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Wait, are you saying that Donald Trump is a racist and most of the people who support him are also racists?


edit: One of the really interesting things about this graph is that views on immigration don't correlate at all. This is a pretty clear statement that people understand Trump's wall-building and Muslim-banning policies for what they are -- pure statements of xenophobia and anger, rather than actual policy suggestions aimed at solving any problems.
Really interesting stuff indeed.


Why use pussy, cheap substances like alcohol? Only the finest imported cocaine for Trump.

To be fair to him (on this one single issue), his avoidance of alcohol comes from the fact his brother was an alcoholic and died because of it. It's the one thing which makes him seem human compared to everything else he has said.


To be fair to him (on this one single issue), his avoidance of alcohol comes from the fact his brother was an alcoholic and died because of it. It's the one thing which makes him seem human compared to everything else he has said.

Didn't know that. That's really interesting. That'll be the humanizing Freudian trauma used in the eventual Trump movie for sure.



Am I bad at colors or is the person that made this map an idiot for making all the colors differing shades of a baby's diarrhea? I mean, the person who made the map is definitely an idiot for making the last category cover 35.01% to 100%, but come on.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
And more revisionism that the bailouts weren't actually a good thing for the country.

Bernie's vote against the bailouts is one of my biggest problems with him, actually. That he'd be willing to let a disaster happen to "stick it to the banks" or make a point.

Moral hazard is a real thing-- letting the bus drive off the cliff and saying "told you so" is not the solution.
Bernie's also the guy who opposed various scientific research because Big Pharma might ultimately end up profiting. He has tunnel vision on punishing big corporations.

Vox is calling this a new step forward in cable media covering Trump -- put the fact that he's a liar right in the story summary.

This is kind of what I expect to happen going forward. "The guy running for President is horrendously unqualified, a huge liar, and crazy" is just a better story than "look at how close this race is."

Oooh, I like where this is going. Keep it up, media.
This republican woman on MSNBC is clearly intelligent, I don't understand how she can say all of this BS. But she says it with a smirk so I guess there's that.
More on the Ryan support:


A Ryan spokesman was asked whether Ryan's column amounts to an endorsement. The aide's response was unclear: “He said he'll vote for Trump in the piece. That speaks for itself, in our view.”

Ryan wrote in the opinion piece, which is being released on this website this afternoon, that he and Trump have talked at length.

Ryan's column also touts the “confident America” policy agenda he has been developing since becoming speaker of the House last fall.

“Through these conversations, I feel confident he (Trump) would help us turn the ideas in this agenda into laws to help improve people's lives. That's why I'll be voting for him this fall,” Ryan wrote.

Ryan goes on to say that he and Trump do not agree on everything and that when he sees the need, Ryan will continue to speak his mind.

“But the reality is, on the issues that make up our agenda, we have more common ground than disagreement,” Ryan wrote.

Ryan also mentions the likely Democratic nominee for president, Hilary Clinton, by name, saying she is unlikely to support the GOP agenda.

“A Clinton White House would mean four more years of liberal cronyism and a government more out for itself than the people it serves. Quite simply, she represents all that our agenda aims to fix,” Ryan wrote.
Last thing I watched on news on this topic from iPolitics in an interview.

They said that 95% of people voting for Trump/Republicans in primaries, or simply participating in Republican primaries, were already such voters anyway.

So it kind of hits against the narrative that Trump is actually attracting anyone outside the default user base.

What remains to be seen is how it plays out in the real election polls, but yea. There is a question as to where his ceiling is, and it doesn't appear too different from what it would be if it were any other R candidate.

I think his best chance is running against Hillary personally.
Last thing I watched on news on this topic from iPolitics in an interview.

They said that 95% of people voting for Trump/Republicans in primaries, or simply participating in Republican primaries, were already such voters anyway.

So it kind of hits against the narrative that Trump is actually attracting anyone outside the default user base.

What remains to be seen is how it plays out in the real election polls, but yea. There is a question as to where his ceiling is, and it doesn't appear too different from what it would be if it were any other R candidate.

I think his best chance is running against Hillary personally.
We don't know who is going to be swayed because the general election hasn't started yet and most people don't pay attention to the primaries.
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