User 463088
I feel like my tour request would also be denied
Just because you'd try to get Daddy Obama to pay for your college by doing unspeakable things.
I feel like my tour request would also be denied
What the hell is this?
A proposed German law to label the 1915 mass killings of Armenians a genocide would damage ties between Ankara and Berlin, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday, comments that could further inflame his European critics.
I think the point they are making is that it appears being anti-Israel is becoming part of the platform of being progressive.
Therefore, if you support progressive values, you must be anti-Israel.
Their thoughts, not mine.
Im not attacking lol. Its just a weird juxtaposition of a young predominantly white crowd chanting the hymn. Unless it was a civil rights leaders speaking/rally.That's the bases for the attack? How can you tell whose there? This is weak and a horrible look.
Its unnecessary, divisive and wrong.
New Jersey GE poll from Monmouth:
Clinton 38%
Trump 34%
damn now obama will never get his neogaf account approved.You have to.
I went through my congressman who is also my COUSIN
Obama you're FINISHED
You have to.
I went through my congressman who is also my COUSIN
Obama you're FINISHED
Glenn Beck was suspended for going along with a caller who wanted to assassinate Trump, lol.
Erdogan has lifted his country out of military dictatorships and repressed economy into the modern global economy. He's a conservative, and many Turks in the heartland are alson conservative. His autocracy moves are alarming, no doubt. But some people are calling for murder, coup and all sorts of nonsense.2006 Miss Turkey "convicted" of insulting Erdogan, she'll face 14 months in prison if she "reoffends"
But Erdogan wasn't done today.
Can someone drop this guy off a ledge and break his legs already?
Yes I am very powerful and rich and also handsome.really?
Obama's got connections higher up.damn now obama will never get his neogaf account approved.
I get that but the fact that people tie the two issues together? What? I don't get
And I don't like the kind of "slate progressivism." Real people don't think like that and its gonna hurt progressivism if you have to sign up for 100%.
This isn't only about israel. We have to tolerate some heterodoxy in certain areas to get a majority.
I don't think that some on the left are leery of the ADL because out of the many things they do they're not as pro-Palestinian as they'd like. My sense is that the ADL is seen as primarily being concerned with providing cover for Israeli treatment of Palestinians. That makes them a group that needs to be strongly opposed; you probably don't want to lend them legitimacy by letting them make token gestures in support of other issues. This seems rather different from requiring that everyone you work with agree with you 100%.
The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913 "to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all." Now the nation's premier civil rights/human relations agency, ADL fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defends democratic ideals and protects civil rights for all.
Oppose the ADL?
This is exactly why Anti-israel stuff always becomes anti jewish.
This is the ADLs mission statement:
They are not AIPAC, they are not anti-palestinian, they are an organization to defend Jews. If that is something the left doesn't want to stand for then screw them.
RS: You've been criticized – including in Rolling Stone – for not putting more specifics behind what the political revolution means as a form of governing—
BS: Well, I—
RS: Can I ask the question? To put it in terms that you were talking about tonight at the rally, I think the critique is not blaming Bernie Sanders for thinking too big, but critiquing Bernie Sanders for sweeping the "unpleasant truths" of our political system right now – the way it ties everything up in knots – "under the rug." Many people say you're right as rain on the policy and the objectives, but "Boy, I just don't think he can do it."
BS: Yes ...
RS:So how do you do it? What are the specifics that allow you to—
BS: What are the specifics about how I, personally, all by myself, do what nobody in American history has done? And I'm being criticized? Why don't you do it? Why doesn't the editor of Rolling Stone do it? Look. You know. With all due respect, that's an absurd question.
Hopefully, we will end up winning the nomination and winning the general election. If we don't do that, which is certainly a possibility, we will have accomplished an enormous amount. Could we have done better? Could I do better? Of course.
Obama's got connections higher up.
Glenn Beck was suspended for going along with a caller who wanted to assassinate Trump, lol.
During Wednesdays Glenn Beck Radio Program, fiction writer Brad Thor said he guarantees Trump would temporarily suspend the Constitution during his possible presidency and is a danger to America.
With the feckless, spineless Congress we have, who will stand in the way of Donald Trump overstepping his constitutional authority as President? Thor said. If Congress wont remove him from office, what patriot will step up and do that if he oversteps his mandate as President, his constitutional-granted authority, I should say, as President.
I don't follow. The ADL isn't Jewish people collectively. It's an organization with a mission. I said that my sense is that its mission is perceived to be providing cover for Israeli policy. If that's right, then people who think that Israeli policy regarding Palestinians is deeply immoral have a reason to oppose the ADL.
Edit: I mean, lots of organizations have mission statements that I would say are not actually accurate portrayals of what they do. I can think of a bunch that exist to do things like protect the family and the Constitution and babies. I oppose many such organizations. That doesn't make me anti- family or the Constitution or babies.
I decided to take a glance at the r/politics front page to see what it was like.
Holy shit. I don't think I've ever seen that level of tunnel vision.
I wouldn't be surprised if those people are being instigated by conservative groups. My theory is that conservatives want to fracture the social progressive movement by redirecting the focus away from social issues.
Rolling Stone Interview with Bernie
The fuck answer is that
Not entirely true. That subreddit has a blacklist for "repost sites".They are. Trump's subreddit constantly trolls r/politics. They've also attracted karma thieves who want easy internet points, so they just post the same Bernie articles every few days that dubious sources print for cheap clicks.
It's a mess and the mods don't care because they're hardcore Bernie supporters.
Man what a weekend. A predominantly white crowd at a Bernie rally in Oakland starts singing We Shall Overcome, Bernie fell asleep at a memorial day event, Trump goes to war with a Judge of latin heritage and Bill Kristol is trying to run a zombie Reagan for 3rd party.
Rolling Stone is right behind Jacobin as the most pro-Bernie American media outlet so if he's bombing interviews with them... lol
"So what's the strategy? The strategy which is unprecedented, and this is where we're talking about thinking outside the box is to have a president who actually, vigorously goes around the country and rallies the American people, who are in favor of this idea. This is not some sort of fringe idea. The American people want it. And [the president] rallies the American people and makes it clear that people in the Republican Party or Democratic Party who are not sympathetic will pay a political price. That changes the dynamics.
Everything that I campaign on they're not fringe ideas. They're not radical ideas. They're ideas that the American people support. What we've got to do now is close the gap that currently exists between the American people over here [gestures to one side of the table], who have needs and goals and desires, and a Congress [gestures to other side], which in almost every instance is ignoring what the American people want.
Now, is it easy to do? No. How do you do it? It's a good question. And the truth is, right now I'm a bit busy running for president to have figured that out, other than to tell you that it requires a mass-based political effort bringing millions of people together to stand up and fight back. Unions could play an important role. Environmental groups, women's groups groups that are already actively involved. We're going to bring people together to effectively organize and put pressure on Congress to do the right thing."
Not entirely true. That subreddit has a blacklist for "repost sites".
I decided to take a glance at the r/politics front page to see what it was like.
Holy shit. I don't think I've ever seen that level of tunnel vision.
The same "Bernie is beating Trump in such and such poll" reposts make the front page every single day for the last three months. It's even become a running joke on reddit that these same stories make the front page every single day.
If they have some kind of filter, it's terrible and needs to be adjusted.
They're even posted by people with names like "Bernie4karma" or dumb stuff like that, and they still make the front page.
I wouldn't say he's bombing interviews. Overall the Rolling Stone piece was fine. It's more Bernie being Bernie. If you don't like Bernie you aren't going to start liking Bernie when he continues to give Bernie answers.
In this example, that answer was:
Which isn't a policy answer, it's an idealistic answer. Some people are comfortable with that others aren't.
Someone explain to me the Israeli conflict. I don't get it. The government of Israeli does not want a two state solution. So they want one state. But then why can't the people of Palestine vote in Israeli elections?
We need a Bernie Disaster Interview OT
Someone explain to me the Israeli conflict. I don't get it. The government of Israeli does not want a two state solution. So they want one state. But then why can't the people of Palestine vote in Israeli elections?
The ADL is supported almost universally by every jewish person I know. And its mission statement is exactly what they do. They are not AIPAC.
Look at their news room, its dominated by progressive causes, not "palestinians aren't people"
I'm literally shocked that someone would say opposed the ADL because they hold different views on Israel, as if the issue is black and white all around.
And again comparing them to those hate groups. I'm not sure you realize it but as a Jew these posts are deeply disturbing for what they represent, especially with the rise of Trump. I posted a few weeks ago about a visceral antisemitic incident. We need the ADL. And what I'm hearing is "well whatever forget that and all their work, they don't back Palestine 100% and oppose Israel so they need to go"
Someone explain to me the Israeli conflict. I don't get it. The government of Israeli does not want a two state solution. So they want one state. But then why can't the people of Palestine vote in Israeli elections?
Or when you see half the top threads are all the same anti-hillary story from 10 random sites, all mass upvoted.
There should seriously be rules against doctors making you wait for an appointment in the waiting room for 30+ minutes after your scheduled time. I can see now why people with jobs don't go to the doctor. It can be an all morning/all afternoon affair.
There should seriously be rules against doctors making you wait for an appointment in the waiting room for 30+ minutes after your scheduled time. I can see now why people with jobs don't go to the doctor. It can be an all morning/all afternoon affair.
I mean thats the conflict right there to put it tersely. Giving the Palestinians a vote would mean they will lose the Jewish majority in the parliament. You want to know Israel's end goal here? The goal is to maintain status quo. Boogeymans the Hamas. Exercise military options to garner support and polarize the hawks. Keep occupying territories thats outside the 67 borders. Keep demolishing Arab farms, houses and businesses and parachute settlers there. Play the anti semite card at every turn.Someone explain to me the Israeli conflict. I don't get it. The government of Israeli does not want a two state solution. So they want one state. But then why can't the people of Palestine vote in Israeli elections?
Just don't get sick. EASY.
On the real though I have to schedule a doctor's appointment, I feel like my tonsil is probably swollen. Had that cold a while back, but this feeling that my tonsils are still enlarged stuck beyond the symptoms of the cold.
Yeah, treating the ADL like some kind of hardcore anti-Palestine organization is surreal to me. They operate almost entirely on striking back at anti-Semitism and advancing civil rights causes in general.