Coming from me, is that really surprising at this point?
But no, seriously, I need help understanding.
Coming from me, is that really surprising at this point?
But no, seriously, I need help understanding.
Cenk on TYT said:I'm asking you to be unbiased like I'm being unbiased.
Attention fellow Gaffers TYT is about to start soon. Required viewing. I predict a complete Cenk melt down along with a complete Jimmy Dore meltdown tonight.
My brain are hurtzOh my god
Attention fellow Gaffers TYT is about to start soon. Required viewing. I predict a complete Cenk melt down along with a complete Jimmy Dore meltdown tonight.
Cenk frothing 'establishment' like it's the name of the devil. Blood pressure!
I so want Hillary to be projected the winner of California tonight just for their reaction.
Cenk frothing 'establishment' like it's the name of the devil. Blood pressure!
Mail in ballots postmarked today will not be counted until tomorrow, it's unlikely unless the polls were totally wrong.
He's always cenking to new lows. Nothing new.
When can we expect the first results?
For those unfamiliar with California elections, polls close at 8 p.m. Tuesday and Los Angeles County then trucks (and sometimes choppers) all ballots to a central location before counting. Election day ballots typically don't even arrive until approximately 11 p.m. Pacific time. Until then, returns are early and preliminary. (But you can follow them here .)
This year, ballots postmarked by Tuesday will be counted beginning on Wednesday. So even when 100% of precincts are reported, 20% or so of the ballots will be left to count. It may take several days before we have an accurate assesment of voter turnout.
Is he going to blame Bernie's loss in Cali on AP reporting that she reached the threshold? Already have their excuse in the chamber.
No, I get all that, but "Trump Ughazi" made me think you were talking about the fraud charges, not the optics. Sorry for misunderstanding.stuff proving Trump is racist
I chortled.
I will be at the Girl and the Goat restaurant today while polls close. Will be amazing food but dad I will miss the coverage.
Hot damn, I can't watch this. Is he always like this? He's totally unhinged.
No, I get all that, but "Trump Ughazi" made me think you were talking about the fraud charges, not the optics. Sorry for misunderstanding.
And even if we are talking about racism, I don't really see how different this is from everything else he's said. This is about as racist to me as his entire campaign announcement. My opinion of Donald Trump being a racist is exactly the same as it was a year ago because I'm just all out of shock at this point. How many people do you really think were on the fence about Trump this late and thought "ooph, yeah, I was ok with banning ragheads and creating the first religious tests in history, but the way he treated that judge is just crossing the line"?
I chortled. Trump is the nominee now. This is the first major controversy Trump has gotten himself into since he effectively clinched the Republican nomination. He's now associated with the party in a way that he wasn't when he made the other offensive comments. Republicans with their own reputations to protect no longer have any excuse not to respond to what he says.
2. This is exactly what Trump's allies have been saying he won't do anymore. Figures ranging from Ryan to Trump's own campaign chairman have been claiming for weeks that Trump is going to grow up, as it were, now that we're in general-election season. Top Republicans likely believe, and are justified in believing, that the kind of rhetoric Trump is directing toward Curiel is not going to help him get elected, and their public condemnations could be taken as signals to the candidate that he really needs to get his act together while there's still time.
3. Trump's comments were very clearly insulting to a very large electoral group. Muslims aren't a major voting bloc; while Trump's misogyny is readily apparent to anyone who has followed his career and campaign, he has generally avoided saying anything broadly offensive about women as a group; you can always try to get away with obnoxious comments about undocumented immigrants by claiming that you think legal immigrants are great. But calling a U.S. citizen like Curiel a "Mexican" sends a very clear message to every American of Latino descent: No matter what you do or how long your family has been here, people like Donald Trump will never consider you fully American. Meanwhile, there are roughly 27 million Latino voters in the U.S.
4. Curiel is a relatable and formidable foil. There's a famous quote apocryphally attributed to Stalin: "A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic." It's human nature to be more compelled by the story of one person than by generalizations about a group. Undecided voters suspecting that Trump is a little racist is one thing; undecided voters seeing Trump refer to an Indiana-born ex-prosecutor (who once had to live under protection on a naval base because he'd apparently been targeted for death by drug traffickers) as a "Mexican," then insinuating that he sympathizes with border-crossing criminals, is another.
5. Trump is human-whistling rather than dog-whistling. The Republican Party's electoral success relies on a coalition of white people that includes some who hold racist beliefs and some (many, even! Not all is lost) who do not. To avoid turning off nonracists while also keeping the racists aroused, Republican politicians use what are commonly referred to as dog whistles: statements that racist people would agree with that aren't plainly racist because they're about "culture" or, in the old days, "states' rights," rather than innate racial characteristics per se. (Here's a good example of such a statement. Here's another. And here is the best/worst one ever.) The GOP's official position is ostensibly welcoming to people like Gonzalo Curiel, a child of immigrants who got an education, worked hard, and made good. The fact that Republican policies generally make it harder rather than easier for nonwhite immigrants and their children to get good educations and good jobs is, according to the party line, simply a matter of the market determining outcomes rather than a product of racial animus. But in Curiel's case, Trump is breaking the party line and making that animus explicit.
Cenk:"Hillary campaign is not savvy"
Barney Frank ain't classy, but I do love him.
I gotta ask, it's come clean time: which of you is secretly my mother?
My mom: Damn, this wine's not strong enough if I have to listen about Bernie all night. I need cocktails.
Me: What do you want me to make?
My mom: You? I don't want you to make a damn thing. I'll make something drinkable.
: five minutes later :
My mom: Oh, fuck it, I've lived long enough. Make whatever you want. Knock yourself out.
No, I get all that, but "Trump Ughazi" made me think you were talking about the fraud charges, not the optics. Sorry for misunderstanding.
And even if we are talking about racism, I don't really see how different this is from everything else he's said. This is about as racist to me as his entire campaign announcement. My opinion of Donald Trump being a racist is exactly the same as it was a year ago because I'm just all out of shock at this point. How many people do you really think were on the fence about Trump this late and thought "ooph, yeah, I was ok with banning ragheads and creating the first religious tests in history, but the way he treated that judge is just crossing the line"?
You need to make your mom a GAF account.
Oh, that is qualitatively different. Thanks.Slate had a good breakdown of why this different.
I've never watched TYT before
woah woaah woaaaaaaaaah
Cenk is confusing pledged delegates and pledged delegates+ superdelgates which is the amount Hilary needs to win.LMAO.
The nomination is won by adding up pledged delegates and superdelegates. Clinton has a large lead in pledged delegates, and an even larger lead in superdelegates. You could rely entirely on one or the other, or change the weights between them in any fashion, and Clinton would still win. Sanders simply refuses to accept the combination of the two, instead changing subjects from one to the other. Ask him about the pledged delegates, and he brings up the superdelegates. Ask about the superdelegates, and he changes to the pledged delegates. It’s an infinite loop of bullshit.
We all know she'd get banned somehow. Experiencing her through Adam is perfect though.
Cenk:"Hillary campaign is not savvy"