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PoliGAF 2016 |OT6| Delete your accounts

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hillary rodham clinton


as you can tell by the photo she was establishment even from age 3

Trying to fool people with that Franklin Roosevelt photo.
Bernie Sanders is the Toronto Raptors, snagged a couple of games off of the heavy favorite, but ultimately never had a chance.

Kind of ruins the whole Republican Party is the Eastern Conference thing, though.

No, it's Ted Cruz. Made a push in the middle of the conference finals, threatening contested convention, eventually got destroyed at the end after flailing.

Bernie is PDX. Biden probably would have been OKC. Or maybe it's the e-mails.


FGC Waterboy
Well, it wasn't just the hat. He was also telling kids in the playground that Trump was going to stop illegals from staying in the country. So...there was a bit more to it than that. However, I think if it's a distraction, it's fine for them to tell him he can't wear it. That's why I believe in uniforms, especially in elementary school. That's a whole other can of worms, though.

Uniforms are pretty rough when it comes to minorities / folks in poverty. I hate it for that reason alone. (Not like the schools can afford to give uniforms to all of their students)

Democrats just want to play on a vanilla Constitution server


Can we be certain that Johnson wont attract a large number of Sanders supporters since a lot of them are mostly against the 'establishment' and not necessarily for any of Sanders policies?

I think he will end up attracting like 60% GOP 40% Dem voters, or maybe 55/45. He's a bit of a protest vote against the system (which is legit currently, IMO); conservatives who can't vote Trump (racism), independents / liberals who can't vote Clinton (perceived corruption, anti-Clinton due to military, philosophy on usage of US military), and some actual libertarians.

OKC was up 8 with 6 minutes to go at home in a closeout game. Nothing like that from Bernie.

That's why he is PDX. Over matched but played hard, made things a bit interesting.

Toronto is Ted Cruz (sorry northern friends). Rubio was Boston (false promise), Jeb was Brooklyn (not as bad as Philly but more pathetic somehow) and jeb! was Atlanta (owned by Trump/Cavs). Rand was probably Philly.

I meant which President is the 2001 Lakers?

In your heart you know it to be true. Only the '96 Bulls have a case.

96 Bulls > 01' Lakers = '16 GSW (assuming 4-0 of Cleveland). Not sure if it is fair to compare 60s and 70s teams to modern teams to be honest. Though in hindsight, how good was Iverson to even beat the '01 Lakers once...dang.

Jeb as Brooklyn isn't right...maybe SAS (supposed to be the chosen one but knocked off early?)
You know we can't have 3 large, mainstream sustainable parties over the longterm.

It says something that, aside from brief periods (typically during realignments) the US has always had two major parties, even though they haven't been the same parties the entire time. Whenever a party has died off, another has risen up to be one of the major parties.
I'm in no way a Libertarian, but I'd love to see them do better and make a third party more prominent. And even better if they could split the GOP base away from the racists and religious regressives.

I would like there to be a viable 3rd party as well, I would just rather it not be a group that loudly booed the Civil Rights Act at their convention.


@costareports said:
Reporters were puzzled why our bus passed Sanders, phone to ear, pacing on the side of a highway. Well, he was on phone w/ O, per sources.

Now, how could reporters not have gotten a pic of this.
I think Obama is going to call Trump a bigot (or come close) on Fallon's show on Thursday. This story has blown up in quite a big way, with major media members openly calling the comments bigoted. And I think by now there is a pattern with Trump that cannot be denied. As I said earlier, the campaign could spin his previous comments on Mexican rapists as "not meaning all Mexicans," and get away with it; a lot of people will always lean towards any excuse to justify racism or racist comments. But there's no convincing way to deny what Trump has done this time.

Trump has shown his hand: he cannot and will not back down no matter the damage. What better way to extend the story and make Trump go even farther "out there" than to have Obama smack him down directly? Trump will no doubt attempt to win the media battle on the Friday afterwards, and bury himself even more. Likewise Fallon's show is a perfect platform to jokingly bring up the birther issue: it'll be like tossing Trump another shovel.
Uniforms are pretty rough when it comes to minorities / folks in poverty. I hate it for that reason alone. (Not like the schools can afford to give uniforms to all of their students)

I have very strong opinions on this one. (Sorry to derail everyone).

My mom taught at a school that was overwhelmingly minority and overwhelmingly poor. Something like 89% of the kids were on free or reduced lunch. They had a unfior policy in place and it was brilliant. Kids could wear a white, red or navy polo shirt. Or, if they preferred, they could wear any one of five different school tshirts. Each shirt cost $5, and could be bought from the school directly. Kids could wear jeans, jean shorts, navy, beige or black shorts/pants/skirts. They were free to buy those anywhere. A dress code like that is not, in my opinion, any more financially troubling than having to buy your kids clothes. There were a few kids that couldn't afford school shirts, so my mom would buy twenty some shirts and give every kid in the class one on the first day of school.

The amount of kids getting picked on for not having designer clothes went down to zero. Seriously. It was a huge equalizer between the "haves" and "have nots." Most of the schools in the district ended up adopting it.

I went to a private school where we had very, very strict uniforms. You had your choice of a red or white polo shirt with the school name sewn onto it. (Had to buy from the school.) Boys wore pants (again bought from the school.) Girls wore skirts (also from the school.) Shirts were like $12 and pants were like $20. Your chapel attire also had to be bought from the school. (Shirt and tie). I agree, this would be an undue hardship on parents. We'd spend a few hundred dollars every semester to get my clothes.


So Hillary will have won every state/territory in the primary that touches/surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with the exception of Maine and New Hampshire.

East Coast > West Coast.
I think Obama is going to call Trump a bigot (or come close) on Fallon's show on Thursday. This story has blown up in quite a big way, with major media members openly calling the comments bigoted. And I think by now there is a pattern with Trump that cannot be denied. As I said earlier, the campaign could spin his previous comments on Mexican rapists as "not meaning all Mexicans," and get away with it; a lot of people will always lean towards any excuse to justify racism or racist comments. But there's no convincing way to deny what Trump has done this time.

Trump has shown his hand: he cannot and will not back down no matter the damage. What better way to extend the story and make Trump go even farther "out there" than to have Obama smack him down directly? Trump will no doubt attempt to win the media battle on the Friday afterwards, and bury himself even more. Likewise Fallon's show is a perfect platform to jokingly bring up the birther issue: it'll be like tossing Trump another shovel.
What's endlessly amusing is the way the GOP spinsters are trying desperately to clean up Trump's mess. They're pinning this on the judge's tenuous connection to La Raza, but Trump never once mentioned this in his original statement, so that's obviously not what he meant, nor did his subsequent comments about Muslim judges help him in the slightest. This is evidence, yet again, that Trump is flying far, far forward at his own leisure without the supervision or counsel of Republican strategists. The fun has just started.
So Hillary will have won every state/territory in the primary that touches/surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with the exception of Maine and New Hampshire.

East Coast > West Coast.

In the general election Hillary will win every state that touches/surrounded by the Pacific Ocean with the exception of Alaska.


why do I care you lame coast people can fight it out


I really hope The Islamic Shock gives a speech like Hillary's. That shit was so dope and on point, it's my favorite speech of the election, thus far. I want to see someone make Trump cry before this election is over.


I don't understand any of these hoopball analogies. I think I might Hulk out in a second because I'm hungry, angry, and confused and I just thought about ketchup on steak and am now queasy, as well. I feel like I'm half of the bizarro Seven Dwarves.
In the general election Hillary will win every state that touches/surrounded by the Pacific Ocean with the exception of Alaska.


why do I care you lame coast people can fight it out

she'll also win every state that touches the ~*north coast*~ except indiana

great lakes, best lakes


In the general election Hillary will win every state that touches/surrounded by the Pacific Ocean with the exception of Alaska.


why do I care you lame coast people can fight it out

They only count if they were one of the 13 original colonies.
I don't understand any of these hoopball analogies. I think I might Hulk out in a second because I'm hungry, angry, and confused and I just thought about ketchup on steak and am now queasy, as well. I feel like I'm half of the bizarro Seven Dwarves.

Doughnut come for me.


I know we hate Twitter images of text...but damn this got me. Yasss queen.


FGC Waterboy
I have very strong opinions on this one. (Sorry to derail everyone).

My mom taught at a school that was overwhelmingly minority and overwhelmingly poor. Something like 89% of the kids were on free or reduced lunch. They had an uniform policy in place and it was brilliant. Kids could wear a white, red or navy polo shirt. Or, if they preferred, they could wear any one of five different school t-shirts. Each shirt cost $5, and could be bought from the school directly. Kids could wear jeans, jean shorts, navy, beige or black shorts/pants/skirts. They were free to buy those anywhere. A dress code like that is not, in my opinion, any more financially troubling than having to buy your kids clothes. There were a few kids that couldn't afford school shirts, so my mom would buy twenty some shirts and give every kid in the class one on the first day of school.

The amount of kids getting picked on for not having designer clothes went down to zero. Seriously. It was a huge equalizer between the "haves" and "have nots." Most of the schools in the district ended up adopting it.

I went to a private school where we had very, very strict uniforms. You had your choice of a red or white polo shirt with the school name sewn onto it. (Had to buy from the school.) Boys wore pants (again bought from the school.) Girls wore skirts (also from the school.) Shirts were like $12 and pants were like $20. Your chapel attire also had to be bought from the school. (Shirt and tie). I agree, this would be an undue hardship on parents. We'd spend a few hundred dollars every semester to get my clothes.

The first type of school uniform isn't bad - if the school can subsidize the uniforms - then it works. Problem is with modern education funding (SCREW YOU RACE TO THE TOP / NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND) that there are few schools that can afford to do that without cutting to the bone. (And the schools that can do that are often in rich enough districts that it isn't as necessary)
Sanders said "lets wait and see where things stand after tomorrow before we make any statements"

Saw some more of his talk right now in CBS news, dude sounds sooooooooooo defeated, I think Obama put him in place.
The first type of school uniform isn't bad - if the school can subsidize the uniforms - then it works. Problem is with modern education funding (SCREW YOU RACE TO THE TOP / NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND) that there are few schools that can afford to do that without cutting to the bone. (And the schools that can do that are often in rich enough districts that it isn't as necessary)

They actually didn't subsidize it exactly. There was a printing company that did the shirts for $5. Adult sizes were $7. I guess that's a type of subsidy, but the school wasn't invovled outside designing the shirts. There were always issues with the richer kids poking fun at the less well off kids. Totally reversed with the decision to wear uniforms. A few parents got a bit upset at first, but most fell in love with it pretty quickly. I agree the uniforms I had wouldn't be okay, because that was way too expensive.

OMG, don't let my mom get started on No Child Left Behind. Jesus....Lawd help us.


Sanders said "lets wait and see where things stand after tomorrow before we make any statements"

Saw some more of his talk right now in CBS news, dude sounds sooooooooooo defeated, I think Obama put him in place.

Is there video of him speaking today? People saying he has sounded defeated in most appearances.
96 Bulls > 01' Lakers = '16 GSW (assuming 4-0 of Cleveland). Not sure if it is fair to compare 60s and 70s teams to modern teams to be honest. Though in hindsight, how good was Iverson to even beat the '01 Lakers once...dang.

Jeb as Brooklyn isn't right...maybe SAS (supposed to be the chosen one but knocked off early?)

I'd still take '01 over anyone but like I said, '96 Bulls can make a case.

Iverson only beat them (and it was in OT, mind you), because the Lakers hadn't played a game in like 10 days and were slow out of the gate.

I put Jeb! as Brooklyn cuz they were terrible and stylistically awful. No Eastern playoff team matched getting destroyed like them in the first round. Detroit's sweep wasn't bad. Jeb! was too awful to be in the playoffs since he dropped out after SC.

No way is he SAS. They still won a lot of games!
You guys with your basketball rings. I'm going to take my rap car and hang out with my African-Americans!

Fixed that for you, bruh.

On another note, I think it's more that the hardcore GOP voter did the MK-style spine rip to their own party. They seem to think that they're the silent majority, so they believe that they can nominate someone like Trump, rebuke their own party, and win a GE all at the same time. Uh-uh. Not anymore. Black folks, Latino folks, Asian folks, and college-educated single women are the new conglomerate that makes up the silent majority.
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