that opiate use is a huge problem in white communities, NOW the sympathy is coming. No one gave a shit when it was black people using heroin. NOW it's "lets help our addicts" now that the face of an addict is a white suburban male and not a black urban one
Hillary wants marijuana rescheduled from Schedule 1 to Schedule 2. Whop-dee-fucking-do. You know what else is on schedule 2? Cocaine. Morphine. Meth. So, marijuana, cocaine, meth, and marijuana are on the same level according to Hillary.
Political non-starter at her level.I've been reading Hillary's platform on her website.
I like what I'm reading except there's one thing I'm noticing isn't there. Legalize weed, Hillary.
But also you still have to suffer under the cruel yoke of Albany and its bizarre fixation with roadsAdam you need to come to NYC, best city. And we have a ton of Ohio refugees
Political non-starter at her level.
Your telling me. I just was at the young dems convention. There is a lot of horrible stupid policy in the state. Still I wouldn't give it up for any thing.But also you still have to suffer under the cruel yoke of Albany and its bizarre fixation with roads
Port authority? God bless your soulThe last time I was in NYC, I was in a bus terminal waiting to go down to DC
Is that the one that's halfway up Manhattan?Port authority? God bless your soul
This is probably an area I should have a better understanding and be more invested in, but every once in a while my middle class, white, cis-male gendered privilege raises it's ugly head. Like, I don't think anyone should go to jail for smoking pot. To say that I haven't taken part in it (recently) would be a lie. It's just not something that I'm educated enough on to be an effective advocate one way or the other. I know plenty of people who do it/have done it, but I actually don't know anyone who has gotten in trouble for it.
42nd Street. It's hell on earth. I've spent a bit too much time there trying to get to jersey for a FWB thingIs that the one that's halfway up Manhattan?
Where are you at Huelen? Everybody should come. Like London and Paris and Tokyo it's a place everybody should visitOne day, I hope to go to New York. Only if I've made it in life though, as a reward.
I would love to go to NYC. It would make me so happy... Which is why it won't happen. LOLOLOLOLOL self loathing and depression ftwAdam you need to come to NYC, best city. And we have a ton of Ohio refugees
Well duh, all she had to do was check her phone roll over and tell Queen the news.Y'all just know Huma had to be the one to tell Queen about this first thing n the morning.
I just can't see how this is allowed to happen. Barack needs to get Bernie on the phone and get him to pull his head out of his ass
The vice presidential pick will also be part of the process of proving hes ready for the White House, Manafort said.
He needs an experienced person to do the part of the job he doesnt want to do. He seems himself more as the chairman of the board, than even the CEO, let alone the COO.
There is a long list of who that person could be, Manafort added, and every one of them has major problems.
The campaign probably wont choose a woman or a member of a minority group, he said. In fact, that would be viewed as pandering, I think.
I was looking up Obama's comments on people criticizing the Democrats that voted for Roberts' appointment back in 2005 and this was an interesting and relevant bit:
…to the degree that we brook no dissent within the Democratic Party, and demand fealty to the one, “true” progressive vision for the country, we risk the very thoughtfulness and openness to new ideas that are required to move this country forward. When we lash out at those who share our fundamental values because they have not met the criteria of every single item on our progressive “checklist,” then we are essentially preventing them from thinking in new ways about problems. We are tying them up in a straightjacket and forcing them into a conversation only with the converted.
LOL - Damn, Rachel Maddow doing a great job ripping apart how fucking stupid the system Hillary was supposed to have followed regarding her emails is.
She was really expected to print out and store EVERY email she sent and received. Damn ridiculous.
EBay.. You know we will fuck it up. We fuck it up in the end all the time.Saw XIV involves NBA-GAF's reactions to Cleveland winning an NBA title and references XII and XIII.
Hillary wants marijuana rescheduled from Schedule 1 to Schedule 2. Whop-dee-fucking-do. You know what else is on schedule 2? Cocaine. Morphine. Meth. So, marijuana, cocaine, meth, and marijuana are on the same level according to Hillary.
I've been reading Hillary's platform on her website.
I like what I'm reading except there's one thing I'm noticing isn't there. Legalize weed, Hillary.
If marijuana were legalized, it would be bad for business for the private prisons. Lobbying groups supporting the largest of the prison businesses donated quite a bit to Hillary Clinton's campaign.
I'm assuming this is sarcasm, but otherwise you appear to have actually missed the events of the last year. I.e. Clinton returning the money donated by private prisons and coming out against them?
(And it was never, ever a large part of her funding at all).