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Please, that shillary AI was good but the jig was up when you said you hated pizza. No true living American would dare say they hated pizza. No, you must be a machine of sorts.

I am human. I do things. Like a human would do.

The other day, we ordered pizza, and I liked it. It was the Papa Johns hamburger pizza. It had pickles on it. :) SO good. :)

Obama is on fire at the moment. Yassss Mr President. Get it.


Oh hamburger pizzas are a real thing, unfortunately.
God what.

I am human. I do things. Like a human would do.

The other day, we ordered pizza, and I liked it. It was the Papa Johns hamburger pizza. It had pickles on it. :) SO good. :)

Obama is on fire at the moment. Yassss Mr President. Get it.

Oh god

Shoulda figured that you'd take to the Marshmallow Vodka & Orange Gatorade of pizzas.


Jeff Weaver on CNN now, still openly discussing their strategy to steal the primary from the candidate who has the most votes and delegates. "The job of the superdelegates is not to mirror the voters, otherwise why are they there? Their job is to use their expertise to decide the best candidate for the election, and once they start to look at how Sanders is polling blah blah blah...."

5 months of screaming about the Establishment, and suddenly they think the Establishment is going to favor them over the person that actually won the election.
This was honestly one of Obama's best speeches. He weaves in a really complex and intricate lesson on global economics in an unbelievably digestible way.

Gonna miss this man.


Third term fatigue with a president running some of the highest favorable in a long damn time. The DNC coalition as a whole once mobilized is gonna really be something.

Also primaries next week then E3 the following.
No need to hoard salt, it'll be raining from the skies soon.
Would have been glorious to cap it off with no man's sky
With regards to the discussion of party control of the Presidency a page or two back, before E3 discussion, (contested E3?). I think its important to look at the winning coalitions or voter demographics of each winning presidential candidate.

For example, the period from 1968-2000(2004?). During that period, (and during the New Deal Coalition as well but im focusing on 1968 and onwards), Each winning candidate won some portion, or all, southern states. In other words, white conservatives were a part of every winning coalition. This period was dominated by Republicans thanks to the Southern strategy and the only democrats who won, won by appealing at least somewhat to white conservatives, (Carter, Clinton, and to a lesser extant Gore.)

However by 2008, demographics had changed to the point that to win the election a candidate no longer needed to win over white conservatives. I remember a while back some were saying in this thread Carter would have won in 1980 with today's demographics.

Anyway, I guess the point Im trying to make is that while some people say that control of the presidency goes back and forth, theres more to it than voter fatigue. And I would argue that since 2008(arguably 2004) the winning coalition has been squarely in the Democrat's camp and in order fro Republicans to win they need to appeal to Democratic voters, which I know is obvious, but perhaps a recession or fuck up blamed on Democrats wont be enough for Republicans to win back control of the White House.

Sorry for this somewhat long winded post and if I rambled on a bit to much lol. I mostly lurk here and post every now and then. anyway its just an observation I made feel free to argue it.
They wanted a literal purge.

This meant something very different to me than I think you intended.


*high five*

That was my very first E3, and man what a great one to start off with. Easily the most hyped and funnest one I've ever been to. I'll be going again this time around, and though I've enjoyed all subsequent trips, none compare to 06.

As I understand it, it's never taken over as much as the convention center since then either. Heck, I don't know they ever want it to get that big again, given their intentional downsizing the following year.
Jeff Weaver on CNN now, still openly discussing their strategy to steal the primary from the candidate who has the most votes and delegates. "The job of the superdelegates is not to mirror the voters, otherwise why are they there? Their job is to use their expertise to decide the best candidate for the election, and once they start to look at how Sanders is polling blah blah blah...."

5 months of screaming about the Establishment, and suddenly they think the Establishment is going to favor them over the person that actually won the election.

Weaver is shady and a total scumbag. Ugh.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

It's a shame that the Donald's a White nationalist, cause otherwise he's a pretty entertaining dude.

Is it scary that I wasn't entirely sure if this was going to be about Bernie or Trump until yuo mentioned the white nationalist part. Have Queen or Bernie made statements on the Brexit? I wonder if this is another one of those things Bernie hasn't thought about since he's running for President.


Marianna Sotomayor ‏@msotomayor12 1m1 minute ago

.@NBCNews latest delegate count after confirming several supers:

Clinton 2316
Sanders 1543

Clinton is now 67 delegates from clinching nom

it's happening

Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 52s53 seconds ago Elgin, IL

Clinton leads Sanders by two points in California, 49 to 47 percent, in new NBC/WSJ/Marist poll

it's ... happening?
Venezuela's Maduro rooting for 'revolutionary friend' Sanders in US campaign


CARACAS: Venezuela's embattled president, Nicolas Maduro, said Tuesday night he supported Bernie Sanders in the U.S. presidential race, adding that the candidate, who describes himself as a democratic socialist, would win if the vote were "free."

Maduro, a socialist who sees himself as the political heir to his predecessor, Hugo Chavez, has long railed against the United States, blaming it for Venezuela's economic crisis and accusing Washington of attempting to topple him.

"Bernie Sanders, our revolutionary friend, ought to win in the United States," Maduro said during an hours-long televised broadcast.

Venezuela is reeling from a brutal economic crisis that has seen food and medicine running short and spiraling inflation destroying incomes.

The United States and Venezuela have had troubled relations since Chavez became president in 1999, and the countries have not exchanged ambassadors since 2010.

Threadworthy endorsement?
We need to ban straight, white males from voting...unless they pass a purity test that I just invented right now. They'll be a written test and an oral examination. (Not innuendo).

I was unironically gonna fill that out, but then I remembered I'm a straight MIXED male so I'm still allowed to vote.
There have been a few recent polls only showing a 2 point difference in CA, which is odd because of how big the gap was in previous polling (14 points). I expect Hillary to win by 10, but kinda unsure now

She's winning by 10, the 14-17 point margin is already baked in
Sister in-law just voted for the Queen in Cali. So that's 3+ for her here. She was always going to vote for her but Sanders' actions the last few days has sealed her decision.


Worse than thinking FF is trash is thinking KH is good

All the KH games except for the mobile/DS games are great. KH2 and BBS are god tier. I have no doubt KH3 will be great.
FF has had a lot of lackluster main line entries recently but FFXIV is supposedly great and Theatrhythm is pretty good. Older games are still excellent, especially FFVII. We'll see what happens with FFXV and FFVII:Re.
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