Younger voters are increasingly put off by the GOP. A post-election survey of voters ages 18-29
in the battleground states of Virginia, Ohio, Florida, and Colorado found that Republicans have
an almost 1:2 favorable/unfavorable rating. Democrats have an almost 2:1 favorable rating.3
For the GOP to appeal to younger voters, we do not have to agree on every issue, but we do need
to make sure young people do not see the Party as totally intolerant of alternative points of view.
Already, there is a generational difference within the conservative movement about issues involving
the treatment and the rights of gays — and for many younger voters, these issues are a gateway
into whether the Party is a place they want to be.
If our Party is not welcoming and inclusive, young people and increasingly other voters will continue
to tune us out. The Party should be proud of its conservative principles, but just because someone
disagrees with us on 20 percent of the issues, that does not mean we cannot come together on the
rest of the issues where we do agree.