This Trump supporter on CNN is unwatchable. Sorry.
She is horrible at her job
This Trump supporter on CNN is unwatchable. Sorry.
Not a fan of the speech or delivery but I like how everything else was planned and executed about tonight. The tone of the message all day, that intro video, Podesta, etc.
Really curious about Sanders' tone. I have no problem with him not dropping out tonight. Hillary didn't drop out the night Obama clinched either. But if he trots out on the stage and savages Hillary again, as he has done for weeks, we're going to have a problem. This is Hillary's night, a night of celebration and one of history. The last thing any sane liberal or democrat wants is Sanders coming out and saying something disrespectful.
I would hope that his aides tell him to simply congratulate Hillary for her wins tonight, make your case/stump speech, and then set your sites on the DC contest. That's it.
This Trump supporter on CNN is unwatchable. Sorry.
Cesare ya don't like anything
Not a fan of the speech or delivery but I like how everything else was planned and executed about tonight. The tone of the message all day, that intro video, Podesta, etc.
Really curious about Sanders' tone. I have no problem with him not dropping out tonight. Hillary didn't drop out the night Obama clinched either. But if he trots out on the stage and savages Hillary again, as he has done for weeks, we're going to have a problem. This is Hillary's night, a night of celebration and one of history. The last thing any sane liberal or democrat wants is Sanders coming out and saying something disrespectful.
I would hope that his aides tell him to simply congratulate Hillary for her wins tonight, make your case/stump speech, and then set your sites on the DC contest. That's it.
Nate Cohn on twitter is giving me life. These early California numbers, man.
like I said. I expect the speech of her life will hopefully be in 6 weeks.
I thought Hillary sucked tonight guys, sorry.
It doesn't matter, but it it was a little disappointing. Also totally willing to concede that my expectations were probably wholly unrealistic.
Nate Cohn @Nate_Cohn
The early vote was expected to be good for Clinton--but there weren't many polls showing Clinton ahead by this sort of margin in the EV.
Yeah, but you've been diablosing like a madman for a while now.
Did this idiot really just say good journalist should be cynical? LOL Good journalist should be skeptical. Being cynical means you have an inherent bias you can't get over, and thus would be a poor journalist.
Boy is everyone posting this on Facebook in for a rude awakening based on early vote totals.
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 56s56 seconds ago Washington, DC
Clinton up 66-33 in the Los Angeles County early vote. That's 225k votes.
16 retweets 23 likes
What moron said journalists should be cynical? They should be skeptical. I'd like to assume he misspoke.
California was the great white hope, and looks like he will be crushed in it. Damn
It's like the end of the Two Towers but Gandalf doesn't show up.
Hilllary Clinton isn't just the first woman nominated by a major party, she's also running as the most progressive nominee in US history.
It's like the end of the Two Towers but Gandalf doesn't show up.
Jordan Chariton. I don't give anyone on TYT the benefit of the doubt anymore.
If the margins are 10 points or more in California, how in the world does Bernie NOT suspend his campaign tonight?
I was so mad about that I didn't see the third film in theaters.
Can we talk about DC for a minute. I don't think the demographics are his friend.
Jordan Chariton using anecdotal evidence to say the Democratic party won't be around anymore in the future. The same idiot who likes to talk about journalism and being a good journalist. Also, is it just me or is low information voter a dog whistle? I generally see it only used when talking about minorities, but I'm not sure if I'm just seeing what I want to see here.