My guess is Bernie will concede tomorrow.
Trump has ripped out the GOP's spine mortal combat style. No one is attacking him out of fear.
Bill about to post dick pics on snapchat
My god, the Stanford rape case is making me want to physically punch something. For fuck sake.
1am is technically Wednesday morning.My guess is Bernie will concede tomorrow.
Trump has ripped out the GOP's spine mortal combat style. No one is attacking him out of fear.
I still wish Bernie didn't get so negative. He would have been a great asset and ally against Trump I feel. A true shame.
They are all spineless. Bush,Romney, Ben Sasse and whatever other republicans are against trump are the only ones that are not spineless.
1am is technically Wednesday morning.
Bill pls don't fuck up.
he's already been on snapchat since foreverWHY WOULD YOU LET BILL CLINTON ON SNAPCHAT
Wow.Tom Cotton is a piece of flaming dog shit.
CNN Headline saying Trump plans to continue attacking judge.
I can't wait for these yellow journalists to get a wake up call from reality
Nah. They won't get a full wake up call until the FBI comes out and says that they are to recommending Hilary Clinton for indictment.
Depending on what happens tommorrow here are two of the types of headlines we can expect from those yellow journalism.
Hilary Clinton wins the democratic presidential nomination, but she still faces a potential indictment from the FBI or another headline similar to this.
Hilary Clinton wins the democratic nomination but this was a wrong choice for the democratic party because Hilary polls worse against Trump then Bernie and Hilary should rescind her nomination or something similar to that
If Bernie drops out of the race tommorrow we may see headlines like the above or different ones to reflect him dropping out of the democratic presidential race.
Personally, I'm awaiting the "Bernie decided to let her win" headlines from some circles.
Regarding the future of the campaign, Weaver on MSNBC right now saying the campaign does "whatever Senator Sanders wants to do" and "at this point he's said he wants to take it to the convention and if that's his decision then I'm all in"
He's dropping out soon.
10pm on the Best Coast
The FBI can only recommend an indictment but it comes down to the attorney general to execute it? Is this correct?
Might be why he's in such a sour and irritated mood today (more so than usual).Andrea Mitchell just said Obama was very blunt with Bernie, meanwhile Jeff Weaver won't even confirm there was a phone call
Wow. Mathews asked Weaver about Sanders tax returns. Weaver retorts that Mathews' wife didn't release her taxes when she ran. Fucking gross.
Tom Cotton is a piece of flaming dog shit.
Wow. Mathews asked Weaver about Sanders tax returns. Weaver retorts that Mathews' wife didn't release her taxes when she ran. Fucking gross.
.@SenShelby defends Trump's Curiel rmks to @marykbruce: What if he was German? What if he was Polish or English? You know? Think about it"
On Monday, Trump told high-profile supporters in a conference call to start attacking the media for asking questions about the Trump University lawsuit, Bloomberg Politics reports. Trump has said the judge in the case, an Indiana-born man of Mexican heritage, can't be impartial in the case because Trump wants to build a wall along the border with Mexico.
Wow. Mathews asked Weaver about Sanders tax returns. Weaver retorts that Mathews' wife didn't release her taxes when she ran. Fucking gross.
True. Just lingering disappointment.Eh. If he wants to he can still turn things around and be an asset. Or he can go home and sulk. It's entirely his choice.
Hah, I can only imagine how Obama spoke to Bernie. To be a fly on Obama's wall...Andrea Mitchell just said Obama was very blunt with Bernie, meanwhile Jeff Weaver won't even confirm there was a phone call
I... I...
I can't wait for these yellow journalists to get a wake up call from reality
I stared at the president's butt in that first picture for way too long.
True. Just lingering disappointment.
Hah, I can only imagine how Obama spoke to Bernie. To be a fly on Obama's wall...
I... I...
How the hell do you have these GIFs. Like is there a database lol?
Wondering why no reporter has asked Trump if he thinks a woman judge would be biased against him. I know what he'd say, but it'd still be good to put him on the spot like that in terms of "lists of people who dislike him."
Why is Cenk too stupid to take the L and move on?