Anyone want to give clintonizing my avatar a shot? I can put it up for the coronation on Tuesday.

Anyone want to give clintonizing my avatar a shot? I can put it up for the coronation on Tuesday.
Do the gays in West Hollywood actually go to Drag Brunch? The only crowd I've known to go to Drag Brunch shows in my area are bachelorette parties or birthday parties for twenty-something or fifty-something women.
The FBI / Clinton Mafia might want you to think it's over on Tuesday, but it's not!
the majority of people at plaza mexico are there to shop and then watch the mexico game. they weren't there to attend some campaign speech.Oh and it's been confirmed by a NYT reporter as well.
God I love politics.
I saw that "YAAAAS" when Sanders walked into the drag brunch. How deep is the divide in this community in its support of Clinton vs. Sanders? Have Adam and the other gay false prophets misled us on the actual split in support for the candidates? What if support is overwhelmingly for Sanders? I feel like my world is crashing down.
A Sanders delegate is posting how Clinton isnt going to clinch Tuesday...
Oh my god, this.
My mom freaking drags me to any drag show that's within driving distance. I've had to eat more shitty breakfasts and weak ass mimosas than I can count...while my 68 year old mother is telling the queens to WERK IT GURL.
Sanders said they were doing events next week in Washington, right? Have any venues been booked?
That's not to say I haven't been to Lips more than once when I was in NYC - but that was just for something to do before heading to the Eagle later in the night.
Of course she won't. Why?
I have never seen a bunch of people so salty about their choice not winning since Jinkx Monsoon won over Roxxxy Andrews.
Bernie campaigning in DC is practically the definition of futile.
So if Sanders had arranged earlier, or even just not wandered off, he'd have gotten his little PR.
Sanders said they were doing events next week in Washington, right? Have any venues been booked?
So this has been confirmed by the Sanders camp, basically they showed up unannounced, ask to speak, apparently some one said not sure (though others have reported the whole This is our event, probably both happened), instead of waiting to get permission, Sanders just said fuck it and wandered off and by the time they got permission he didn't care enough anymore to speak.
Essentially he expected to have the red carpet rolled out just by showing up and when he didn't get it, he fucked off.
So if Sanders had arranged earlier, or even just not wandered off, he'd have gotten his little PR.
This is kind of a funny statement from Sanders. It's like, "they didn't reject us, we rejected them."
I still sometimes wonder how much closer it would have been if Sanders was the least bit competent campaigner, or at the very least knew who to hire.
This is kind of a funny statement from Sanders. It's like, "they didn't reject us, we rejected them."
She can lose by roughly 60 points and still get a pledged delegate majority.Clinton doesn't even have to win California does she? She will get enough delegates on Tuesday regardless no?
Not quite yet! I have her at ~17-18% needed. There aren't enough remaining to catch up if she gets literally 0 in CA.He can make her non-viable in California and she'll still be the nominee...
Clinton doesn't even have to win California does she? She will get enough delegates on Tuesday regardless no?
Correct. She doesn't have to win anything else at all. He can make her non-viable in California and she'll still be the nominee...even with a pledged delegate lead.
Excited 2Introduce My Friend
Correct. She doesn't have to win anything else at all. He can make her non-viable in California and she'll still be the nominee...even with a pledged delegate lead.
Excited 2Introduce My Friend
Xtina,at HillarysHillapaloozoa🎉
Gay icon competition is a no contest.
How does one not cringe while writing this? Like if the writer was a snail, it would have been unable to finish because it would have hidden inside of its shell part way through.
My mom is fan girling the FUCK out right now.
Excited 2Introduce My Friend
Xtina,at HillarysHillapaloozoa🎉
Gay icon competition is a no contest.
Not long until Bernie stans go into full on meltdown.
Stan Cher but h8 on Mariah. What is wrong with you? Has your poor preparation of steak broken you?
She isn't the nominee until the convention when the superdelegates say so. Bernie has a month to convince the supers that he is better than Hillary. It also gives the FBI time to indict killary, which should be happening soon.
Sorry to be a bother, but my attempt with Paint didn't turn out well, seeing as I still have the white border on the H. I don't suppose anyone wants to give something a shot from the the unaltered/cropped picture?