So what is PoliGAF drinking tonight?
I'm using the VI win as an excuse to drink, don't judge me!
Got a couple bottles of Sins of our Fathers, watching UFC 199 tonight (which has been fantastic so far).
So what is PoliGAF drinking tonight?
I'm using the VI win as an excuse to drink, don't judge me!
Who will speak first Tuesday night? Clinton to set the tone that the primary is now over, or Sanders so he can preemptively try to deny the inevitable?
I think she gets out first to declare victory, commend Sanders for a tough race and go after Trump. The networks will all say she won in-between talking about her emails. Bernie does... I dunno? "on to DC!" probably.
Damn. The 3 precogs (Silver, Cohn and Benchmark) have reached the same conclusion.
Well, a 70 point win is not too shabby.
6-1How many delegate for abuela?
How many delegate for abuela?
So what is PoliGAF drinking tonight?
I'm using the VI win as an excuse to drink, don't judge me!
WRONG, go check The Green Papers on any state with >1 congressional district.
It's how you get results like a delegate tie in Illinois despite Hillary winning the state and having the statewide margin for +2, among others.
lmao you have the wildest tastes in everything.
That combination would probably make me really sick in the morning.
Couple days until the final "big day" and the Sanders campaign is still making fraud accusations. I really don't think this is going to simply end on the 7th. Sure, it will for most people...but the Sanders campaign is almost certainly going to continue. Adn continue to denigrate the presumptive nominee and make accusations that cannot be walked back.
So, fuck, like...okay. So, there's like...these two people, ya? And they're running for President. One of them is like this woman, ya? And she was married to some other dude who slept with a lot of women. Oh, did I tell you he was President? Cause he was.
Okay, and then, like, this other dude, he's OLDDDDD. And he's like a socialist? I think. IDK what that means. But I think it means he loves $27 bills and birds and shit. Okay, so they're like PEW PEW PEW FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT to be the President?
Okay, but, like they both can't do it?, ya. Right. Okay. And then there's this place called the Virgin Islands. Okay, and it's worht like 7 of those delegate things. Okay And, so what had happened was, and this is important, okay, is they had cock uses. And then, like, the Good Girl, we call her YASS FUCK QUEEN WERK, she got like a lot of the vote...but she gets 6 of the delegates. And then the Socialist Dude he didn't earn shit, but there were enough people on the one island to make it so he was BARELY viable and he got 1.
And also FRAUD!
And, we all agreed that ketchup on steak is delicious. And Adam is awesome. And also FRAUD.
I understand everything
except the ketchup on steak
Election night everyone should get a bottle of Everclear and start drinking when the polls close and see how long you can hang.
Couple days until the final "big day" and the Sanders campaign is still making fraud accusations. I really don't think this is going to simply end on the 7th. Sure, it will for most people...but the Sanders campaign is almost certainly going to continue. Adn continue to denigrate the presumptive nominee and make accusations that cannot be walked back.
Then you should have been here when we decided it was okay. Too late now.
I'm consuming Frankendrink FairLife milk.
So what is PoliGAF drinking tonight?
I'm using the VI win as an excuse to drink, don't judge me!
Sounds tasty!I just ate half a rack of ribs and half a Pepperidge Farm cake. And Jack and Dr. Pepper.
I stock that one an awful lot... it's good.
Maybe the superdelegates (or at least a lot of them) will do something like put out a joint statement making it clear that they're 100% committed to voting for the candidate that won the majority of the popular vote and pledged delegates and will not be convinced otherwise. This is assuming Sanders actually does refuse to concede after a while.
That's what I get for listening to Benchmark.![]()
So what is PoliGAF drinking tonight?
I'm using the VI win as an excuse to drink, don't judge me!
So what is PoliGAF drinking tonight?
I'm using the VI win as an excuse to drink, don't judge me!
So what is PoliGAF drinking tonight?
I'm using the VI win as an excuse to drink, don't judge me!
I say they give Bernie 30 seconds of audio and then he shrunk to the little box in the left as the pundits talk about what Clinton will do next. That is how it's been the last few Tuesdays
TYT is the only one that pays attention to is whole speeches anymore
get gud
be mei
TYT is appointment viewing for me this Tuesday. Hopefully Jimmy Dore's salt doesn't come pouring through my monitor.
when you dont have a job so you don't have any money to get drunk or high
this is the establishment's fault
Aren't you like 12?
I'm drunk playing Splatoon. Ayeeeee.
But srsly D.Va is clearly the best waifu character
Bastion is SO OP
Ah yeah, I forgot about Cenk and crew. That will be must-watch on Tuesday.
Guinness cuz I'm lame
Splatoon is totes a summer game. Gotta get back on that
Just bought a ticket to go see a showing of Popstar: Never Stop in 45 minutes, because fuck it, why not.
Totally going to wear sweatpants and probably stop at McDonalds to sneak food into the theater.
Also, our theater has these, which are amazing: