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PoliGAF 2016 |OT6| Delete your accounts

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These people are batshit insane.

-50% of Trump fans think Hillary Clinton had some involvement in the death of Vince Foster, to only 13% who think she didn't and 37% who aren't sure one way or another. This is another example of the cult like aspect of Trump's following. He says something and his voters get on board with it for the most part. We saw a similar dynamic with his claims about Arabs in New Jersey cheering on 9/11.

-Georgia removed the Confederate flag from its state flag in 2001, but Trump fans in the state want it back. 52% want it reincorporated back into the Georgia flag, compared to only 29% who would be opposed to doing such a thing. By contrast voters with an unfavorable view of Trump oppose, 14/76, putting the Confederate flag back into the state flag.

-Trump fans are pretty ambivalent on whether they even think it's a good thing that the North won the Civil War. Only 37% say that they're glad the North won, compared to 31% who wish the South had won, and 32% who aren't sure one way or another.

-Finally we find that Trump fans support his practice of calling Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas,' 50-31. Among voters who have a negative opinion of Trump, 86% think it's inappropriate to call Warren by that moniker to only 10% who find it acceptable.


Hillary leads Trump among black people 80/2 in Georgia.... But she's still down 7 because she trails among white people 67/17 :/

Come on, white women, come on :(
That makes sense. For a Democrat to win statewide in Georgia, they'd need at least 30% of the white vote (depending on non-white turnout).


I don't blame people for it, the Clinton campaign made it clear they were aiming to make Georgia a battleground state (or try to anyway) since 2015. They've clearly been trying anyway, whether the state parties like it's 1992 again or not. Eh we'll see. I doubt it will how quickly the GOP is coalescing, but the fact that it was even polling close not that long ago is pretty funny all the same.


With the release of Weiner, I actually wonder if there's going to be a Sanders campaign documentary or something.

Hillary and Trump campaign documentaries are a given, I think?


Trump is gonna get his own full dramatized movie. And then Trump is gonna try and sue that movie from existing too.

Corey Lewandowski is already cast.

People here actually thought Georgia would be in play . . .

Well, it's 37/30 with Independents, and some of those are Dem-leaning liberals that Bernie voters. My guess is that it'll probably tighten a bit there once the race becomes a two-person race.

Will she win Georgia? Probably not. But a +5 race in the state with the second-biggest "safe" R EV should be concerning.


e.g. lots of chin-stroking about "shy Trump voters": How about shy Hillary voters? https://today.yougov.com/news/2016/...hSk12MGl2V3ZMVjRuZUc3YzdCTVRmTHNGVTR3akE9In0= …
Dude, that quote converted a "Bernie or Bust" friend of mine into a "Fuck Bernie" friend. I also showed him Chris Matthews asking him the same thing.


Embarrassing. Naive. Bernie 2016.

Your "friend" ;) can't have been paying much attention to Bernie's campaign because he's been saying this for ages, and he's essentially right, that if Bernie puts a highly popular bill to Congress, and uses the Presidential "bully pulpit" to spread the word far and wide, that a vote is coming up and to voice your support for it, what do you think willl be the public's response to GOP (and Democrat) representatives who vote down the bill? They will be out on their ear, come the next election, that's what, and the representatives will know it!


Yeeeaah, "popular" bills are introduced I'm Congress all the time that go nowhere, and this so-called "bully pulpit" is highly overrated.

And why should Congress be afraid of Sanders' crowds if, from what the primaries have shown us, they don't even show up at the polls?


No Scrubs
Yeeeaah, "popular" bills are introduced I'm Congress all the time that go nowhere, and this so-called "bully pulpit" is highly overrated.

And why should Congress be afraid of Sanders' crowds if, from what the primaries have shown us, they don't even show up at the polls?

And there it is.
Yeeeaah, "popular" bills are introduced I'm Congress all the time that go nowhere, and this so-called "bully pulpit" is highly overrated.

And why should Congress be afraid of Sanders' crowds if, from what the primaries have shown us, they don't even show up at the polls?

yup, and the Republicans will continue to listen their constituents who voted for them. Votes is the only thing that matters. And hopefully they vote in local elections.


Not sure how Bernie is supposed to win over the country with sheer force of charisma when he can't even convince half to pick him over Hillary "Butcher" Clinton.

Daniel B·;205303636 said:
Your "friend" ;) can't have been paying much attention to Bernie's campaign because he's been saying this for ages, and he's essentially right, that if Bernie puts a highly popular bill to Congress, and uses the Presidential "bully pulpit" to spread the word far and wide, that a vote is coming up and to voice your support for it, what do you think willl be the public's response to GOP (and Democrat) representatives who vote down the bill? They will be out on their ear, come the next election, that's what, and the representatives will know it!

My "friend" was paying very close attention. I think this nonsense from Bernie was just the final push he needed after the Barney Frank deal, basically threatening the convention, the HIV/AIDs shit, Nevada, and now finally accepting that Bernie has zero chance at the nomination. He was a true believer. Now he supports the great deceiver.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Hardly though - 2008 and 2012 were exactly the opposite. In 2008 once HIllary conceded the party fell behind Obama very rapidly and successfully, whereas McCain struggled all summer and ended up having to pick a lunatic as his VP choice purely to motivate the base. Similarly in 2012 Romney really struggled against a clown car of opponents to win the republican primary, and again the base only got really engaged after the first debate.

Actually, Nate is saying this election cycle in regards to party behavior looks nearly identical to 2008 and 2012.


Here's an article from the New York Times about the new Trump University revelations:

Former Trump University Workers Call the School a ‘Lie’ and a ‘Scheme’ in Testimony

In blunt testimony revealed on Tuesday, former managers of Trump University, the for-profit school started by Donald J. Trump, portray it as an unscrupulous business that relied on high-pressure sales tactics, employed unqualified instructors, made deceptive claims and exploited vulnerable students willing to pay tens of thousands for Mr. Trump’s insights.

One sales manager for Trump University, Ronald Schnackenberg, recounted how he was reprimanded for not pushing a financially struggling couple hard enough to sign up for a $35,000 real estate class, despite his conclusion that it would endanger their economic future. He watched with disgust, he said, as a fellow Trump University salesman persuaded the couple to purchase the class anyway.

“I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme,” Mr. Schnackenberg wrote in his testimony, “and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money.”

A lot more at the link.
— Sen. Bernie Sanders, in an interview with Rolling Stone, on how he would get his proposals through a GOP-controlled Congress.

First time I have seen this. God fucking dammit

Numbers are an establishment tool to oppress the white working class.

Wait what?

What does he think running for President means?

What is this I'm too busy running for President to figure how I'll run the country as President bullshit.


Nate Silver, Harry Enten and others are saying the exact same thing most of us said in here from the beginning: republicans are all lining up behind Trump. It will be no different this time (or any time). They will NEVER stop supporting their candidate.

Still impressive to watch in real time. Supporting Trump takes some SERIOUS bending man. You have to flat out waive racism and all sorts of unshrouded ugliness. Not dog whistles or stuff that can be defended, but BLATANT out in the OPEN raw ass bigotry.

For a lot of conservatives, they straddled that line; never quite having to address that stuff head on because it was hidden behind sly, but not quite blatant shit like #BlueLivesMatter and all that shit, but now? Nothing to hide behind when your candidate calls Mexicans rapists, calls a woman Pocahontas and is flat out on record saying he doesn't want the 'Blacks' handling his money.

They pretty much have to embrace their inner agreements with that horrible shit and wear it on their sleeve to support this jackass publicly; and when pressed they have accepted the challenge. I mean, they are complaining about the results of showing their ass to the public, but they still fell in line.

Daniel B·;205303636 said:
Your "friend" ;) can't have been paying much attention to Bernie's campaign because he's been saying this for ages, and he's essentially right, that if Bernie puts a highly popular bill to Congress, and uses the Presidential "bully pulpit" to spread the word far and wide, that a vote is coming up and to voice your support for it, what do you think willl be the public's response to GOP (and Democrat) representatives who vote down the bill? They will be out on their ear, come the next election, that's what, and the representatives will know it!

Which is why the GOP government shutdown of 2013 was a disaster for them that resulted in a shift for the Democrats in the House and a strengthening of their control of their control of the Senate in 2014....

Oh wait the GOP gained control of the Senate and had amazing growth in their control of the House
Here's an article from the New York Times about the new Trump University revelations:

Former Trump University Workers Call the School a ‘Lie’ and a ‘Scheme’ in Testimony

A lot more at the link.

National treasure Josh Marshall at TPM has been raising a pertinent question underlying this and the veteran funds fiasco:

Why would a ten-billionaire even bother dicking around with two-bit scams like this (or Trump Steaks, or Trump Network, or) or try to weasel out of a couple million in a charity drive?

Or honestly, anyone with more than eight digits in their bank account?
For a real time example of just how ineffective the bully pulpit really is, have a look at Obama's speeches and the recent bathroom law garbage going on.

If anything, Obama being out there condemning it just validates them and makes them stronger.


My "friend" was paying very close attention. I think this nonsense from Bernie was just the final push he needed after the Barney Frank deal, basically threatening the convention, the HIV/AIDs shit, Nevada, and now finally accepting that Bernie has zero chance at the nomination. He was a true believer. Now he supports the great deceiver.

You've felt the Bern, now feel the Her-n


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Daniel B·;205303636 said:
Your "friend" ;) can't have been paying much attention to Bernie's campaign because he's been saying this for ages, and he's essentially right, that if Bernie puts a highly popular bill to Congress, and uses the Presidential "bully pulpit" to spread the word far and wide, that a vote is coming up and to voice your support for it, what do you think willl be the public's response to GOP (and Democrat) representatives who vote down the bill? They will be out on their ear, come the next election, that's what, and the representatives will know it!
You certainly live in a fascinating alternate reality. Must be nice to have achieved universal background checks for gun purchases.
Still impressive to watch in real time. Supporting Trump takes some SERIOUS bending man. You have to flat out waive racism and all sorts of unshrouded ugliness. Not dog whistles or stuff that can be defended, but BLATANT out in the OPEN raw ass bigotry.

For a lot of conservatives, they straddled that line; never quite having to address that stuff head on because it was hidden behind sly, but not quite blatant shit like #BlueLivesMatter and all that shit, but now? Nothing to hide behind when your candidate calls Mexicans rapists, calls a woman Pocahontas and is flat out on record saying he doesn't want the 'Blacks' handling his money.

They pretty much have to embrace their inner agreements with that horrible shit and wear it on their sleeve to support this jackass publicly; and when pressed they have accepted the challenge. I mean, they are complaining about the results of showing their ass to the public, but they still fell in line.


Have to wonder when people will admit that the majority (not all, but over 50%) of GOP voters and politicians have been white nationalists for a while now considering that they all immediately accepted a white nationalist with no economic plans and disastrous foreign policy ideas.


Hillary leads Trump among black people 80/2 in Georgia.... But she's still down 7 because she trails among white people 67/17 :/

Come on, white women, come on :(

White people are truly the worst. My friends are pretty liberal, but my parents have a number of friends who are likely Trump supporters. At least my parents are anti-Trump

People here actually thought Georgia would be in play . . .

Let the party unify and GOATbama start campaigning for Hillary. Georgia is still lean R, but it's much more in play than 2008/12


Neo Member
I'm watching Bernie give a rally in my hometown and it's amazing how he literally cannot get off of his stump speech. Instead of at least giving SOME lip service about local issues like teen suicides or rapidly rising rent and home costs it's just WALL STREET! FRAUD! BILLIONAHS! STUDENT DEBT! over and over again.
Obama to rebut Trump in Indiana

President Obama will intensify his case against presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Wednesday, casting the 2016 election as a choice between the Democrats’s and the GOP’s divergent paths on the economy.

“If what you really care about in this election is your pocketbook, if what you’re concerned about is who will look out for the interests of working people and grow the middle class, then the debate isn’t even close,” he will say during a speech in Elkhart, Ind., according to excerpts of his prepared remarks.

It's sad that "Trump is a white nationalist" and "Trump will destroy all international alliances and lead the world into chaos" aren't even being covered by Hillary and Obama because independent voters don't care.


Let the party unify and GOATbama start campaigning for Hillary. Georgia is still lean R, but it's much more in play than 2008/12

Agreed. Even if it doesn't quite go blue, I expect it to be a lot closer than before. Once the primary is finally over and the party (hopefully) largely unifies around Hillary, let's see where things stand.


It's sad that "Trump is a white nationalist" and "Trump will destroy all international alliances and lead the world into chaos" aren't even being covered by Hillary and Obama because independent voters don't care.

"Independent voters" is largely an oxymoron. There are some independents, but most of them just don't like party labels


I'm watching Bernie give a rally in my hometown and it's amazing how he literally cannot get off of his stump speech. Instead of at least giving SOME lip service about local issues like teen suicides or rapidly rising rent and home costs it's just WALL STREET! FRAUD! BILLIONAHS! STUDENT DEBT! over and over again.

Yeah, he's terrible at that. It was also really apparent during the NY debate where it was clear that Hillary was speaking to the voters of NY and Bernie was just stumping cluelessly and pissing off a lot of Jewish New Yorkers
Honestly pundits have been going on about how the fundamentals of this election favor the GOP and it's only favored for the Democrats because of Trump, but I disagree. The only thing going for the Republicans is third term fatigue which is only kind of ambiguously negative. The only time in recent history when the incumbent party of a two-term president was soundly rebuked was in 08 which was a pretty extraordinary circumstance - HW won easily and Gore won the popular vote.

Hillary turning out to be a strongly disliked candidate (and let's be real, a lot of that animosity is coming from Bernie supporters, her numbers will recover somewhat) is kind of the only thing making it seem more competitive. The economy is humming along, there's no major international strife that's affecting us, and Obama is fairly popular. He's going to be Hillary's best asset by far.

Oh and the non-Trumpets disapproving of Trump calling Warren "Pocahontas." Pick herrrrrrr. I don't know how well publicized the Twitter back and forths are but I do know putting her on the ticket would put that kind of stuff under much more scrutiny. And Trump is nothing if not easily baited.


Third term fatigue with a president running some of the highest favorable in a long damn time. The DNC coalition as a whole once mobilized is gonna really be something.

Also primaries next week then E3 the following.
No need to hoard salt, it'll be raining from the skies soon.
Third term fatigue with a president running some of the highest favorable in a long damn time. The DNC coalition as a whole once mobilized is gonna really be something.

Also primaries next week then E3 the following.
No need to hoard salt, it'll be raining from the skies soon.

OMG, I know, right? Queen on Tuesday and then E3 the week later. YASSSS.
Is third term fatigue even a thing? We've had long stretches of time in this country with the president being from one party, with like, one term of some random, and back to the long string before some event or swing in the country shifts it the other direction. That's actually been the norm in our country until the last generation or so.
Article on Dems' efforts to win back the House, mostly being driven by Trump


Something that jumped out at me is that internal polling for Minnesota's 3rd district (represented by Erik Paulsen who's facing Terri Bonoff this year) has Hillary destroying Trump by 22 points when Obama barely won it last time. Trump is toxic in the suburbs and I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case elsewhere. MN's 2nd district (an open seat) should also be competitive this year.
Article on Dems' efforts to win back the House, mostly being driven by Trump


Something that jumped out at me is that internal polling for Minnesota's 3rd district (represented by Erik Paulsen who's facing Terri Bonoff this year) has Hillary destroying Trump by 22 points when Obama barely won it last time. Trump is toxic in the suburbs and I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case elsewhere. MN's 2nd district (an open seat) should also be competitive this year.

I can't see this happening, but at least chipping away at the 30 seat deficit will be some progress.

Just need to survive 2018 senate races
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