User 463088
I should be considered an honorary gay because of my past relations.
Can you rock a feather boa!?
This one's for you, Adam.
BWahahahahahah. You got me. Read me for filth.
I should be considered an honorary gay because of my past relations.
This one's for you, Adam.
This one's for you, Adam.
You make my life difficult at the poll. -.-
I'm not sure the machine would pick up your vote and I would have to recast your ballot, which means that I have to confirm with all my poll workers that I am correctly determining your intent.
Reminder for Tuesday
"Hillary Clinches Democratic Nomination" Thread will go up at 8:00pm EST
PoliGAF chat will go up at 7:30 EST
All HiIlaryGAF will be in their Hillary Avatars on Tuesday and Wednesday
If Bernie drops out Tuesday Night, I ask Y2Kev to update my thread with "Bernie to concede" or I'll just make a separate thread for that.
Places to watch the salt flow in
GAF OT "June thread" "Hillary clinches Democratic Nomination" and possibly "Bernie Sanders to drop out of Presidential Race"
Facebook friends
r/politcs and r/s4p
the twitters of Shaun King, Seth Abramson, HA Goodman etc
*basically the whole internet where liberals congregate.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 20m20 minutes ago
The Clinton News Network, sometimes referred to as @CNN, is getting more and more biased.They act so indignant-hear them behind closed doors
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 3m3 minutes ago
I am watching @CNN very little lately because they are so biased against me. Shows are predictable garbage! CNN and MSM is one big lie!
IN THE ARMS OF THA ANGELSMSNBC with all these damn ASPCA commercials. No.
Are you in line?Holmes I just got here!
YesAre you in line?
You must have passed me and I didn't recognize you!
How would you even knowYou must have passed me and I didn't recognize you!
How would you even know
Oh shit, can I come find you?
I'm really offended that Bernie has called me twice and Hillary hasn't despite the fact I DONATED to Hillary. Her org is terrible.
You make my life difficult at the poll. -.-
I'm not sure the machine would pick up your vote and I would have to recast your ballot, which means that I have to confirm with all my poll workers that I am correctly determining your intent.
I had to toss two ballots in April because I did not feel that voter intent could be adequately determined.
I'm rather disappointed at the penmanship more than anything else.
Cherry-picking recent history too. Democrats have won the popular vote in 5 of the past 6 presidential elections. The fact that Reagan dominated politics for over a decade is relatively meaningless.
Democrats have a firm advantage in presidential races. That doesn't mean they'll always win, but the GOP will need to moderate themselves dramatically to make themselves regularly competitive and not just winning fluke elections. House and Senate might take some time to catch up (remember that Democrats held the House for 40 years before losing it in 94, even when Nixon, Reagan and Bush won in landslides) but they'll get there.
Can anyone Hilldawg up my Avatar? I suck at Photoshop.
How about this? Or have something else in mind
Can anyone Hilldawg up my Avatar? I suck at Photoshop.
I also need to get Hillary in my avatar somehow.
Would greatly appreciate it if anyone is bored enough to do it.
Want a modified version of your current one, or something brand new?
Looks like there's a good chance /r/The_Donald could get banned from reddit. One of the moderators called a reddit admin full of shit. There's a bunch of drama over /r/politics allegedly censoring conservative opinions, full summary here:
If it does get banned this could eclipse /r/fatpeoplehate as the biggest shitstorm in reddit history
Looks like there's a good chance /r/The_Donald could get banned from reddit. One of the moderators called a reddit admin full of shit. There's a bunch of drama over /r/politics allegedly censoring conservative opinions, full summary here:
If it does get banned this could eclipse /r/fatpeoplehate as the biggest shitstorm in reddit history
Modified if that's not too much trouble.
Sorry! I was worried that writing somebody in and not voting for them would have the same problem.
Now you know my secret shame. I had a handwriting-specific disability when I was younger.
Any attempt to hilldawg my avatar would be much appreciated.
My mom:
Hillary should offer Bitchhole Bernie the moon, but then give him the outdoor toilet."