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No Scrubs
how in the world did they get her number?

Some places will make journalists numbers, their office numbers, public on their websites so people can call in tips and leads for stories. You see it more with local reporters, but certain national desks will do it too.

EDIT: Also, you could just call editorial and say you have a tip for that person.
Hillary is +4 in the Morning Consult poll once they drop Gary Johnson from the poll.

And they should because according to the Morning Consult poll, absolutely no one knows who Johnson is and are just picking him to complain about Hillary and Trump.

The former New Mexico governor and 2012 Libertarian candidate was the top choice for 10 percent of registered voters polled June 1 through June 4. When asked what their main reason was for backing Johnson, 72 percent of his supporters said it was because they don’t like either of the other likely candidates, GOP nominee Donald Trump and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

One-fourth of the small cadre of people supporting Johnson said they support him because they share his political views. He advocates for, among other things, legalizing marijuana, eliminating the current tax code, and making it easier for Mexican citizens to obtain temporary work visas in the United States.

Johnson is still far from a household name. Almost two-thirds of voters (61 percent) can’t identify him at all, while only 31 percent recognize him as a politician. When described as a politician, 17 percent of voters accurately identified him as a former governor, while 12 percent thought he was a former member of Congress.



Of course the abnormal poll:

Morning Consult seems to have 3 polls out simultaneously, covering the same time period:

Clinton 44% - Trump 40%, 4000 RVs
Clinton 37% - Trump 35% - Johnson (I) 10%, 2000 RVs
Clinton 36% - Trump 37% - Johnson (L) 10%, 2000 RVs

edit: covered above
I will say, there was a ton of confusion at my polling place about provisional ballots and people who requested mail in ballots but then didn't bring them to the precinct. A lot of anger, but also -- the instructions are clearly printed on the mail in ballots, so I have little sympathy.


I really hope this Trump U stuff doesn't force him to drop out before the convention. A lot of stuff is going down around this scandal.

Trump will never drop out. I'm actually really interested/sort of terrified to see what his GE concession speech will be.

Anyway, did my part for this charge of the light brigade, +1 for Bernie in NJ.


It'll be funny when the FBI announces The Indictment at 4:59pm today.

In a surprise turn of events, the body of Ben Ghazi has been found along with the remains of Jimmy Hoffa. The courts have eschewed a trial in favor of an immediate life sentencing for Clinton on the grounds that she's 'totally icky and I can't trust her man.' Also found in the hole was a tunnel leading to the lizardpeople hive and Clinton's missing emails.


If Johnson ever started making headway all they'd have to do is post that cringe video of the Libertarian convention. Really just the male striptease is probably enough.


Can't vote for Hillary today but I'll do my part and block some Sanders voters from entering the polling station later today.


Dramatis, if you want to try to make something out of this, please do.



I still don't understand how that even happened.

If some guy got up there and did it as some kind of Howard Stern prank and they immediately ushered him out I could sort of understand, but they let it go on for minutes and no one did a thing.


If Johnson ever started making headway all they'd have to do is post that cringe video of the Libertarian convention. Really just the male striptease is probably enough.
No, what you do is shut out his existence from the media. Both parties remember Robert Sarvis.

I still don't understand how that even happened.
It was the Libertarian National Convention.

There's been worse.


I'm pretty sure the 9th level of Hell is being a CNN Trump surrogate.

The 8th level is having to have panel discussions with Trump surrogates.
Morning Consult seems to have 3 polls out simultaneously, covering the same time period:

Clinton 44% - Trump 40%, 4000 RVs
Clinton 37% - Trump 35% - Johnson (I) 10%, 2000 RVs
Clinton 36% - Trump 37% - Johnson (L) 10%, 2000 RVs

edit: covered above

Yeah didn't check the website, but I know which of these polls will get the most attention.

Not sure if old, but this ad is pretty devastating to Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QUYQUd0Qh8&feature=youtu.be
Can't vote for Hillary today but I'll do my part and block some Sanders voters from entering the polling station later today.

Also, hand out MacDonalds to anyone who voted for queen. She set up payment arrangements with all MacDonalds. Just go in, say ESTABLISHMENT and tug your ear...and they know....they know.

Max Schwartz
.@KNX1070 is reporting that turnout in 1st 3 hrs of polling is up from '12 primary, but down from '08 primary. #CaliforniaPrimary

I don't care if it's anecdotal. I LOVE ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE.

Yassss elections.
Yassss voting.
Yassss Queen.
Yassss PoitGaf.


Unconfirmed Member
How do you go from Bernie to Trump? HOW HOW HOW

Best analogy I heard is to look at government like a beat up old car. Hillary wants to tune it up and bang out some dents, while Bernie and Trump want to replace it with a new car. To those supporters it doesn't matter what the car is as long as it's new.


Best analogy I heard is to look at government like a beat up old car. Hillary wants to tune it up and bang out some dents, while Bernie and Trump want to replace it with a new car. To those supporters it doesn't matter what the car is as long as it's new.

One thing's for sure, Trump will replace it with a younger model
Is Hilary going to wait a bit for California or will she speak once NJ closes?

Naw, she's not waiting for California. She's going to speak soon after NJ is closed/called for her. (May not even wait for the call, tbh) There's no exit polling, so it all has to be counted. We won't know Cali's results until tomorrow, probably. Besides, she'll be up in early voting by a lot if the 68% over 55 is to be believed.


I don't know if I'm more happy about Clinton clinching or Trump being outright racist. Clinton clinching gives us her as President, Trump's racism could give the Presidency to Democrats for decades.



I "get it" - but come the fuck on. It took this Curiel thing for everyone to realize Trump was a racist asshole?


I've lived around a number of places in CA.
I've never actually seen a long polling line anywhere tbh since I became eligible in 08. Not for midterms/local anything. I voted in person once though for general and that was 08 so eh.


Bernie, this is your legacy


Young people say and do stupid shit all the time. When I was eighteen, I thought Coco Pebbles were better than Fruity Pebbles. I got into the real world, and realized that Life is the superior cereal.

It all balances out in the end.

Indeed. When I was 19 I may have voted for Obama, but I was like super Libertarian and didn't think poor people deserved "my" money. Just thought Bams was super smart, pro-science and anti-war enough to get my vote


Exactly, that's the response to have whenever he's brought up.

You let him get any media attention and you get a disaster on your hands:
2013 - Sarvis share: 6.52%, McAuliffe plurality: 2.52%
2014 - Sarvis share: 2.43%, Warner plurality: 0.75%

And that was with both parties scrambling to keep him out of the debates which only raised his polling. And with him spending $300,000 combined on the two races, only $80,000 in 2014. With no Koch backing!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Oh man am I enjoying the Facebook meltdowns today. An old coworker just posted a 2000 word diatribe whining about Hillary.


I don't know if I'm more happy about Clinton clinching or Trump being outright racist. Clinton clinching gives us her as President, Trump's racism could give the Presidency to Democrats for decades.

I'm still surprised Trump went so overtly racist this soon. I would have counted on it happening around September at the earliest. Thought he'd at least ride things out until the convention.

Speaking of doesn't Cruz still have all those delegates locked up. What's to stop him and others to pointing to what is happening and actually taking the nomination from Trump. Trump has given so many people an out and it's the type of implosion no one would say was an unfair reason for picking someone else.
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