I don't think he's reading this all for the first time but maaaaybee second or third time?
Was watching MSNBC and they mentioned that he had teleprompters up. It's pretty obvious to tell when Trump is reading or has a prepared speech.
I don't think he's reading this all for the first time but maaaaybee second or third time?
Lol at Trump courting Bernie voters
Neutered Trump is boring Trump.
Did he just call TPP the PPP or did my ears deceive me?
So normal Trump is an insane and bombastic racist misogynist.
But scripted Trump is incredibly obvious, boring and loses his maverick appeal. And doesn't fool anyone with a brain that he isn't still a moron unfit to be President.
This speech has no flow or structure. I'm already lost and don't even remember the beginning or the point of this speech now.
We are totally suffering bigly, "bigly" being a perfectly cromulent word to describe our suffering, of course.
So this is what general election Trump looks like? Just another incoherent republican?
Are you down with no pee pee?
Phew. I thought that was going to be a good speech. Instead it was shit. Phew.
Ivanka seems pissed or something. She seems so focused on not making a face that it seems strange.
I really wonder what Ivanka thinks about her dad's policies and him running. Does anyone know Ivanka's politics before her dad started running?
16 votes in for ND at 5% of the vote counted? How are they voting in ND?
I think the economic message is really on point and will appeal to disaffected white people and racists but it's just so boring.
It's a caucus so it's probably county delegates or something.16 votes in for ND at 5% of the vote counted? How are they voting in ND?
you know the media is gonna drop his racism stuff in the coming days