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Ha. This is why they'll keep failing at the electoral college. Democrats have built a pretty sturdy coalition of smaller states like Nevada, Iowa and Colorado that make up for one giant swing state. Even Virginia is smaller than OH and FL but Republicans pretty much need it to win.

I wonder what things would have looked like had Kerry targeted CO, NV, NM and IA instead of sinking everything into Ohio. The first two elected Dem senators that year (Salazar and Reid) and the latter two were Gore states.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
From that Rolling Stone interview, more magical protesting changing Paul Ryan's mind.

But you'd still likely face Paul Ryan as your negotiating partner. And I'm trying to figure out how you get something like public-college-for-all passed with Paul Ryan as your counterpart. Given that you just said today that they won't play ball.

To answer that question successfully requires us to think outside of a zero-sum game. You're saying to me, and it's a fair question: "Bernie, if you sit down with Paul Ryan and say, 'Paul, I want a tax on Wall Street speculation to make public colleges and universities tuition-free and to lower student debt,' the likelihood is that Paul won't say, 'Hey, Bernie, why didn't I think of that? Fantastic idea! Let's go forward together.'" So what's the strategy? The strategy – which is unprecedented, and this is where we're talking about thinking outside the box – is to have a president who actually, vigorously goes around the country and rallies the American people, who are in favor of this idea. This is not some sort of fringe idea. The American people want it. And [the president] rallies the American people and makes it clear that people in the Republican Party – or Democratic Party – who are not sympathetic will pay a political price. That changes the dynamics.

Has he been around for the last 8 years? Presumably he was in the Senate, but still in the United States right?
Reporter changes topics and asks Trump about the Gorilla story.

Ok, yeah, the media is terrible.

Online Interest In Gorilla Eclipses Interest In Donald Trump

According to Google Trends, which monitors search interest online, the term “Gorilla” overtook the term “Donald Trump.”

From that Rolling Stone interview, more magical protesting changing Paul Ryan's mind.

Has he been around for the last 8 years? Presumably he was in the Senate, but still in the United States right?
He can't even win the Democratic primary with this strategy, let alone Republican congressional seats. For a guy who keeps talking about convincing people, has he actually tried talking to the superdelegates yet?


From that Rolling Stone interview, more magical protesting changing Paul Ryan's mind.

Has he been around for the last 8 years? Presumably he was in the Senate, but still in the United States right?

It's clear from the interview that Bernie's belief, or at least his position, really is that all his ideas have significant majority support in America.

Which, I mean, explains a lot. If you knew for a fact that that were true, then sure, you would probably start thinking Congress was pretty corrupt as well. And all that really needs to happen is to nominate a Presidential candidate who would run on those ideas, who would obviously win, and then go around telling people to write their Congressperson and tell them to do what Bernie says.
From that Rolling Stone interview, more magical protesting changing Paul Ryan's mind.

Has he been around for the last 8 years? Presumably he was in the Senate, but still in the United States right?

So Bernie wants to do what Obama has been trying to do for 8 years. Bernie acts like he won't be just as hated by The Republicans as Obama is right now


Princeton Election Consortium: State-poll snapshot: Clinton 336, Trump 202 EV; Meta-Margin +4.2%


The Meta-Margin is defined as how far the Clinton-Trump margins in state polls would have to change, across the board, to create a perfect knife-edge race in which the median outcome is an electoral tie 269 EV to 269 EV. Today the Meta-Margin is Clinton +4.24%. This is nearly identical to today’s HuffPollster national-poll estimate, Clinton +4.3%. So state and national polls are perfectly matched at the moment.


It's clear from the interview that Bernie's belief, or at least his position, really is that all his ideas have significant majority support in America.

Which, I mean, explains a lot. If you knew for a fact that that were true, then sure, you would probably start thinking Congress was pretty corrupt as well. And all that really needs to happen is to nominate a Presidential candidate who would run on those ideas, who would obviously win, and then go around telling people to write their Congressperson and tell them to do what Bernie says.

Nailed it.

It's either the most political optimism ever or pure delusion, imo.



Do Sanders Supporters Favor His Policies?

That is one key reason contemporary American politics is so polarized: The electoral penalty for candidates taking extreme positions is quite modest because voters in the political center do not reliably support the candidates closest to them on the issues. (Mitt Romney is just the most recent presidential candidate to lose despite being perceived by most voters as closer to their ideological views than his opponent on a spectrum running from “extremely liberal” to “extremely conservative.”)

The most powerful social identities and symbolic attachments in this year’s Democratic race have favored Mrs. Clinton, not Mr. Sanders. She has been a leading figure in the Democratic Party for decades, a role model for many women and a longtime ally of African-Americans and other minority groups. For many primary voters, that history constitutes a powerful bond, and their loyalties are propelling Mrs. Clinton to the nomination despite her limitations as a candidate.
Interesting read and shocking amount of research for an online article.
It's clear from the interview that Bernie's belief, or at least his position, really is that all his ideas have significant majority support in America.

Which, I mean, explains a lot. If you knew for a fact that that were true, then sure, you would probably start thinking Congress was pretty corrupt as well. And all that really needs to happen is to nominate a Presidential candidate who would run on those ideas, who would obviously win, and then go around telling people to write their Congressperson and tell them to do what Bernie says.

It's straight out of Barney Frank's 1991 quote.

Bernie’s view of the world is that the great majority of the people agree with him on all the issues and the only reason he does not win is that the Congress is crooked.
I still remember a friend of mine telling me about election night in 2012 while she was working at a restaurant, and she was serving a table of about 16 Republicans watching the votes coming in like it was football or something. They were so sure that Obama would lose and were toasting to his defeat up until the election was called for Obama. They were so pissed that they didn't even tip her or anything, paid and left in a huff. (Yes, I know some people don't like tipping)
They just don't understand how the electoral college works...


Surpisingly, I quite like one of the comments in that New York piece:
foreseer2 4 minutes ago
I think that the country is ready for some female hyper-competence, the perfect antidote of the male hyper-hubris of Donald Trump.



Do Sanders Supporters Favor His Policies?

Interesting read and shocking amount of research for an online article.

Basically what we've seen in exit polling, which has been surprising. I considered my Sanders vote in GA as a protest vote saying I want the party to be more liberal. Ironically that isn't the message a lot of Sanders voters are trying to send, and there are issues where he's not even more liberal than Hillary anyway!

I do bet "free college" is massively popular among his voters


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
So how do you do it? What are the specifics that allow you to—
What are the specifics about how I, personally, all by myself, do what nobody in American history has done? And I'm being criticized? Why don't you do it? Why doesn't the editor of Rolling Stone do it? Look. You know. With all due respect, that's an absurd question.
This is how shitty filmmakers respond to criticism. Have you made a movie?! No? Then shut up.

The fuck answer is that

Bernie is and always has been perfect. There is nothing more to learn and therefore never a need for self-reflection.

This guy is really not serious about governing.
At this point he just wants to be elected to be campaigner-in-chief. His plan is seriously to just travel the country holding rallies for four years and hope that somehow overcomes Paul Ryan and all the firmly entrenched Republicans in Congress.
White supremacists have a new hero: Red, the Angry Bird.

The protagonist of the new kids movie is, as one might guess from his name, a feathered creature who has trouble controlling his temper. He’s an isolated misfit until his island is invaded by egg-eating pigs. Suddenly, Red becomes a hero, whose anger is a righteous fury. He leads the other fowls in a total war to wipe out their porcine foe.

Although not lacking in icons in the age of Trump, white supremacists have glommed on to Red. Gregory Hood, writing on the neo-Nazi website Counter-Currents Publishing, argues, “It’s hard to avoid the idea the movie is simply a giant metaphor for the European refugee crisis. A spoiled island of happy birds doesn’t recognize the threat of interlopers.” Hood compares Red to George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party.

James Kirkpatrick, of the white nationalist anti-immigrant site V-Dare, agrees, telling his readers to “take your children to see Angry Birds” since it offers a “cautionary tale” about the dangers of refugees. The anonymous person behind the Twitter handle @WarOnWhites also seems to be an Angry Birds fan.

Maybe some of you didn't see my post in the CA water thread, but Trump is right if you change the word "drought" to "water crisis". CA currently spends 50% of its collected water on environmental purposes, like redirection or release. We could quite literally almost double our water on hand just by eliminating those environmental uses of water, which was Trump's point and being from the Central Valley, this resonates with a lot of people here.

Someone may counter that the infrastructure to collect all that water simply doesn't exist, so the water is not able to be used anyway, to which I say that that is a lack of will, not ability. The point is that it is (vaguely) possible.

So the real debate is to whether those environmental concerns are actually worth the effort. I think there's a very strong case, and always has been, that they are. After all, the other side has lost this debate in California for maybe 45 years now.


What the hell? So ~11% are waiting for a third party or independent run despite that question not being asked? That's how badly they must want it. How many of these people will come to their senses once Sanders loses?

Not liking these kinds of polls whatsoever. Trump is so unconventional. Democrats need less distractions to focus on what does and doesn't work against him. As I have said, time is of the essence and Bernie's shitty attitude is really, really hurting Hillary I fear. If the convention gets ugly who is to say that enough Sanders people would come around and support Hillary?

I really hope someone primaries Sanders in the Senate.


So if you just change Trump's words so that they make sense, then they make sense?

He's a conspiracy theorist who says global warming is a hoax made by the Chinese, I bet he thinks the drought is fake.
If Bernie Sanders proposed a massive infrastructure project that would shuttle water from the Cascades in Oregon all across California, he would win this state. That's how important this issue is here. Since pigeon is from this state as well, I would like to hear his opinion on it.
I'm pretty sure Sanders answer on the California drought isn't that different from Clinton's, which is "we need to do something" but no particular solution in place.

I really hope someone primaries Sanders in the Senate.

What a waste of time and money that would be. Sanders is still a reliable liberal vote and he'd carry Vermont easily.
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