Captain Pants
Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I'm curious what questions you ask to determine whether someone's extremely racist, or just a little.
I'm still surprised Trump went so overtly racist this soon. I would have counted on it happening around September at the earliest. Thought he'd at least ride things out until the convention.
Speaking of doesn't Cruz still have all those delegates locked up. What's to stop him and others to pointing to what is happening and actually taking the nomination from Trump. Trump has given so many people an out and it's the type of implosion no one would say was an unfair reason for picking someone else.
Trump's still over the hump.
The ANES asks the following questions, which we aggregate to compile a racial resentment score for each respondent in the survey.
1. Over the past few years, Blacks have gotten less than they deserve (disagree).
2. Irish, Italian, Jewish, and many other minorities overcame prejudice and worked their way up. Blacks should do the same without any special favors (agree).
3. It's really a matter of some people not trying hard enough; if Blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as whites (agree).
4. Generations of slavery and discrimination have created conditions that make it difficult for Blacks to work their way out of the lower class (disagree).
Figure 1 shows the percentage of each candidate's supporters who score high (above the average) and low (below the average) on our measure of racial resentment.
Results suggest that for white supporters of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, racial resentment decreases support for: 1) the of expansion social programs in health and education, 2) affirmative action in university admissions for Black applicants and 3) the idea that police often stop Blacks without a valid reason.
Racial resentment was also found to decrease support for the idea that the gap between rich and poor has increased over the past 20 years among white Bernie Sanders supporters. This effect was not found for white Hillary Clinton supporters or even for white Donald Trump supporters (see Figure 2).
Surprisingly, racial resentment was also found to predict attitudes toward foreign policy. Specifically, racial resentment was found to decrease support for allowing Syrian refugees into the United States for both Clinton and Sanders supporters.
Lastly, racial resentment was found to increase support for the war against the Islamic State group in Syria among white Sanders supporter but not for white Clinton supporters or even for white Trump supporters. Part of the explanation for these findings is that Sanders supporters who are low on racial resentment tend toward very tolerant positions so the change between them and those high in racial resentment is quite stark.
I believe he's like 36Young people say and do stupid shit all the time. When I was eighteen, I thought Coco Pebbles were better than Fruity Pebbles. I got into the real world, and realized that Life is the superior cereal.
It all balances out in the end.
BTW Trump has been "campaigning" in CA for two weeks, wasting time and chasing cameras. He's been the presumptive nominee for quite some time and hasn't had any serious campaign events. Meanwhile Clinton will be in OH and PA next week. Out the gate and running.
He already knew this when he endorsed. Hell, Trump hasn't ever backed off the Muslim ban or Mexicans coming over here are rapists comments.Ryan has got to be furious that he endorsed Trump last week. Now he's forced to say he'd prefer a racist over a Democrat. That's insane.
I figured Rubio would be able to bounce back from the Presidential race to become the Florida governor in '18 but he seems really hurt. Popularity is down to 32 / 54 accourding to a new PPP poll.
Bernie, this is your legacy
More like desperate to roll back the hidden Trump surge that already locked down OH and PA. He won his primaries with this same low key operation, while she spent like a drunken sailor, with billions of staffers and lost every real and fair primary to nothing but an old man, his bird and an inspirational, real world message.BTW Trump has been "campaigning" in CA for two weeks, wasting time and chasing cameras. He's been the presumptive nominee for quite some time and hasn't had any serious campaign events. Meanwhile Clinton will be in OH and PA next week. Out the gate and running.
I believe he's like 36
So PPP has Trump UP one in FLA between 6/2 and 6/5? Ugh. Please don't tell me the judge comments are playing.
If you run a turnout model on Florida I would not worry about it going blue at all. Bar some unforeseen cataclysm of course.
So PPP has Trump UP one in FLA between 6/2 and 6/5? Ugh. Please don't tell me the judge comments are playing.
The Presidential race in Florida looks like a toss up. Donald Trumps at 41% to 40% for Hillary Clinton, with Gary Johnson at 4% and Jill Stein at 2%. In a head to head match up, Trump leads Clinton 45/44. Whats interesting about that is Clinton actually leads 45/34 with independents. But Trump has the slight overall edge because his 83/9 advantage with Republicans is a good deal better than the 77/14 one Clinton has with Democrats. If she can get the party unified around her after officially clinching the nomination she should have a slight edge in Florida, but for now Sanders supporters are showing some reluctance.
Red you mean, I hope?
Bernie, this is your legacy
I still cannot believe that top Republicans are calling Trump outright racist yet on TV....they are still voting for them and letting their endorsement stands. Do they not realize how this looks and sounds?
I'm fucking loving it.
It's general Democrat hold-outs it looks like. It's 75/15, 13/79 and 52/30 for D/R/I with Bernie v. Trump.It's the Berner hold outs, That's all.
D: 71%/14% 2%/2% 12%
R: 8%/74% 6%/2% 9%
I: 38%/28% 7%/4% 24%
D: 69%/13% 1%/2% 15%
R: 8%/75% 8%/1% 8%
I: 44%/24% 7%/1% 23%
It took them longer than the entire Obama administration to make that damn game.At least waiting for this nomination/primary to be over isn't as difficult as waiting for Atlus to release a fucking video game,
We've been waiting longer for p5 than Hillary has been waiting to be POTUSIt took them longer than the entire Obama administration to make that damn game.
In the four-way races (Clinton or Sanders/Trump Johnson/Stein Not Sure) with Clinton:
Random question regarding supreme court justices.
A Democrat wins the presidency. What prevents Republicans from cockblocking every single nomination to replace Scalia?
Random question regarding supreme court justices.
A Democrat wins the presidency. What prevents Republicans from cockblocking every single nomination to replace Scalia?
Random question regarding supreme court justices.
A Democrat wins the presidency. What prevents Republicans from cockblocking every single nomination to replace Scalia?
Hi guys,
I'm deployed in the middle of the desert and haven't been paying attention. What is this racist implosion with Trump I'm reading about in the last page?
Hi guys,
I'm deployed in the middle of the desert and haven't been paying attention. What is this racist implosion with Trump I'm reading about in the last page?
He said a judge who was born in Indiana of mexican decent was unable to judge his Trump U case fairly because he's mexican